Saturday, July 15, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days July 15 - 21, 2017

Listen to the live radio report here:

Green Light Days

Tuesday July 18 from 3:00 PM until Wednesday at 2:24 AM
Thursday night from 9:00 PM until 1:40 AM Friday July 21.

Planet Changes this week include:

Mars enters Leo Thursday at 8:20 AM - before that on Thursday something could be dropped. Your goals may change dramatically.
Mars will travel through Leo until it enters Virgo on September 5, 2017 which is the day that Mercury turns direct after being retrograde from August 12.

The Moon phase this week is on Sunday July 16, 2017 at 24 degrees Aries which is loaded with excitement. Be mindful of sudden abrupt changes which are related to Uranus - the Jack-in-the-Box planet.
This Moon phase has a lineage going back to April 2015 at the related New Moon; then the first quarter Moon January 2016 was the next stage of the saga; the full Moon of October 16, 2016 may have revealed something that is up for scrutiny now at the Last Quarter Moon Sunday July 16, 2017. This is the time to pay up or get paid for your efforts.

This high energy week is filled with breakthrough or break-up energies. Surprises all around can be expected as we come to expect the unexpected. Mars and Uranus and Sun and Uranus amp up the volume of noise, fire, blasts, viruses, bites, force and battle.
Advance cautiously. But allow for matters to break loose of old ties.

The following has been transcribed from the live radio report:

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 15, 2017 – Saturday, July 22, 2017

