Saturday, July 1, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech with Green Light Days July 1 - 8, 2017

Follow this link to listen to this week's Astrology Report in a live radio broadcast;

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 1, 2017 – Saturday, July 8, 2017

Good morning. Well, we have some good news. Mars came back from the outer limits. And Mercury is due back in tomorrow. So the two of them together have been just cooking up all kinds of strange and unusual things, out of our reach of being able to fix. Somebody is out there telling you, “Oh, this is going to cost you huge bucks.” And you don’t have any choice to fix the matters.

Then when Mars comes back in, all of a sudden options start to present themselves. Mercury goes and hunts down new information about what else you can do and how else you can do it. If you have been waiting on something and having decisions on hold because of all sorts of details that are scattered and the players are not getting together and the signatures are not on the paper…that is all this Mercury and Mars stuff out of bounds.

So here they are back. They are back in the playground in the normal area, not that they are going to behave themselves the whole time. But there is certainly is a lot of cause for some celebration here because we might have a little more predictability. When they are out of bounds they are completely unpredictable. They will at some point during the week the two of them Mars and Mercury align once again. Probably to let us all know what they were up to when they were out there. So strange and unusual things of both actions. Could be engines. You could be having car trouble that you can’t quite figure out what it is or other sorts of things about documents and people. If there are arguments or problems with siblings, anything like that. They may have an opportunity to be resolved.

Yesterday was also a Mars day in the way that we had this First Quarter Moon in Libra. That related to the Mars station that we had. Mars had been retrograde back in 2014 at the same degree. So if you find that there are things residual. Things from 2014 that are on your plate now that is not an accident. This may be a time when you can finally get on with things.

Saturday July 1, 2017
For today we have a Libra Moon and it will end well, at the very end of the sign. However there are all sorts of things it goes through. In the meanwhile, Mercury is still out of bounds. So it has that quality of not being able to quite get that commitment that you are looking for just yet. Hold on until tomorrow.

Then what we have Chiron is turning retrograde. Chiron is the wounded healer. Chiron is at the 29th degree of Pisces. So there is a lot of sadness that Chiron is trying to process at that degree. So you might feel things begin to lift in such a way that you can access the root problems, for whatever it is that is being tossed around in your heart and in your mind.

Then there are a couple of aspects with the Moon today. One at 1:03 PM, another one is 2:05 PM. And they are important to mention because they are Moon square Mars and Moon square Pluto. Well Mars and Pluto are opposite one another. They are not exact opposites until a couple of days later. However this will set them off. The Moon will set them off and it is where the Full Moon will take place next Sunday. So we don’t have another Moon phase until next Sunday and it is going to be a Full Moon in Capricorn sitting on that Pluto.

Mars and Pluto are steam rollers when the two of them get together; and they force through, plow through and steamroll things right over.

There is however an aspect later in the night tonight 11:47 PM when the information that you collected throughout the day will help you to make a solid plan especially about joining with others.

Sunday July 2, 2017

Then for Sunday we still have a Libra Moon sign. Mercury and Saturn form an aspect bright and early for Sunday at 7:29 AM. It is a quincunx that is where you are aware of some thinking off on the wrong track. You want to avoid mental noise. Appointments are dropped. So if you have plans with others don’t be surprised if they call and say I can’t do that. And sometimes there is a lack of consideration for people. You might find people are rude. There could be messages. This can effect also tonight as well or there could also be unexpected medical things that come up. So pay attention to your body don’t ignore anything. It just might be important. If you need the assistance of others you can align yourself with those that are in the know.

That Mars opposite Pluto I’ve mentioned is 8:02 AM tomorrow morning. It is full of obsessive behavior. Very strong sexual attractions. It has that intense energy. Very deep with all sorts of pressure behind it. So if you want to get things done it would be a great time to plow through something for sure. If you want to take on a big project. If a physical project be careful of your muscles. Warm up your muscles before you do anything that is going to over extend yourself.

Lot of selfish energy with that aspect. So you want to make love not war with the Mars opposite Pluto coming up tomorrow morning, which that will be influencing today as well.

So we have the last aspect of that Libra Moon would be not until 12:42 PM tomorrow. But there is a Green Light period that starts at 9:17 AM which will offer a little window from 9:17 AM tomorrow until 12:43 PM. You have a Green Light to make decisions, sign agreements, move forward with the best possible thing that you can dream up.

And the Scorpio Moon starts right at 1:00 tomorrow and that would continue on for a couple of days. The Scorpio Moon has several things highlighted. Mercury and Mars are aligned, as I had mentioned, with those things that can cut through red tape. Very fast on its feet. Possible rash decisions and a very acute sense of smell and sight with this aspect. It can spark arguments that aspect. There are arrows shooting through the air that sort of thing. And a sharp tone when speaking and it drives up hot dry winds. News of riots and military actions can also be on the high end for that aspect. Slow down your speech, lower your tone, so that your message can be heard.

Monday July 3, 2017

Monday July 3rd Scorpio Moon is still with us. Venus and Uranus form an aspect early in the morning, which affect any introductions that you have late night on Sunday night, which would be a sudden abrupt kind of magical meeting romantic meeting. Then later on in the morning 9:49 the Sun and Mercury are joined for a parallel. That sort of welcomes back Mercury as it meets with the Sun. They process details. It is sort of like, “Well tell me what you were up to when you were out there?” This would be an important time to make decisions for an important announcement. The connections that are made between key persons are also formed in long term agreements. You want to also see how the positions in the offices are filled for those people in places that you want to deal with. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of a particular story.

