Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2017 – Saturday, February 25, 2017
Good morning. Well it is a lively week, I’ll tell you that. We have so many things going on. For one thing we are in the Eclipse season. And this week is probably going to give us the greatest expression of what this Eclipse is all about. There are many things that are activating it in very sharp ways. There is some stunning events that will take place.
One of which is the Sun will line up right up with the Lunar Node. Now that is the intersection point where the Moon travels around the Earth. The Earth then travels around the Sun. And those two loops will cross. That is what the Lunar Node is. That is where the Eclipse occurs when there is a New Moon or a Full Moon that lines up with that. Then it invites the Earth. The Earth gets involved and lines right up with the New Moon or Full Moon. So in this case we have a new Moon Eclipse coming up next Sunday. That Eclipse would be at 8 degrees of Pisces at 9:58 AM. We will talk about that next weekend.
Saturday Feb 18
We have for this weekend we have a Last Quarter Moon. That will take place today at 2:33 PM. That will be coming up at zero degrees of Sagittarius. So there is something to learn. There is something to expand your awareness. There are a lot of things what you might be thinking about traveling, getting away from it all. Trying to understand something that has been baffling you over the years. Particularly since maybe the 2014 in November…that is when this started.
Every 9 months thereafter there may have been an event related to the origin of this set of Moon phases called a Moon Family, which I write about in my book Lunar Shadows. For that is also is hinged on the events of Sun now in the sign of Pisces. That happened at 6:31 AM. The Sun will be in the sign of Pisces for the next month. That can indicate a lot of things that go on behind the scenes. A lot of things that particularly are…you have the quality of secrets or clandestine affairs. It can be very spiritual. You can definitely involve your energies with a guide a teacher to help you to further your particular spiritual path. It is also very musical and poetic. Lots of color, lots of beauty with the sign of Pisces. But it has a negative side. That negative side can be actually very aggressive and retaliatory. Especially if it is in response to being deprived or abused in any way.
Those on a religious mission can definitely ride the wave of the Pisces energy which is amplified by the Pisces Eclipse. And also this event when the Sun reaches the Lunar Node this week as well. So a lot of Pisces energy. You may want to address any addictions. You may find that it is easier especially when there is a Moon phase during the month when the Sun is in the sign of Pisces. You may find it is easier to engage in some kind of practice or change or treatment for…also any other kinds of physical problems that you may want to address as well.
The other things that are going on for today…it is really kind of a light energy day. We have a really nice aspect between Venus and Neptune. This one is dreamy. It can also be on the lucky side. It is very feminine. It is filled with beauty and it is sensual. It is like magic. Help arrives from a magnetic individual. There is also a lot of romance. But it can also be filled with illusion. Now this aspect is a temporary aspect. I would not put your hopes and dreams into the date that you may have tonight, if it is a new one or a relatively new one. Lots of charm and intoxicating moods that camouflage the seduction. It can be very deceptive. The thing about a contra parallel is that it is a temporary thing. So it is a one night stand kind of thing. But it is beautiful for using color and flowers and music to raise the vibration of the current energies. I like this aspect very much.
Sunday Feb 19
Then we have for Sunday I’ll be teaching a class from 1:00 to 3:00 on Venus. So we will be looking at Venus, all which ways imaginable, tomorrow under all this nice Venus energy that is around right now .and Venus is at the brightest that it will be in the sky now. So have a look. That bright star on the western horizon is after the Sun is setting. That is Venus.
So for tomorrow…the Sagittarius Moon is great for finding your advisor, great for finding your teacher, joining with other to learn new things, delving into things that you have been confused about in the past.
Monday Feb 20
For Monday we still have a Sagittarius Moon. Things start to heat up. Remember when you are travelling you must pay very close attention. Do not do anything that is distracting during this next 10 days. It is really, really difficult to stay focused.
The Moon sets off aspects to Mars and Uranus. Mars and Uranus are the culprits. They will join together on the day of the Solar Eclipse making this an extremely accident prone period. So you want to be careful.
There is a nice aspect for perhaps purchasing a piece of property tomorrow. And you may find that you found the right place. So you could make that deal. Uranus and Mercury join in an aspect where your thinking is very quick. There is an opportunity to sharply figure things out. Maybe communicate a message that you have been trying to get across to someone.
Tuesday Feb 21
In the morning of Tuesday…so this would have an impact on the night of Monday. Very accident prone aspect between the Sun and Mars. So there is a lot of shifts in the job market too for some reason. There is a lot of muscle tension and over exertion. There is an increase in fevers and viruses. You want to increase your immune system boosters during this time when Mars is so strong. Lots of tempers, people losing their patience. So step back and be part of the solution and not part of the problem. There are potentials for cut backs and things with jobs. Firing and that sort of thing.
2:07 AM the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn again when the Moon goes into Capricorn at 2:07 AM. That would be on Tuesday morning. It stays in the sign of Capricorn for a couple of days thereafter until 12:17 PM on Thursday.
