Saturday, April 22, 2017

Astrology report by Dietrech Pessin April 22 - April 28 with Green Light Days

Listen to the week ahead from the WZBC FM 90.3 Radio Report

Green Light Days this week. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde until May 3, 2017 at 12:33 PM.

Saturday April 22 has a Green Light period through until Sunday at 5:34 PM. This is excellent for intuitive work and caring for others. Look in on those that have been shut in as the depression energy looms large through until later tomorrow (Sun).

Much of the Aries Moon beginning 8:33 PM Sunday has its advantages. Aries Moon has a Green Light period that is the best after Moon conjunct Uranus at 2:03 PM Tues until 9:06 PM. Some things will not be as clear as you would hope however, there is a bit of magic to help bring things together for a onetime event.

Because of the New Moon you are in the dark during the Green Light period for the Taurus Moon beginning after 9:56 PM Tuesday night until 9:18 PM Thursday night. The best plans are hinged on the passing of the quincunx between the Moon and Saturn at 5:33 PM on Thursday 4.27. You may have unexpected work before your plans can take shape and something may be cut off short, such as the money but in the end you can benefit or gain something of value. Plan your best moves after 5:35 PM Thursday until 9:18 PM.
Taurus Moon begins during the dark phase when invites the New Moon at 8:16 AM Wed. Dark Moon till sunset Thur.
The following text has been transcribed from the live radio report.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, April 22, 2017 – Saturday, April 29, 2017

Good morning. We have some good news about this heavy dark quality to our moods and our energy level. So many people have been complaining about not being able to move forward. Feeling like there is no energy. A kind of hopeless kind of feeling. That is the Venus square Saturn…we’ve been under its influence since the beginning of the month of April. There was an aspect right after Saturn had gone retrograde on the 6th of April. Then A Couple of days later Venus came in to square it. And it went to square once again now that Venus has turned direct. And that happened last Saturday on the 15th. Venus rules our sense of satisfaction and our attachments and what we value. And it was square to Saturn for the last time yesterday morning. So that may… where that passes into the past and lets go of that we have a better chance of feeling more light-hearted and that can definite boost our energies.

Here in New England we have very cloudy Neptune like energy. The Moon is in the sign of Pisces. That Pisces Moon is at 3:58 PM aligned with the Earth in what is called an occultation. It is like a mini eclipse between the Moon and Neptune, not only do we have that aspect, which allows for a lot of dreamy imagination. Could be a lot of musical quality entertainment quality. Today is Earth Day. There are demonstrations about the scientific evidence about climate change that is very important for today.
Mercury is semi square to Neptune. That is a little cranky aspect. Mercury is the thinking planet the talking planet which is objecting to the actions that have been taken that are not in align with science…that reject the science and the obvious changes on the planet. That aspect is this evening. So it could make for wet weather cloudy weather all throughout the day. Also clouds are information. So you want to check and double check any kind of story that you hear before passing it on.

The Pisces Moon is still with us tomorrow and that would be the 23rd of April. There is an aspect between…Saturn and Ceres. Ceres is the caretaker. This aspect is a quincunx. It causes a lot of difficulty about taking care of children. Anything having to do with daycare centers or even the pet care centers and nursing homes. People who are under the care of others are subject to difficulties with that aspect. It is exact tomorrow at 10:35 AM. Mercury will play into that aspect also later on. The quality of Ceres is about the food, the nurturing, the food supplies, cycles for food, anything having to do with commodities, parenting, day care workers, deep bonding with others. This is the glue that bonds you together with others and those that are very, very close to you. So beware of something that may try to pull you apart. It is also prominent in the charts of pregnancies and deep depression and grieving. It is a serious, serious little planet Ceres is and has a lot of associations with depression. So this too can be a factor in what is making people feel depressed during this time. Once that is released then perhaps there is a brighter period as well.

Then the Moon is entering the sign of Aries tomorrow, Sunday at 8:32 PM. The Aries Moon is pretty active with the aspects that it makes with Pluto and Uranus. There is a Green Light period that we can use to our advantage. Actually there is a Green Light period with today’s (Saturday April 22) Pisces Moon, which runs right through until the Moon changes signs 8:32 PM on Sunday night.

There is something really important that happens on Sunday and that is Mars square the Lunar Nodes. This is an exaggeration of Mars energy or Marshall energy or Martian energy. There could be a lot of military things that are evident, as if Mars doesn’t have enough energy in that…Mars is making an aspect to Pluto Monday morning. That temporarily joins forces for something or some type of activity.
But the Green Light period for that Pisces Moon runs right through until Sunday morning. Right through until…Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon and then it changes at 8:32 PM. There is a very nice Moon Venus aspect at the end of the Pisces Moon sign at 5:34 PM.

