Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 14, 2017 – Saturday, January 21, 2017
Good morning! Well, this is the week of the inauguration of which many of us are anxious. There is quite a bit of excitement throughout the week that points to it. As we would expect there is no lack of surprise going on here. What we have for the week that is entirely exciting is the fact that there is a Scorpio Moon on the day of the inauguration. Before that there is the change of the signs the day before. The Sun will change signs leaving the big business man sign of Capricorn and entering into the sign of the people, which is Aquarius. Those are the will of the people and then the events of the people thereafter can have some influence as the Sun changes signs. This will be on Thursday and it has much to do with someone dropping out or leaving. Now this is not… this does not mean that Trump will quit. However it may mean something like perhaps maybe his wife doesn’t appear or someone stands in for her or something. A little bit of change or difference. People will just step up to the plate and be accountable I’m sure. So it will be interesting to see how this is actually plays out because there is quite a bit of interest the day before.
For today Jan 14, 2017, we have the Moon traveling through the showy sign of Leo. It will be there until 10:52 tonight. There is a positive flow of energy from 10:17 AM this morning but it is complicated by the adjustments that you might want to allow for when the Sun and the Moon are 150 degrees apart. Now you have heard me call this many times life’s messy clean it up. This aspect is has upset involved with it. It means that you may have to stop along the way for something. Having it occur around 1:39 PM this afternoon. There might be…like if you had a plan to find your way from one destination to another, you might have to change that plan and use Plan B. No big problem. Very often there is something that rolls down into the road and has to be cleared away. No big deal. It could be whatever your plan is, whatever your job is, you may be called off of that to do something else after you tend to those short things. Now they also may be related to things that occurred during that Full Moon that we had on Thursday. Then you may also be preparing for or presenting or maybe working with a service person or preparing for an event that you might have the next day.
There are two very positive events on Saturday beyond all this and that is Venus and Jupiter form an alignment of happy energy. That alignment is also joined by Mercury aligned with Pluto. Both of these alignments are parallels. That means there is some long term positive effect. Some of which has some intensity involved when we talk about Mercury and Pluto. There is also some going over round and round and round old things. But these aspects do offer long term benefit and there is information that you need that emerges with this Pluto and Mercury aspect before you make your final decisions. So these aspects are in play all day, but later they are exact. The later one Mercury Pluto is exact at 12:03 PM. If you wanted to sign an agreement or be in some sort of contract with another that would say that the contract needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb and then you can move forward. They can bond you together with others.
Then after 1:38 PM the Moon is void of course until 10:52 PM. What that means is that the Moon is traveling freely without making contact with a planet. This period is very often open to adjustments or it is free floating meaning that any of your plans tend to have an neutral effect with no great outcome during a void of course Moon period.
At 10:52 PM Saturday night, tonight the Moon enters the sign of Virgo. It will be there until 6:16 AM on Tuesday. Virgo is the sign of good hard work, getting organized, making plans. Perhaps doing very busy work. If Virgo is prominent in your chart it will serve you very well. This is not a good day to contract with others.
Sunday January 15, 2017
However for Sunday there is a mixed bag due to a intelligent aspect between Mars and Uranus that sparks creative thinking however it might be disruptive in the wrong circles. Later there is confusion by 3:30 through 5:10 when the Moon and Neptune are at odds.
Monday January 16, 2017
After a snag with Saturn at at 5:13 PM on Monday there is a Green Light period for that Virgo Moon. Before that there is actually a couple of things that are positive. For one thing the Moon is forming positive aspects with Jupiter and Uranus. Although those two planets are sitting opposite to one another, which means they are set to upset and reverse matters. There is all this pressure going on that says, “Do this.” And “No, no. We changed our mind. We are not doing that. We are going to do this.” So this flipping back and forth, really carries throughout the next 9 months. So anything that is occurring during this time frame this week has that quality of off/on and flipping back and forth.
Also Monday we still have that Virgo Moon. Very good for a busy jobs and cleaning things up, getting things ready. There is a quirky part to it that occurs at 12:41 PM. You want to watch out for a jack in the box from 12:35 PM until around 2:30. The Moon is bumped by wacky Uranus, which is about sudden abrupt change. And it might trigger a conflict when the Moon is in opposition to both Mars, which is the action planet that has a short fuse. It becomes insulted very easily and can set off a spark. And Chiron is involved. Chiron is the wounded healer. This is a foot breaker. It may lead to a wound that needs medical attention. If there is something that you are doing physically on Monday through part of Monday afternoon, be very careful with whatever it is you are trying to do. Watch out for open flames and anything having to do with wires like electrical wires and carpets over electrical wires. That sort of thing. If anybody seems like they are likely to lose their temper, leave and walk in the other direction.
Monday you can begin with a Green Light period, which means you can move forward with your goals after 5:30 PM right through until 1:09 AM Tuesday morning. This one sets you up for something particularly positive.
