Saturday, April 15, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days April 15 - 21, 2017

Listen here to this week's WZBC radio report:

Green Light Sunday April 16, after 2:26 PM until 7:05 PM.

Green Light Friday after 8:00 AM until 2:23 PM during the Aquarius Moon.
Moon is void of course in Aquarius Friday from 2:23 PM until 3:43 PM.
Green Light again Friday during the Pisces Moon sign from 4:15 PM until Sunday April 23 at 5:34 PM.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2017 – Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dietrech: Good morning. We have a lot of things going on this week that are really important. One thing Venus is now direct as of 6:17 this morning. Venus has been retrograde for the past 6 weeks. It has been showing up as difficulties with money and also people’s relationships have been tested with these things. A lot of illnesses that have to do with things that Venus is in charge of…the throat, the thyroid, the neck. Anything that would have to do with the kidneys and the lower back as well.
We have Venus direct station in the sign of Pisces. But when it turns direct here it is square Saturn. That aspect is exact on Friday. So it is in a holding pattern. It has been in a strong holding pattern since the 8th of April when it first was square Saturn in its backward motion. Then once forward it hits it the last time on Friday, this Friday the 21st. So today is the 15th of April.
There is also a march for the tax day…the march is about people encouraging the President to show his tax return. Venus is related to money, so totally appropriate.
Victor: there will be a rally on Cambridge Common. I’m thinking around 11:00 for that.
Dietrech: Okay. So that is a very interesting way…
Also the notion of peace is a principle of Venus. Venus is in the sign of Pisces. So taking Venus to the highest position of compassion and understanding and a peaceful way of doing things. May help to calm and soothe the fears of the tensions between the US and North Korea. So that as I understand when I last checked here, there was a show of missiles, but not a missile test. So maybe (a missile test is something that was expected on this anniversary for North Korea) there is a calming that it can bring as well.
There are a lot of things that can spark difficulties or less calming energies. One of the other things that is going to take place this week would be the Pluto station. Pluto will turn retrograde on Thursday. That marks a time when very often…that is a day of your greatest fears. Your greatest fears. You could be afraid of mice, and a mouse gets in the house. You could be afraid of anything that would mark your greatest fear. At this time it might be fear of war or it might be a fear of being investigated or something crazy. Some crazy fear in the back of your mind. And very often there is a symbol of that in some way. So it allows you to confront that and work with it on a deeper level, as Pluto will be retrograde until sometime in September. The psychological qualities are really strong. So the psychological positioning is also very powerful as this Pluto station occurs.
So moving on to what the week looks like…
There is a Green Light period at the very end of the week that would be during the Pisces Moon sign. That would be after 3:43 in the afternoon. There is a little snag with Moon square Mars at 4:13 PM. So maybe after that would be an excellent time to move forward with your goals, whatever they may be that you want to advance.
Okay. So looking at the week from today, Saturday. We have what could also be a Green Light period if you want to take things on in a caution fashion now that Venus has turned direct. This is a Sagittarius energy that actually meets with Saturn at the end of the line. So you can get some financial matters in order pay some debts or pay some bills try and square things away with people that you haven’t been able to have reasonable conversations with in a while. So it is very, very slow in moving things. So don’t have any great expectation. Sagittarius is usually lofty.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars. This is a recharging energy able to view your activities from behind the scenes. That Sun is semi sextile Mars at 10:37 PM. If you are out and about you may also look for things behind the door or behind the curtain or avoid any fires and noises. Also hospitals and large institutions also might have some news or some noise in those areas as well. It is good time to take an active role in your spiritual development.
You can also find for tomorrow a couple of things. One would be right after noon. The Moon is quincunx Mars and that is often something is triggered, something happens. It is out of the blue. It is like you have one goal. I call it life’s messy clean it up. You have one goal and something else happens and stops your plan. And you have to clean something up.
Then later on the Sun is making a nice aspect to Venus. This is a time to meet with friends, maybe with girlfriends. Maybe have a nice meal, take stock in your self-worth, and acknowledge your personal gains with that aspect. The tendency is spend too much money. But with a Venus square Saturn you will have to pay for it later. The interest on that might be heavier than you were able to contemplate.
Saturn adds that serious to the lofty escapades of Sagittarius right around 2:26 PM when the Moon and Saturn are together tomorrow.
And then the Moon changes signs enters Capricorn that is at 7:04 PM. There is a Last Quarter Moon during that Capricorn Moon sign which will sort of pull things into perspective on a business level, and on a priority level things that are organized through top priority. There would be an increase of focus that is apparent with a Capricorn Moon.
There is also a very nice aspect between Venus and Mars during Sunday evening. Would be a nice time to have a date night, enjoy the company of others enjoy a meal. Also use the motivation from Mars to fund you needs. There is a lot of flow. Maybe you can make some business contacts that work very well for you. Ask for the money that you need. I would do that after, actually after Venus has finished its square to Saturn on Friday. If you need to ask for money from somebody have a nice meal without asking this time, then have another business meal in a week or so to try and get what you need monetarily.
Then the Sun is trine Saturn on Monday April 17th. This is an administrative aspect. It seeks more smooth responses to its organizations and there is a lot of confidence and self-control. The presentations should be logical and feasible if you are presenting something. So you want to practice your creative efforts in a very organized and patient manner. Time pays off and your timing is very good on Monday. And you can also find that doors that once have been closed begin to show that they will be open. So you want to approach your boss with a plan. Also in your personal life you want to find that secure spot that allows you to run your day with a positive flow.
There is Mars quincunx Saturn, that is that life’s messy clean it up between two heavy hitters. That is the stop sign aspect between Mars and Saturn. It is exact at 10:13 PM on Monday night, but it would influence all day on Monday and much of Tuesday. So you want to observe warning signals. There is a feeling of sheer frustration moving into this aspect. So you might feel it now right through that period after it is finally released late night on Monday night and going into Tuesday. So it is a major clean up aspect and need for adjustment.
There could be an urgent call like firemen are called into action. There is also on a physical level Mars and Saturn rule the bones. Too much pressure on bones could create breaks and then muscular and skeletal problems also could block your ability to move forward. There is a power struggle that also could be annoying with that aspect. Perhaps where the bosses and the workers…well things like strikes could happen with that aspect.