That was Monday. Then we have for the rest of Monday the Moon is still in Scorpio.

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Tuesday there is a great celebration aspect between Venus and Jupiter just after midnight. That is very sweet and it can also bring about a feeling of comfort and being loved. Also Venus will change signs later in the evening on July 4th at 8:11 PM. Venus goes into the sign of Gemini. Where you can dream up all kinds of things you would like to do and say. It is the planet of love and money and peacemaking. It is also very artistic. It enjoys variety in all sorts of things relationships. It is very fickle. It is flirtatious and it is a time to develop your communication skills specifically for the purpose of enhancing your personal relationships. But Venus can be burdened with too many choices, so try and keep it simple. Its colors are light and filled with pastel tones.

There Mercury and Uranus later on 8:51 PM they make a square. This is a radical change of mind and extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre. There is all sorts of outburst with extreme bias. So heaven knows what is going to hit the news with that. There could be drastic revisions to documents, wild ideas, friends may disappoint with that aspect as well. That is on the evening there of July 4th.

Wednesday July 5, 2017

July 5th Wednesday Jupiter and Neptune are finally at their last point where they have been in a holding pattern for a long time, a couple of months. They will begin to separate after this quincunx that they form Wednesday morning at 12:19 AM. Lots of philosophical and religious differences are the topic. This is about reaching out way beyond your expectations. Any dreams that you may have just sort of catch a falling star aspect is very, very dreamy and idealistic. That you could actually get lucky with something in a way that you hadn’t imagined. It is a need for compassion and patience and vision. Something we are not seeing a lot of in our immediate field of news media and that sort of thing. Maybe you want to step back from the news.
Lots of water. These are all sorts of changes initiated by great swells of water, so be very careful out to sea. Very careful when swimming or having anything to do with water. Or even in your house you could have a water main that breaks. That quincunx is a work aspect, so it does put workers to work. That usually happens because something will breakdown. Somebody nearby needs a lot of help with that aspect. So you want to check in with people that are older or in the hospital.

The Moon is at its very last end of Scorpio there. The final aspect of the Scorpio Moon is really going to be around 9:27 PM on Tuesday night (backing it up a little bit). And there is a little Green Light period that we’ll see until, just until 9:34 PM. So a couple of minutes. If you have something to say that is important or something that you want to sign do that. But when I say something like 9:27, I don’t mean earlier and I don’t mean later. I mean 9:27. So people say, “Okay I signed it at 9:40, is that okay?” No. So you want to do your signing and your agreeing in that little tiny window there. But there is other Green periods this week too.

So then we have for the Sagittarius Moon that comes in at 1:07 AM. That is going to be on July 5th. That Sagittarius Moon sign begins a Green Light period after 8:19 PM on July 5th. There is a blind spot earlier 9:31 PM that would hover around the day. Mercury and Neptune lots of wet weather could be seen with that or fog. Lots of weather stories with that particular aspect of Mercury and Neptune.

So there is a Green Light period until 10:12 AM on Friday that begins at 8:19 PM on Wednesday night.

The aspects also for Wednesday:

Sun trine Neptune. This one is meditative. Great for music, all sorts of things about shows and activities having to do with museums and Libraries and concerts and that sort of thing. Really nice. It says sleep late and indulge in lazy kind of aspect. So if you are trying to get your engine running on Wednesday you might find that it is a little bit hard. It is very romantic so you might just be day dreaming over all the good things that have come into your life. Throughout this week a temporary resolve for long term data collection. Problem does present itself 8:51 PM when Mercury and Saturn come together briefly just to show you where the bread crumbs lead to. And any of the parties that are at odds they do create some noise and pull apart. All sorts of political rhetoric is stirred up 10:43 PM, but it does influence the whole day of Wednesday. That is because of Sun square Jupiter. It is an opinion that has its very large opinions and notions that need to be tempered. It is a very bully type of aspect.

Thursday July 6, 2017

Thursday July 6th we have still a Green Light period. The Moon in Sagittarius so you want to go for it. There is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon. That is a quincunx at 6:53 AM early on Thursday. So you want to probably plan after that before heading out. That would relate to the Full Moon that is coming up that following Sunday.
Aspects later on for Friday:
Mercury contra parallel Pluto. This aspect has to so with pulling together the final pieces and cutting things out.
Friday July 7, 2017
Mercury and Venus make a really nice aspect Friday morning, a 60 degree aspect. So it’s possible to receive really good news in a positive way. People are generally more harmonious when Mercury and Venus are in this good aspect. It is very fortunate. If you wanted to plan to sign something or do something in particular that would be the time to do it, just before at 9:18 AM. So you may want to do it at quarter past 9:00 and right up until 10:11, 10:12 AM when the Moon’s final aspect, while it is in Sagittarius is formed to Uranus. So something unique and unusual takes over and you are able to see things through from the light of new technology.
Then the Moon sign changes and the Moon goes into the sign of Capricorn 1:44 PM. This is not a good Moon sign for signing or doing anything business wise. It may be very high pressured very high powered. The Full Moon is going to be in Capricorn so you just want to take it easy. Read the fine print on everything. That Capricorn Moon runs right through next weekend. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at My name is Dietrech Pessin. Type in either one of those on the internet, you will find my website. And my phone number is 617-924-0929. Give me a call for an appointment or questions about astrology. I have class on Tuesday, even this Tuesday if you have the day off and you want to join us for an astrology class, it is from 11:00 to 1:00 in Watertown. So give me a call it should be a lot of fun. Have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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