Tuesday January 17, 2017
There is a void of course Moon Tuesday January 17th. That means the Moon is free floating until...that is from 1:10 in the morning until the Moon enters the next sign of Libra at 6:16 AM. Libra is the sign of balance. It is the sign of partnership and agreement. During the Libra Moons that we have over the next 9 months or so there are all sorts of bumps in the road that are forcing things to be confronted before any agreements actually come about. This is for Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday we have a Libra Moon. For Tuesday’s events that Libra Moon there is a squabble that needs to [be] sorted through around 1:37 PM when the Moon is square Mercury. This means you do not want to contract with that. Pretty much you don’t want to contract with anyone during this Libra Moon.
Wednesday January 18, 2017
For business there are too many surprises especially with Wednesday’s activity. The Moon will pick up its pace and meets with an aggressive opposition. However there is something to be gained by working through the matters that are coming up. If you have court matters that are going on or anything with lawyers. You may want to hash it out until you clearly are in agreement. As these matters develop over the day there are bigger problems that emerge. You want to get the details out of the way. If there are reversals that come up because you’re previous plans did not consider some things or you did not know some things. Then you may want to address those adjustments after…Well, I would say probably on Thursday because in our time zone around quarter to 11 at night might be a little bit late, unless you are sending out emails.
Thursday January 19, 2017
For Thursday January 19th something very important changes of which some things are forced to be dropped for replacements of some type. The problem arises when the Sun leaves the sign of Capricorn. I spoke about this when we started today. Capricorn is that business sign. The big business person and the Sun moves into Aquarius for a month at 4:24 PM. This is the sign of the people and the collective consciousness and how things are perceived and expected from that point on, which is perfect for an inauguration because it belongs to all the people. Anything leading up to that is subject to a major scramble to install the next best thing or person or star for the show. It just could mean that someone backs out of their agreement to perform at the inaugural ball.
Further problems are indicated by the Last Quarter Moon Thursday evening at 0 Scorpio. This is intense. It is driven by perhaps a business gain or selfish gain. The indications can be complicated by some high powered individuals that force things through. It is not meant for lightweights. So this is not a good time on Thursday to move forward with your goals. Then we have this dead stop kind of thing.
It is quite a week I’ll tell you. It is not an easy week to take on any type of business dealings or even light and fluffy kinds of things. The light and fluffy energy is not available this week. That dead stop energy is from Mars square Saturn. This is when plans are halted. Muscles lock up so there is a possibility of broken bones for instance, if you went skiing. So you want to be careful especially for athletes. They get through these aspects all the time so it is not as if someone is devastated by whatever pressure it is. It is just usually a force of energy that creates frustration and anger. Relationships often take a serious turn. There could be projects that are over budget and three quarters of the way around things those things which have been started may be aborted surprisingly. There are additional work burdens that are associated with this aspect as well. It is early in the morning on Thursday morning but it has an effect on those things that take place Wednesday night and also for the greater part of the day on Thursday.
Moving forward on Thursday 4:24 PM that is when the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius. There are adjustments that need to be made because of new changes. 5:09 PM the Moon travels into the tough sign of Scorpio until 5:45 AM on January 22nd, Sunday. There are many positive things for those that are in a seat of power during that Scorpio Moon, which covers the inauguration. But not so much for the rest of us. If you chose to move forward with your goals during that Scorpio Moon you may expect to gain ground for the times including from 11:07 AM January 21st through 8:24 PM also Saturday January 21st.
Friday January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day
For Friday the Inauguration Day has that Jupiter and Uranus opposition, which says things will flip and flop throughout that presidency. The moment of the swearing right at 12:00 there is actually an aspect and it seems to reflect the nature of the incoming president. It is an aspect between the Moon and Mars. It is 135 degrees which indicates that there are hidden problems and that there is constant conflict. The fact that it takes place exactly at the moment of swearing in indicates that there is potentially trouble ahead and quickly so. Which we are not surprised about at all. Mars represents the man of the hour and the aspect is one of conflict. It doesn’t appear to cancel the event however there may be huge numbers of security teams that may be obstructing the view from our perspective.
There is an aspect Venus and Pluto earlier in the day which you might take advantage of by asking for money. It is an opportunity which arises to present your case for your needs to a loan officer or others holding the purse strings. It is also an opportunity for sharing and building trust. There are an extreme range of feelings that go on with this aspect during the day. In most cases events cause deep and intense reactions while engaging with others.
Then through the evening there does not seem to be anything that interrupts the festivities that follow. For the rest of us that are not going an inaugural ball you may find that it is a pleasant evening although intense. You may feel like you need to stay close to people you already trust and know. And that is it for the week
My next class will be on Sunday the 15th and it is with secondary progressions. You may want to join that if you are interested in that topic. It is 2:00 – 4:00 PM. So I hope to see you.
You can find a copy of this report at my website at You can also call me at 617-924-0929. If you want to check in about class tomorrow or ask me questions about astrology, anything having to do also with the week. Good luck!
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin
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