Good morning. Well, we have quite an exciting week. It is a Mars Uranus week so that is the kind of excitement that we need to be very careful of. There are several things that are being set off with Mars and Uranus. One of the things will happen tomorrow with a Quarter Moon. That is a last Quarter Moon at 3:26 PM. Now I’ve noticed throughout my years of studying astrology that the Quarter Moons, the First and the Last Quarter Moons are the most active days on the very day that it happens. Unlike a New Moon or a Full Moon where you get several days where something is related to it. This would make tomorrow a very exciting day. It might be a little more excitement than you had planned. So you want to go ahead with caution. It is activating a point where Uranus has stopped and hung out for a while. So it is at that same zodiac address. That would be a point where there is a jack-in-the-box energy. It is at 3:26 PM but it is the whole day that you want to watch out for. And there is a little bit of a blind spot also between Mercury and Pluto. Something comes up tomorrow that is very kind of out of the blue. It is as if a there could be perhaps a water main that breaks or there could be a road block. Something that takes you off your track and that would be the kind of thing that you would want also to plan ahead. Check your route before you head out.
So for today going back over today…There is a couple of things that we want to mention. The Sun and Pluto are in an aspect. Now this kind of aspect is about people getting into very deep talks. It could occur at any point during the day. It is also a time when those behind the scenes are scheming. So there is a lot of that planning for some big event that they may be orchestrating. So you want to be on your own. You want to probably mind money matters. That might be related. There is a money aspect that is at 5:40 PM today. That is sort of hooked up with Mars and Venus who are in an aspect with one another, also today at 1:49 PM. So there might be a little bit of an attraction or interest with another person and it ends well. With a maybe nice meal or a future plan when Moon and Venus are in a beautiful 60 degree aspect at 5:40 PM. Or you may just find something that you absolutely love and you want to buy.
Now later on with it is an Aries Moon that we are under today. Later on with the Aries Moon there are several bumps in the road. One is tonight. I don’t know. You could get separated from the people that you are hanging out with when the Moon is opposite Jupiter. There could also be something that you had…like let’s say you wanted to go and see a movie or join in a concert, and it quite wasn’t what you wanted it to be.
Sunday July 16
Then on Sunday we still have an Aries Moon. And that Aries Moon is filled with the snap, crackle, and pop of the Quarter Moon associated with Uranus, as I had mentioned. That is exact at 3:26 PM tomorrow.
Mercury and Pluto are doing a dance at 3:50 PM. So this is about getting into the thick of it in regard to talking about serious matters. It’s also…it tends to cause you to ruminate. So if something occurs and it gets that broken record going round and round and round that is Mercury Pluto. Try to jump off that record and let that topic go for a better time to deal with it. Say if you have to deal with insurance companies or something like that. Or talk to people who are only in the office from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.
Then later on in the day Moon is square Mars and that is at 9:11 PM. That is a little bit testy because then it goes on…the Moon goes on to join Uranus. So it is leading to that very testy Mars Uranus square that we are going to have. And then also Venus is making an aspect to Uranus. So the people who made fast friends the day before or the earlier part of the day maybe pulled apart for whatever reason. Things didn’t work out when Venus the planet of love and Uranus the planet of pulling apart creates that energy of sort of a relationship mishap kind of thing.
Monday July 17
There is a void of course Moon that starts at 10:18 PM Sunday until Monday at 1:04 AM. That is on Sunday night and 1:04 AM Monday. Then the Moon is in Taurus. There are some good points with that Taurus Moon. There is a little bit of confusion and disillusionment. Also romantic disillusionment 10:33 AM on Monday when Venus is square Neptune. So you are not seeing things as clearly as you might. You might have illusions about things coming together that don’t actually meet the mark. You may have judged somebody differently than who they really are and find out that later.
Then also Vesta the planet for investment is changing signs entering Virgo. This is great for getting down to business and getting perhaps getting a job that you feel better suited with. Also it is about commitment to the self and your sacred space. Vesta is very powerful for security and anything having to do with homeland security. And it does have to do with getting all of the ducks in a row. A better plan.
Mars and Uranus are exactly square 9:36 PM on Monday night making all day Monday very haphazard and even going into Tuesday morning.
Now Mars is the planet of work and fire and noise and heat. It could put the temperature way up inside and out. You want to step back be part of the solution, not part of the problem. But definitely take good notes.
Then Mars and Pluto are in an aspect Monday night, where they come together for a project or a plan very carefully. This looks like a lot of those strikes going on. Seems that there more strikes, worker strikes than usual. This could be all this Mars and Uranus energy. So Mars and Pluto have the quality of coming together for a short term project or short term agreement to fix something. Like they come together to fix a bridge and then they move on.
Tuesday July 18
Moon and Mercury form a square right at noon time. So don’t sign anything during that morning of Tuesday the 18th. Don’t hop on to anything or take a job. Wait until after 3:00 PM on Tuesday and then you have a Green Light. There is a little caution in there between Mars and Neptune 6:50 PM Tuesday. Something is foggy, hazy. Read the fine print. But all in all I would say, if you were able to sign an agreement or say yes to a job or something like that after 7:00 PM, you would be in good shape. You could even have a wonderful dinner a wonderful family meeting with that Taurus Moon, where it does celebrate tradition and all sorts of nice comforting food.
Very nice aspect between the Moon and Mars later on after this. After The Sun and the Moon are in a beautiful sextile. Later on the Moon and Mars are in that nice sextile as well. Then we have the final aspect of the Taurus Moon at 2:24 AM Wednesday. Moon is parallel Mercury. That says the agreements that come together would be long standing. So that is good news on that.
But the whole week this whole weekend is all Mars Uranus, and the Sun in Uranus. And the next weeks…we are coming in this whole time for an aspect between the Sun and Mars, which does not exactly happen until the 26th of July. This is about also bug bites, infections and colds and flus and that sort of thing.
Wednesday July 18
But getting back to Wednesday that Taurus Moon changes into a Gemini Moon at 3:31 AM. During that Gemini Moon we are going to see Mars change signs. It will go into the sign of Leo, which is a fire sign. The aspects on Wednesday include Mercury trine Saturn, which is about a harmony between thinking and the rules; the rules of the game and the way you were thinking they should works. You are able to form a plan, create a design that will actually function.
Then the Sun and Venus join together by a parallel. This is lovely. It is a parallel. So it brings people together for long term. Even though there are some problems still that could be seen with the Gemini Moon. There are some bright spots about meeting people that are well suited or better suited. However there is a change where there is some confusion because maybe the person that you have your eye on whether it be to hire or to pair up with as a companion or a lover, they go off with somebody new. So there is a little bit of an upset that is involved with Mars changing signs. That is what is causing the problem.
Thursday July 20
So Mars is there and is encouraging a type of relationship. Meanwhile Mars has its eyes on some stage in the future where he may shine brighter. Also Mars is not so thrilled with the Cancer quality of the sign whereas Mars is a fire planet, it simply washes water over anyone’s drive. Because Cancer is more about being in control, others being in control of what you do. So there is a freedom that goes on when Mars changes signs to Leo.
So then for Thursday. that is at 8:19 AM. A couple of aspects. 8:37 AM Moon is quincunx Pluto. Life’s messy clean it up and have to pay the toll keeper. So that is also something to be careful about. Going through stop signs or red lights on the way to work with that aspect. It clears by 8:45 or so in the morning. And then 3:32 PM the Moon is opposite Saturn. Anything before that you might be feeling that there is a heavy mood. It does lift and there is this high energy jack-in-the-box energy again on Thursday 8:25 PM. But it really is all day long because the Sun is square Uranus on Thursday and that a lot of surprises and things are not clearing the path. People have to answer to others. There is all that sort of thing going on. That is what our life seems to be all about now. What are the surprises this week? So the whole week is going to be filled with surprise.
Friday July 21
Then later on in that Gemini Moon…with that Gemini Moon there is an aspect that sets off a void of course Moon period from 1:40 AM on Friday morning right until 4:09 AM Friday morning. During that time there would be an aspect between the Sun and the Moon. But it is at the point where it is from Monday. It sort of revives Monday’s Mars square Uranus energy. So that very cranky quality of jack-in-the-box and things that are not working. That is added into the last bit of that Gemini Moon that we have on Friday morning. But we should all probably be asleep by then. But be careful about ignoring noises in the middle of the night. Maybe it is just a thunderstorm.
Then for the rest of Friday there is Mercury square the Lunar Node. That is very often very loud information day. All sorts of facts that come out which need to be addressed. Anything having to do with trips that you are taking. There might be problems. Make sure your paperwork is in order. Also make sure that your travel route has a good alternative plan as well. That is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at And also call me at 617 -924 – 0929. You can talk to me about setting up a consultation for an astrology reading. Also my classes are on Tuesday at 11:00 in the morning until 1:00.very good. So if you have some time off for the summer and want to join an astrology class, join us. It is Watertown. Have a great week!

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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