Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, February 11, 2017 – Saturday, February 18, 2017
Good morning. We are all surviving this snow period. We had a nice warm winter. Now winter has finally arrived for us. We have a really cool aspect this morning. We had a Lunar Eclipse last night. It was visible, although it was just barely noticeable. It was just kind of a haze looking just a little darker than normal. The Solar Eclipse that we have coming up in two weeks will be on the 26th of February on Sunday.
With Valentine's Day near, we had a Venus class in mind.
If you would like to attend class next Sunday Feb 19 at 1:00 - 3:00 PM please sign up.
There will be a fun Sagittarius Moon to expand our awareness of Venus' route to it's retrograde station on March 4, 2017. Venus in Aries is currently chasing Mars but won't catch him. Does she have other plans or has she lost interest in the object of her affection for someone else. What does she encounter on her way back to her direct station point by April 15th?
How does your Venus and Mars relationship describe your love life or is it better suited for your love of something always close to your heart?
The class is two hours long for $25. Space is limited so reserve your seat.
In March we will be having a class demonstration of the Solar Fire Astrology software. Please let me know if you are interested in this class.
For this week we have a whole lot of things going on. But there are actually very few actual planet aspects throughout the week. But it does not mean that there is a lack of activity. There are always things to talk about. Always things going on.
Green Light Day - Wednesday
There is an awesome Green Light day that will be terrific for you to forward your goals and move things ahead. It is going to be all day on Wednesday beginning at 9:00 AM. It won’t end until 12:40 AM the next morning. You have all day and all night on Wednesday February 15th to advance your goals. It is during a Libra Moon. It may have to do with you pairing or partnering with others. Joining people who have a similar goal. Allowing also things to come to the table that perhaps have been difficult to approach. It has the quality of being a one time opportunity. It would be the kind of thing where if you are presented with an option, take the option on that day. Don’t say well I’ll have to think about it because you will miss the boat.
Saturday Feb 11, 2017
So there is another aspect. There is an aspect going on this morning that will be very cool to take advantage of and that is the Sun trine Jupiter. We have currently a Moon that just changed signs. Went into the sign of Virgo at 8:51 AM this morning. Now the Virgo Moon is not going to produce a lot of positive energy for plans of business or any of your endeavors that require that you have a winning ending or a easy go of it. It is not going to be an easy one because the Moon will form a difficult aspect, a square to Saturn, before it leaves the sign. And that will challenge what is going on. The really cool aspect that is taking place this morning is Sun trine Jupiter. That is at 10:25 AM. It can be lucky. It is definitely an optimistic aspect. It has that opening, which links one to another to a much bigger idea. Taking all parties concerned to greater heights. It allows for a new perspective, a stroke of luck, and a sharp eye to catch very important glimpses of the big picture. If you have been proceeding with a little snippet of information to do this ‘n that and really needed the wide view, this is your wide angle view this morning. It does show signs of growth. Jupiter is retrograde. But the Sun will always make a beautiful trine to Jupiter when Jupiter is retrograde. So it is wonderful energy. You may want to use it to get out and maybe play in the snow. And bat around some broad base objectives and future oriented thinking with this aspect. There is a possibility of those exaggerated opinions of one’s self that projects their ideas and their projects mostly from those with actual low self-esteem can…you might find that it leads to some type of obnoxious behavior. I wrote this back in 2003. So if it applies right now, then so be it. Travel and places meeting people are also in the works for this kind of energy. Learning something new, signing up for something new. Future benefits. Taking advantage of things today great thing to do with the Sun trine Jupiter. Very cool aspect.
Then there is an aspect between Mars and Neptune which is bringing in much more of this white and wet weather than we can stand. It is at 8:40 PM. It influences tonight and tomorrow morning.
The rest of the Virgo Moon…It is a good day to get a lot of things done. Pack a lot of stuff in and accomplish what you are trying to do.
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
There is a…early in the morning the Moon and Mars are quincunx. So if you want to get up early and try to work something through…maybe you need to work the snow away from your paths so you can head out on your daily routine for Sunday. It is pretty much quiet with that Virgo Moon.
You might be cooking, paying attention to detail, a little bit of a twist and a turn late night 11:44 PM when the Moon and Uranus are in a 150 degree aspect.
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Then there is the Sun and the Moon at 150 degree aspect on Monday morning at 6:14 AM. That is about having to get up and do a lot. A major chore. Some big thing you have to clean up again. It is probably the weather before you head out. That 150 degree aspect, I call it life’s messy clean it up. So it is something that is thrown into your path.