You may want to shoot for that if you are making decisions or making plans. But realize that there is a lot of noise a lot of fires, a lot of anger of people not being able to hold their tempers with that Mars square the Lunar Nodes. Mars is by that time in the sign of Gemini. Mars entered Gemini yesterday at 6:32 AM. That can give a lot of mixed messages and double intentions people going in one direction, and they are really trying to distract you from their other direction. Which we’ve had that with that war plane and aircraft carrier, the Carl Vinson headed to the Korean Peninsula.
What we have with the Aries Moon is another Green Light period. That Aries Moon will see something very positive when Mercury is trine Saturn, in the early part of the day on Monday. Which can help you to get your ducks all in a row and your thoughts together. There are some difficulties in regard to how and what you are intending to invest. So the investor is Vesta, the asteroid Vesta. That also has to do with homes and real estate matters. Mars and Pluto are in their aspect which will influence the entire day having to do with joining with others for a motivated activity that can have to do with military action anywhere in the World. It certainly goes on everywhere. So we don’t need to feel paranoid about our own situation here. These aspects are global, they are not just focused on locality.

Then a Green Light period continues right through that Aries Moon. There is a dark Moon that does begin. Dark Moon period comes in around 10:00, 10:30 in the morning on Tuesday morning April 25th.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

The Green Light that will continue through the New Moon that we have the following day, Wednesday April 26. But during that Aries Moon for Tuesday you can expect high energy, lots of information traveling back and forth, statements being made, and large pieces of information being scrutinized as well.
The void of course Moon begins at 9:06 PM Tuesday night ending that Green Light period that ran right through the day on Tuesday. The void of course Moon period from 9:06 PM until 9:56 PM ends when the Moon goes into the sign of Taurus. It will be in the sign of Taurus until 9:39 PM on Thursday.
Taurus Moons are about what we have what we hold. It is about our money. It is about our…literary about your bank account, anything having to do with tradition, getting family together. Sharing good food is always a way to get the best results out of a Taurus Moon sign. The difficulties that the Taurus Moon has in front of it would be the quincunx between the Moon and Saturn, and that would be on Thursday.
But going back to that New Moon 8:16 AM on Wednesday is very closely linked to Mercury which has to do with the information that we receive and information that is released. This has a lot to do also with the plan for tax reform during this week. There are aspects that also are addressing such things where Mercury and Vesta are square.
And then Saturn and Vesta are quincunx during next week. That can create a lot of change and shifting and also difficulty and blocks. With Wednesday that New Moon…it is also the New Moon is parallel to Uranus. So there is a Uranus and Mercury and Mars quality to it. This is not a peaceful sweet New Moon in Taurus. This one is very active. Very high profile as far as action goes. You are likely to hear a lot of fire engines, a lot of speeding up going on during this normally kickback slower period. With the Sun in Taurus this won’t be one of those slow springs. It will be very high energy.
We have also on Thursday…the dark Moon period should end where we are getting better pieces of information that might be more reliable in the afternoon on Thursday the 27th. Then the Moon will change signs. At 9:39 PM the Moon enters Gemini.
Backing up a little bit the last aspect of the Taurus Moon is sextile to Venus which is a very positive aspect at 9:18 PM. If you want to shoot for the very best time this week to take any kind of action it would run from I would say maybe 5:45 PM, to be clear, right through until 9:18 PM.

Although there is a little something to clean up. Something that is attached to the Seven Stars, the Seven Weeping Sisters, which is the Pleiades, the seven stars at 29ยบ Taurus. Often that carries with it some financial burden or some other type of thing that you want to watch for. Such as health issues with Taurus can be the thyroid the throat and the voice.
Also Thursday the Gemini Moon comes in at 9:38 PM.
There is a change headed whereas Venus will leave the sign of Pisces and enter the sign of Aries but on Friday. Now that will be under the influence of a Mercury and Uranus aspect. Uranus is sudden abrupt change. Mercury is the thinking talking planet. And the Venus energy is about the kinds of things where we evaluate our situation. But there is a sudden change of heart. There is an erratic interaction with Mars and Uranus as well that keeps the focus on might makes right. Relationships are tested by this combination of planets when Venus changes signs. It tests the ability to debate intelligently, which may translate to dollar sense later. So Things that you say may cost you. There may be liable law suits coming up for things that are said. Negotiations are based on money and military readiness. That is all with Venus changing signs. Our love planet. As far as love and romance goes it may be very fast. Starts quickly, ends quickly. That sort of thing. That is on Friday at 9:13 AM when Venus changes signs.

Later Mercury and Uranus are in an aspect 10:49 AM. You want to be careful about your computer connections and any type of computer viruses. Be careful about opening up attachments that you don’t know where they come from. But this is brilliant for ideas. For Friday night there is a lift with the Moon trine Jupiter. If you want to go out and have a nice time on Friday evening. That is it for the week.

Saturday the Moon is in Gemini changes to Cancer at 9:48 PM.
Later what will happen is Ceres will leave the sign of Taurus and changes signs entering Gemini. That will be actually on the next day.

Sunday April 30, 2017
I am planning a class next Sunday. That would be on the 30th during the Cancer Moon sign. And we would be looking into how our comfort zone supports our lives and what do we have in our charts that describes what makes us feel safe and secure. That would be at 2:00 in the afternoon next Sunday April 30.
Also there is an Astrology class in Watertown Tuesday’s at 11 AM – 1:00 PM with Dietrech. So you can call me about the report or about making an appointment 617-924-0929.

You can also find a copy of the report on my website at And find also the podcast for the radio report here. You can also listen to it again in the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks. Have a great week. (50:07 STOP)

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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