Sunday, April 9, 2017

Astrology Report April 8 - April 15, 2017 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, April 8, 2017 – Saturday, April 15, 2017
You can follow this link to listen to the report:

The following has been transcribed from the live radio report.

Good morning. Well, we certainly have had a lot of news this past week. Saturn went retrograde. We had the Supreme Court justice confirmed with that energy. Then the strikes in Syria. It was interesting, the chart for the strike in Syria had the Moon right on Trump’s ascendant. Very interesting set up. Venus and Saturn are square. So there is likely to be some, as there always is, some backlash here and some difficulty with dealing with this further on. But it does appear as though this was very personal to Mr. Trump. And Saturn being retrograde, it has long term, a long term consequence in some way. I hope we don’t get drawn into a World War III here. There is certainly a lot of energy about erratic, sporadic, crazy, wild energy going on with the Uranus and Jupiter in an opposition. And the Full Moon coming up on Tuesday to set that off. So it is a tough…a really tough period for the citizens to be able to get through with whatever their countries are doing to us. So it is a really tense time.

The Full Moon on Tuesday is at 2:08 AM and it takes place in the sign of Libra. The position would be 21 degrees of Libra. This is an Eclipse degree from years back around 2005. There would be an escalated quality to the events surrounding…besides the fact that we have so many things that could escalate energies with the Jupiter and Uranus opposition.

Mars has been very much a factor over this past week and even the week before. It has had a hand in everything that has been done. Mars continues to ramp up the volume of noise and blasts and emergency vehicles and shouts. It is setting off a sensitive spot from last year, where it had been in a retrograde period. It was a direct station that it made at 23 degrees of Scorpio. So Mars in Taurus is at the opposite point of that now. That really is very difficult to try and keep things on trek without losing your head. If you have been feeling like you can’t keep it all together and your frustration is more than you can handle, you are not alone. There is a lot. The other expression for all of this would be the increase in flu and other viruses. Even the Red Sox team is suffering from the flu as well.

You may also find that couples and pairs in general are having plenty of trouble riding past this one without arguments and split ups. If you are in a personal relationship that has a lot of tension try to clear the air before it blows up to avoid a break up. If you want to break up, then this Full Moon may grant you that wish. So take care and step lightly. People are very, very sensitive. There is an abundance of sideways anger, even at the stores out shopping. People might be expressing their anger at just about anybody. Dogs would be biting more, animals, birds could bite you if you had one in your house. I do, Sweet Pea is here.

Another big headliner is that Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow. As if we didn’t have enough trouble, right? Mercury is retrograde at 7:15 PM and along with Venus retrograde. Venus will be retrograde until next Saturday, which is great that that is nearing the end. We won’t be quite done with that as Venus is square to Saturn. But Saturn is now retrograde too, which is like turning off the faucet. If you have been finding that it is difficult for you to catch up and make payments and get the things flowing in order of which that you need to move forward, most likely that is Saturn. Try not to book medical procedures around the time that Saturn turns its retrograde. So I would say that one you would be safe for that by the middle of next week to have elective medical procedures.
The retrograde Mercury 7:15 PM tomorrow night will last until May 3rd. it will retrograde in the sign of Taurus and go back into Aries and join up with Uranus that planet of sudden abrupt and wacky change. So that should add some more fireworks to the mix as well.
Green Light Periods
We do have some Green Light days this week. Tuesday… Actually Monday could be considered so, but it is leading into the Full Moon. So if you want to close something out or chase a deadline, Monday is your day. Definitely give it all that you’ve got for Monday, without mowing other people down on the way. Also Tuesday Green Light up until 6:36 PM. Wednesday and Thursday during the Scorpio Moon there will be a Green Light period right until 12:!7 AM early Friday morning.
The Scorpio Moon normally…well for a while had been giving us more trouble but now this year, especially in this season, the Scorpio Moon and the Aquarius Moon seem to be the better Moon signs, where we are likely to see Green Light periods.
And always I notice there are more Green Light periods during the Mercury retrograde period. Why is that? Well. go back and do something that you have tried to do before and failed. This will help you to give it a second shot and have a positive outcome. Things will work better second time around.
Saturday April 8, 2017
So then if we look further on for what is going on…some very important aspects taking place. We do have Venus square Saturn today 4:28 PM. This is a very difficult aspect. Lots of criticism. Lots of right and wrong behavior is described. Cold interpretations are around. And social connections can be very difficult. It is not date night, it really is not a good night for love… Even for money. Serious tones around love and money. You may feel short changed. You might feel inhibited. You might need to cut out the excess, just the basics. Painful decisions involving couples in relationships. This does not help for the squabbles that are going on in the White House either. There could be a lot break ups there that we will notice as well. So you want to spend on utilitarian needs and keep your mind and your heart open and give your partner a break.
Also we have today the Sun square Pluto and that aspect is exact at 8:48 PM. It doesn’t have to wait until then before you notice that there is a major power struggle that is running the show. Try to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Those in the seat of power won’t give up. They won’t give up their seats. So you may want to go around the back door…something instead of dealing with people directly.
Sunday April 9, 2017 – The Moon is in Virgo and void of course from 4:21 AM until 8:34 AM when it enters Libra through Tuesday evening at 6:42 PM.