Final aspect of the Virgo Moon will be at 7:36 AM. That is the Moon square Saturn. That will be a void of course Moon beginning at that point until 3:42 PM when the Moon goes into the sign of Libra.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Now the Libra Moon that will be with us on Wednesday is the excellent Green Light Moon. But before that the Moon has several things that it is tested with. But there is a nice aspect, a building block aspect that takes place between the Sun and Saturn. This will be on Valentine’s Day. This allows for relationships that have stood the test of time to perhaps think about future goals. The Libra Moon is also beautiful for Valentine’s Day because it is about partnership, pairing, marriage. Maybe there is a meeting of somebody that may become important to you. They are connecting your in a more solid fashion with the Sun sextile Saturn. It is a good plan that you could make to add a positive structure to your life with that. Any presentation on that day has a very strong structure as well. It builds confidence and there is lots of great reviews and rewards. Lots of sound progress can be made. and it gives you the ability to practice patience. Use your accomplishments to ask for more of what you want. More responsibility or whatever your goals are that represent your standing and your desire to climb your corporate ladder or reach the top of your goals for this time period. So that is an excellent aspect.
The cranky aspects that are going to take place on Valentine’s Day.
The Moon is opposite Venus early on before 6:00 in the morning. I think that one is out of the way. Won’t be a problem.
Moon is opposite Mars in the later afternoon. This is at 4:42 PM. This one may cause a little snag. I would say avoid making any plans, any firm plans before that. Allow things to flow. Give things some leeway to be readdressed as to where you are going to go how you are going to do it. Don’t get mad at people for not being able to show up in horribly nasty weather or something like that. This Moon opposite Mars can be difficult but after we get past that then it could allow for a nice evening.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Then on Wednesday morning there is a Moon opposite Uranus which could suddenly turn things around for Wednesday morning. Plans maybe in an abrupt way.
After that at 9:01 begins that Green Light period that I talked about that will run right through the entire day with pretty much no obstacles. So there is even a beautiful Moon trine the Sun allowing those that are working together and joining together for similar goals to be working on the same page. Have a happy wonderful outcome for that. So good luck with whatever it is that you take on for Wednesday the 15th.
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
For Thursday we have a Scorpio Moon. Now in 2017 the Scorpio Moons are strong suit. Those Moon signs will have the best energy usually, but in the case of this Scorpio Moon sign we have to wait for the Sun to change signs and that will be in a week. So during that Scorpio Moon it says that something gets dropped. So the Scorpio Moon would begin at 1:40 AM on Thursday. That runs right through until next week at 1:52 PM on the 18th of February.
During this Scorpio Moon for Thursday there is a nice aspect between Mercury and Mars. It activates the mind. It gets you going on your trip, on your travels. Perhaps helps you to connect with others of which you need to be able to get the same people in the room that you are requiring to take your next step. 1:14 PM is when Mercury is in that nice 60 degree aspect to Mars.
The Sun and Juno are parallel. So this allows for partnerships to seal the deal and come together and agree to move forward with a common goal.
Friday February 17th there is another lucky aspect of Venus split parallel Jupiter as. 1:19 AM that is probably not going to do much good unless you are up in the middle of the night looking for something on line. That is a Venus and Jupiter aspect. It does have an influence that is longer. So maybe earlier would be better if you wanted to take advantage of that. That would be for Thursday night. There is another one coming in late Friday night when Venus is parallel Uranus. So there are a couple of Venus Jupiter Uranus aspects on Thursday night through Friday night that would maybe help you. I don’t know. Maybe you win the lottery or something.
The other things that are going on for Friday…
Moon square Mercury at 9:18 AM. That is when you are rushing around because something had happened earlier in the morning that you need to clean up and deal with because of a Moon Mars aspect. Then there is an argument about who did what and how and whatever. Try to have a lot of patience and hold your tongue and pick your battles because you don’t need to start your day out like that.
After that point the day improves. There are a lot of positive connections that the Moon will make throughout the day with other planets.
There is a snag 8:57 PM Moon is quincunx Uranus. That would be Uranus in the sign of Aries and the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. So it could be expensive. It also could be something that leads to someone’s bad temper leading to more problems than not.
Then we get ready for the Sun to change signs Saturday Feb 18 at 6:31 AM. . So the last day of the Aquarius Sun will be next Friday and Saturday morning.
And that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at
As I mentioned there will not be a class tomorrow. We will plan for a class next Sunday. You can call me for consultation at 617-924-0929
If you are interested in classes there is a beginner’s class on Friday morning. And a regular class that takes place on Sundays, every other Sunday. Have a great week.
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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