Saturday, July 8, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech for July 8 - July 14, 2017 with Green Light Days

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This week the best day is Tuesday July 11, 2017, for forwarding your goals.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 8, 2017 – Saturday, July 15, 2017

Good morning. We have a Full Moon that is really looming large because it is hanging out with Pluto. And we know Pluto is like very bossy and filled with all sorts of intensity. So this is the kind of thing that you want to wrap things up that are business minded. If you have a business plan or a project that is very, very important regarding your business this is the time to get all that in order. And put all the cards on the table, everything out in the open. Pay everybody or at least have a plan for that. If you are considering putting some attention to nursing homes or child care that is also on the table to be dealt with.

As we look forward to the fall season this will also activate the New Moon that is coming up in October that would be related to some of the same degrees around the zodiac.

This is very intense this Full Moon because Mars is opposite Pluto. The Moon is hanging out with Pluto and the Sun is hanging out with Mars. So it is a standoff. It is a very powerful “This is where we draw the line” kind of thing. So it is encouraging in some ways where there are things that have been going on behind the scenes that need to come out in the open and all the players need to be accountable.

So some of the other things that are going on with this Full Moon. Mars is quincunx Saturn. So you have heard me say quincunxes is Life’s messy clean it up. This is a big one. This is where strikes happen. Workers strikes. This is where bridges break down. Your path ways, your travel route could be hampered with this type of aspect. It is a great big stop sign type of aspect. We will talk about that. That is in rather a holding pattern all week. The aspect is exact tomorrow and it holds with Saturn until Friday because of another aspect. It involves the pair. This is problems with the boss or the upper, the people in the offices that make the rules or enforce the rules. That sort of thing.

Also Jupiter and Neptune are still in a holding pattern where they are quincunx as well. So lots of water and strong waves and craziness. People that are just sort of losing their heads as well going on with that.

So let’s take a look at what it looks like day by day.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

We have today that Full Moon is pressing but it is not exact. That Capricorn Moon that is with us today doesn’t have any exact aspects between the planets. However the Full Moon is what the story is all about. That is at 12:07 AM tonight, early tomorrow morning. That Full Moon will be pressing on a lot of nerves as we try to get through the weekend without worrying about business matters that should be dealt with on Monday.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto at 12:31 AM on Monday morning. That has a lot to do with still this Full Moon. So we can expect things to be lingering. There is the light that shines on deeper matters with the Sun opposite Pluto. That is when they always find the dead bodies. That is when you are out there with a search light looking for things. And there is an exposure of fraud and the law breakers with that type of aspect. To cast suspicion on others is another habit of Sun opposite Pluto. And others imposing their power in a very uncomfortable and unacceptable way can also be discovered with that.

Sexual attractions and tensions, jealousies, strong biological drive all associated with Sun opposite Pluto. That aspect is, as I said, 12:35 AM on Monday morning during a void of course Moon.

People think that if an aspect happens during a void of course Moon then it doesn’t have any effect. No. It sort of is fueled by the fact that it has loose reins. It can do whatever it wants.

Sunday July 9 and Monday July 10

But there is a void of course Moon that begins Sunday night 10:12 PM until 1:34 AM on Monday. Then the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. That is the golden one this week. Or should we say the Green one. That is where the Green Light begins. Pretty much the only snag in that Aquarius Moon would be later on Monday night. So if you are signing things Mercury opposite the Moon at 6:37 PM may cause things to get dropped or need revisions. So I would wait until after 6:37 PM or later and even on Tuesday to do your signings. That would be the very best.

Tuesday July 11

And it is Green through Tuesday. There is a lovely aspect between Mercury and Venus. It is a parallel. So people are drawn together spontaneously. There is all sorts of curiosity of the qualities of what Venus has to offer. And there is lots of compelling types of information in a way that is softer and more gentle. This is a nice time to meet with family members and friends and go visit your Auntie who is tucked away in the nursing home.