Also Mercury turns retrograde Sunday at 7:15 PM while Mars and Ceres are conjunct at that very sensitive degree of 22 Taurus. This one very much about children, about difficulties, and difficult stories to hear about children.
Monday April 10, 2017 – The Moon is in Libra.
Also with Mars conjunct Ceres there is an increased need to take care of others in a position when they are in a failed position in some way. That is on the 10th. That is on Monday.
Also for Monday, Mercury joins that aspect with a parallel to Ceres. So this Mercury, Ceres, and Mars…something about children needs to be addressed. Also watch out for your dear pets. I would not let them out alone on those days at all. And you would also want to listen very carefully to the messages that your children have for you.
Tuesday April 11, 2017 – the Moon is in Libra and is the Full Moon phase at 21º Libra 33’ and exact at 2:08 AM. The Libra Moon is void of course at 6:36 PM when parallel Neptune. The void Moon period ends at 6:42 PM when it enters Scorpio and travels through that sign until Friday at 6:27 AM.
Tuesday is a day for deadlines. It also will mark a shift in major relationships. Those not on solid ground are positioning for a split. If you have fears about the status of your relationship try to bring things out in the open in a kind manner. Anger is not your friend in this case.
The major aspect for the Full Moon is that Jupiter -Uranus opposition which is extremely freedom orientated. It will act single handed. This aspect is not exact but it is playing hard. Also Mars is 150º quincunx Jupiter, which makes things happen out of the blue. You can’t plan on things based on current knowledge because most likely something else is going on. I would say we don’t know what is going on at all.

Wednesday April 12, 2017 – The Moon is Scorpio.
On the 12th the Sun and Uranus come together. This aspect is particularly helpful when seeking connections with creative people in technology bringing unique and unusual combinations that can suddenly increase success. There is visionary technology and a leap in modern technology with that aspect.
The Sun and Ceres join. Now Ceres is that dwarf planet that rules things like nurturing, food, caretaking, anything having to do with the care of children. Especially in the sign of Taurus it is about food. So food supplies maybe the topic on the 12th on or before Wednesday.
Thursday April 13, 2017 - The Moon is in Scorpio and it’s a Green Light Day.

Mars and Uranus form an aspect on Thursday. This aspect takes place early in the morning 5:36 AM. It may still be around for rush hour, but there may be something early that needed to be cleaned up.
Mars and Vesta are players with a 60º aspect. Vesta is about real estate, property, and investments of all sorts, and your sacred space. So there maybe something where you connect with someone that helps to forward your goals in regard to your needs with April 13th aspect that is on Thursday.
Friday April 14, 2017
The Moon is void of course at 12:17 AM until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:27 AM. It will travel through Sagittarius until Sunday April 16 at 7:05 PM.
The Sun will reach the point of Uranus both at 24 degrees of Aries and that is on Friday the 14th. That aspect is at 1:29 AM so we would look to Thursday night the 13th to see this set off and that is any type of wacky, crazy, sudden, abrupt change. Things are likely to be rather volatile.
Venus turns direct on next Saturday, which I mentioned.
But another thing that is a very big deal about this week is the Node of the Moon has moved back over zero degrees of Virgo. That reaches Donald Trump’s chart especially at the end of the month, when it is at 29 degrees of Leo. It is on his ascendant. That is also the degree where the Solar Eclipse take place on August 21st. So all eyes are in this area to have a peek at what may come up August 21st when we do have that Solar Eclipse right on Trumps ascendant. The President’s ascendant is sort of like another ascendant for the United States because during this administration he is the “father of the people of the United States. So that would be a very important thing to watch. There are many dates that also trigger this very exciting event and change of story that continues to mount. That is it for the week.
There is a copy of this report on my website at You can find also the podcast there. You can call me for classes for readings, for anything you want to talk to me about astrology. 617-924-0929. Thank you for having me.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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