During that Capricorn Moon it has several things that it is going to do. It is going to face some power struggles between the boss and the agent of power when the Sun and Pluto form a 45 degree aspect. That is on Tuesday night. So there are problems with those in the seat of power. There is a sense that you are powerless about what is going on as well. Very poor financial energy with that aspect. There is a sense of spinning in circles trying to figure out, what do I do? What do I do? If it is your problems let it sit. Let’s wait for a better day. There will be a way to work through that.
Wednesday Feb 22
On Wednesday the headliner would be the aspect between Mars and Pluto. I call this the steam roller aspect. This aspect is used for the purpose of getting people to do exactly what you want them to do or pushing them back. Flattening the surface to create a flat hard top and a new road. It eliminates any of the obstacles or could be a real stepped up version of trying to eliminate any of the people that are opposed to what is going on at the time. Speeders get speeding tickets. You may have an over drawn bank account with this kind of aspect. It is on Wednesday. It is early in the morning, so it definitely does influence Tuesday night as well. If you are out spending money you might have over spent by that time.
On a positive note you can accomplish a great mission at all costs and pull out all the stops. If you are trying to get something done that could be the aspect. Although you could be butting heads with people making it very difficult on yourself and others. So be careful about being a control freak.
Then we have Venus and Neptune. They are after at 4:58 PM on Wednesday. This is a very hazy aspect. Unrealistic notions regarding money, love, and softening energy. This can soften the blow of whatever that Mars square Pluto had laid out for us. And the Moon is in there as well setting off that Mars and Uranus and Pluto energy as well.
Something involving women with the Venus and Neptune aspect. Secrets and a smoke screen…all that is very strong in the afternoon on Thursday. You want to dress up with a dramatic attire. Anything that is costume like very nice for projecting a beautiful presentation.
Moon is square Uranus 8:44 PM on Wednesday. That can be chaotic. Be very careful driving through all this time or anything. Walking around with scissors can be difficult. Flames fires. Keep the candles out I would say until well after the Solar Eclipse next Sunday.
There is an aspect between Mars and Jupiter. That is in the evening of Wednesday, but it is influencing the whole day. It has a very unrealistic notion. Also that is dreaming up it is…actually increasing the boots on the ground. That quality of energy. Gathering those needed to be able to pull in the forces and drive things in a direction of corralling people in.
Thursday Feb 23
There is a void of course Moon period that begins 10:23 PM on Wednesday until Thursday afternoon at 12:17 PM. On Thursday the Sun and Venus join together. That is an aspect that could bring about a temporary solution to a partnership issue. This may work very well for finding a cabinet member to fill a seat. It is also about new relationships that begin on that day. They don’t necessarily last long because this aspect is one of those temporary ones. Money may free up for a very short time. Don’t get your hopes up. There is going to come in every week just like that. so use it very wisely.
12:17 PM on Thursday the Moon enters Aquarius for a couple of days. Mercury changes signs while the Moon is in Aquarius. That is not until February 27th at dinner time. That change says that it is highly likely that some papers are missing or get dropped. You may change your mind about something and you may also lose your documents. Be careful that you are not leaving the house without your passport and license and all your papers. Keep everything in order.
The aspect with Mercury, while it is still in the sign of Aquarius, would be Mercury sextile Saturn. Mercury is going to enter into Pisces by the way next weekend. The sharper thinking that you get from Mercury and Saturn…this is the second time that you get a chance to shore up your thoughts, and make your concentration and your focus on practical matters. Reap the rewards of your intense focus. So think things through, write things down.
Mercury and Venus have another aspect. That would be at 10:37 PM. This one causes a lack of ease. It is a semi square. They don’t get to have a greater square in their cycle. This is their square. There is a lot of obvious un-pleasantries and polite talk and superficial interaction is likely. But it is likely to pick up. You are likely to pick up the problems reading between the lines. Other things going on. All sorts of comments about dissatisfaction and differences of values and that sort of thing. It could also develop into arguments. So that is in the evening of Thursday but it would definitely influence earlier in the day.
Friday Feb 24
For Friday the Aquarius Moon is with us. Something would get dropped. So if you are trying to forward your goals, know that you might change your mind. Or an important person may not be able to show up for the event as well.
Then Mars and Uranus are parallel on Friday. So here they go. They will be conjunct on that Solar Eclipse next week. So there is…this parallel is adding the influence and pulling them in early. That would be Friday evening. It has an influence over the whole week. So don’t expect to wait just until this time to find what the urgent event is. But it definitely has a dramatic show. Has a lot of speed and a lot of brilliance.
This aspect can attract antisocial behavior. It also may help you to align with an individual who can push things through fast enough for you to get something done that you have been wanting to get done.
Personal relationships. Really you need to take care especially with your dear friendships. Then there is an aspect that Mars has with Neptune thereafter. This one shows that there is difficulties that arise from confusion and misguided directions. Probably from a reaction of the Mars and Uranus intensity. Mars and Uranus that is sudden abrupt change and accident prone and whatever. Very difficult energies. So the Mars Neptune energy is softening. This can be filed with all sorts of public knowledge of a plan that gets washed up. Or shown how someone has had poor judgment and how that can affect others. So it is a difficult aspect. If you were trying to use that day to forward your goals, it is filled with too many complications. I would say let that one go. That is it for the week.
Have a good week. Have a safe week. Remember don’t text and drive.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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