There is lots of chemistry that is around during this time. There can be multiple affairs of money or relationships that go on with this. But people do come together. It is a good time to have an introduction, meet somebody. Find the love of your life. It has an influence over the whole day of Tuesday and even leading from Monday night. So don’t think you are going to miss it. It is also later defined by a quincunx between the Moon and Sun 4:03 PM on Tuesday night. This is the Moon in Aquarius quincunx the Sun in Cancer. This is when you are cleaning up the mess from the Full Moon or finally reaching those insurance adjustors, talking about those judgements or wrapping up the matters from old issues regarding anything that you have been dealing with offices to clear matters up.

Wednesday July 12 – Happy Birthday Pat Iyer

Wednesday July 12th the Sun and Saturn are split parallel. This brings a temporary alignment with the boss. There may be discussions about cut backs. Any agreement may not be as desirable as it would be later. There is a higher cost. So I would not have agreements with people during that aspect. There is a void of course Moon that does start early Wednesday morning. So I would drop all business things by the night time of Tuesday night.
And the void of course Moon of the Aquarius Moon begins 8:40 AM and then continues until 11:51 AM. And that is when the Moon enters the sign of Pisces. Now that is compromised by the Sun in Saturn and also Mars in Saturn. So there is a lot of Saturn going on during that Pisces Moon, which says there is a price to pay. There is a tall order that you have to fill and also there is a lot of compromise. There are things on Wednesday that could feel pretty good as if somethings are coming together for a better purpose. That’s good. There may be some modern technology that helps things out.

Thursday July 13, 2017

Thursday a few cranky aspects with the Moon in aspect to Mercury doing some unexpected twists and turns with information and agreements and appointments. So appointments may have to be rescheduled right around noon time. Then there is some confusion, large confusion that is associated with Neptune and Jupiter that are set off leading into 2:26 PM on Thursday right through until 4:00 PM on Thursday as well. So stay away from agreeing to anything. It is a very spiritual time. So if you want to practice yoga or engage in a spiritual activity that may be something that would be productive during that time. Especially as the Moon is parallel Neptune in the evening Thursday evening. That makes that afternoon and evening very positive in that way.

Thursday – Friday July 13 & 14

So leading into Thursday night to Friday. Friday we still have a Pisces Moon and the aspect between Mercury and Neptune is large. That would be mostly felt Thursday night. And that is confusion and illusions as a result of blind spots. Possibly there could be health matters. So something may be bringing your attention to your body in one way and maybe it is a reaction to medication or maybe it is a problem of addiction and other substance abuse issues. It could be from food. It could be a temporary loss of sensation. Also could be foggy or wet weather that is causing more confusion of your vision.

So the Friday aspects have a period of something that is kind of okay right early in the morning from 8:53 AM until 1:00 PM with the Moon in a couple of favorable aspects.

However the Sun is quincunx Saturn. So something is stopped by a brick wall. So anything that you are trying to force through needs a lot of adjustment. You need to address the hierarchical figure such as the boss, the parent, the law, someone in charge. It might also show difficulties with architectural structures. That is not a good day to lay a foundation. But locate the problems with the foundation. that is a good thing to do. Problems seem to arise out of the blue. Family members are brought into the matters so you want to look for where are the shortages. And there is also a possibility of strikes and cut backs and that sort of thing.

You could also see where a bright star is in a very uncomfortable, on a very uncomfortable hook. So that could be an interesting thing regarding personalities. Don’t rush anything with that because there is also another aspect later. Now that aspect is exact 2:29 PM Friday. Then later on 4:28 PM Mars is getting into the game with Saturn. This is a cool off period around a hot zone, which can be a good thing if there has been something going on that is on the wrong path.

Whatever is going on at that time is compromised and there is a level of cooperation with principle figures. So this is a successful one time event that you can expect to see opposing sides will come together for something to be able to be resolved in some way shape or form or dropped. Maybe that is the decision is that it gets dropped. Because there is a pulling apart with an aspect like a split parallel.

Okay so those are the aspects for Friday with the exception of a nice aspect between Mercury and Jupiter, which occurs at 4:45 PM. This is a little good stretch in there for the Pisces Moon. I would say you could start that good period right around 4:45 PM Friday right through until 7:52 PM. You may want to take on something of which you have an intuitive response and which is good for you in a sort of a spiritually whole way. Okay that’s it for the week. That is all we’ve got.

You can find a copy of this on my website at There is a copy of the written report, as well as audio file from the radio report as well. So have a great week and thank you very much.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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