MARS in Taurus 150 degrees QUINCUNX SATURN in Sagittarius. Exact Apr 17 2017 at 10:14 PM.
Brief description: A stop sign aspect. Observe waning signals. Sheer frustration. A major clean up aspect. A need for adjustment. This is an urgent call involving hard work and clear organization skills. A condition or event that connects; two unrelated people, tasks or activities for a common goal. A health aspect involving bones, muscles, skeletal structure and sometimes heart trouble. There may be a need for surgery. Delays and blocks with work projects. A executive effort to control force and power. The police stop speeding drivers. Consequences when there is a strong resistance to change.
Stretch before physical activity and pace yourself. Family relationships can be stressed.
For business use: Play by the rules today. There may be progress in business due to a critical need for your product. Good timing may place you in a primary position to apply your skills or products. Be prepared to help.
Wacky Moon square Uranus comes up 8:31 PM on Tuesday night. That can also create some tensions.
For Wednesday during a Capricorn Moon still we have a Quarter Moon on Wednesday. It is a Last Quarter Moon 5:56 AM. It is related to a Moon family that began two and a quarter years ago on January 20th 2015. Followed by the Moon family’s First Quarter, which occurred on October 20th 2015. There is a Full Moon not just 9 months ago from now and that was July 19th of 2016. And now we have the Last Quarter Moon coming up on Wednesday. So this Moon family may hold the sequence of events that you remember that are all brought into focus this week for something to be tended to. Maybe you are able to reap the rewards for your efforts or you could pay a debt that has been pending for a while as well.
It is a very action oriented day starting right off in the morning with the Last Quarter Moon. That is pretty much the last…one of the last aspects of the Capricorn Moon also the Moon will change signs at 6:51 AM, 6:52 AM when the Moon goes into the sign of Aquarius.
Right after that the Moon is square retrograde Mercury making a statement and announcing things that it had decided for some time ago.
The Sun will enter Taurus. That may feel more like spring. You might put your focus on flowers in your garden and good foods and enjoying meals with others and enjoying family and tradition and your values. All those things are very strongly indicated. Also money matters. If you want to form bonds with others to develop investments of money. Also of your arts your talent, things that are material can be tangible during this time. There is a lot of security issues and acquisitions of practical matters are primary concerns. Right through until May 20th and then the Sun sign will change to Gemini at that time.
On Thursday we have the Sun and Mercury once again join together. So the thinking process Mercury is entering the sign of Aries on Thursday. But the big headliner is Pluto turns retrograde on Thursday so that is that point when you have to face your deepest fears and process those in a way that is more psychologically manageable.
Mercury steps up the thinking process in a very quick way where it has to resolve problems quickly. So there might be an event on Thursday that has a lot of mind juggling type of activity. Very often the wind picks up a lot of speed with the Moon in Aries as well. It is a great sign for (not the Moon) the Mercury in Aries. It is a trouble shooting sign for Mercury and lots of brain storms that can be very productive.
Then for Friday we have an Aquarius Moon still. Mercury and Mars are forming an aspect that can also add to quick thinking. That is later in the evening on Thursday.
But for Friday April 21st Mars will change signs and enter the sign of Gemini until June 4th. So Mars in Gemini can be kind of weird because it has too many things on its mind. It is sort of running amuck. It is not a strong place for Mercury to be. Doing a lot of errands, getting a lot of errands done may just feel like running around in circles while Mars is in the sign of Gemini. It will be there through the month of May. It will continue until the 4th of June before it leaves the sign of Gemini.
So there is lots of things about siblings that is very apparent. And for the United States it would be those that are comrades and our allies that we have around the world. If we have difficulties with them there might be a lot of noise between people between neighbors in particular that needs to be managed as well.
New ideas are running rampant and stories are traveling very quickly with Mars in Gemini. You can’t trust everything that you hear. So you really have to go into what is real news and what is fake news that is for sure. With Mars in Gemini it avoids answering questions directly. It is very quick thinking and it switches tracks as a tactic as well. It might be very hard to filter out background noise and volumes that distract your focus.
So we have a nice afternoon for the rest of Friday. Lots of chatter, lots of busy stuff that goes on. The Moon changes signs 3:42 PM and then after the square to Mars at 4:13 PM. There is a Green Light period that allows you to take on something bigger if you’d like. There are some nice energy before the Moon is void of course at 2:22 PM until 3:42 PM on Friday that allows for some projects to start that might be beneficial as well. That is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can find also the podcast for the radio report here. You can also listen to it again in the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks. My phone number is 617-924-0929.
Class this week is on Tuesday morning 11:00 until 1:00 if you would like to join us. Have a great week be safe. Thank you.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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