Listen to the radio report:
There is a Green Light that began today at 12:40 AM, Saturday Sept 30 through Monday morning at 7:13 AM.
The Moon is in Aquarius and will make it's last aspect to Jupiter with an open heart trine.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 30, 2017 – Saturday, October 7, 2017
Good morning. We have an interesting week. We have a beautiful Green Light period all this weekend that started 10:40 AM this morning and it will run right through until 7:12 AM on Monday morning. So if you have anything that you want to do with this Aquarius Moon you may want to just clear your calendar and take advantage of the Green Light that you have, even if it is about business. Especially if it is about business.
If you can write your emails make connections with others do whatever you can to forward your goals. It is a very beautiful Moon trine Jupiter at the end of the sign, which is excellent for forwarding your goals all weekend long. It’s great for weekend for socializing and also for joining with others for likeminded activities and anything having to do with the environment helping the environment. Keeping in mind all of our friends in Puerto Rico and how can we help them.
So we can have a day with a little bit of extra luck. Let’s see…well there was a Venus Jupiter aspect at 9:24 just a couple of minutes ago. Then there is a little bit of a dreamy thing at 10:57 PM Venus and Neptune.
Sunday October 1, 2017
There will be also during Sunday’s Aquarius Moon a couple of things going on with the Moon, Venus and Mars. They are big players with the Full Moon that is coming up on Thursday. Venus and Mars are working towards a conjunction. That means they are lining up together. That line up will happen at 19 degrees of Virgo. If you are a Virgo this might be particularly good for you in regard to love and also the flow of money. Even if you are not a Virgo it really helps.
You know we all have some Virgo somewhere in our chart. For me for instance it is about my home that is the bottom of my chart. Maybe for you it is about your money house then it could definitely put some money into your pocket and into your savings account. You can have also friendship with this because of the Moon in Aquarius.
When the Moon is making a connection to Venus. It is a quincunx, which means something out of the blue pops up 3:40 AM Sunday morning. And then at 9:00 AM Sunday morning the Moon is quincunx Mars. So it doesn’t mean that you have to be up for those times to experience the energies of that. This will be running through all week long as the pair, Venus and Mars, join together on Thursday at the Full Moon clarifying something, bringing something to the surface.
It could have a lot to do with the condition and status of a relationship. People finalizing something. People that have been working on something may finally find that they can either call it a day, and split. Or they could potentially find that how they have been working on their relationships works out.
The other things for Sunday Mars and Pluto are trine. This maybe where there is a step up of energies or motivation towards large masses of people. Hopefully there is all sorts of help going to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. And all of the Virgin Islands, where there is so much devastation there. So that may help to clear roads and may help to bring together workers to be able to get things done.
The excellent aspect between the Moon and Jupiter during this Aquarius Moon sign is at 7:12 AM Monday morning. Then the Moon will be void of course until 10:26 AM. But do take advantage of that beautiful Green Light period.
Monday October 2, 2017
The Pisces Moon that starts at 10:26 AM. That one has a couple of things where the Moon for instance quincunx the Sun while in the sign of Pisces because of the fact that the Moon and the Sun will be opposite at the full Moon on Thursday. So there is that event or that clash or something that happens or people are put to work. People rush to a situation to work something out. Pisces would be about helping those that are isolated and destitute.
Jupiter and Uranus are making another aspect. They did an opposition on Thursday the 28th of September. They sort of finalize that on Monday morning at 3:00 in the afternoon. This is about coming together for a specific purpose to advance a goal and moving things along in a hopefully positive direction.
Then for the rest of Monday the likelihood of things working out long term for business plans are not great because of the fact that the Moon has to make an aspect to Jupiter pulling apart the players during that Pisces Moon. So it is not the best business day to but it is great for helping. It is all about helping those who are unable to help themselves. Also it is particularly good for breaking bad habits and trying to release yourself from addictions. So the Pisces Moon is excellent for freedom from those ties that are wrapping around your life in a negative way.
And in a positive way I would say look in on people that you know that are shut in and can’t manage things for themselves. A lot of elderly people need extra help. They don’t have the money to ask for help. They don’t have the resources that the rest of us do. So pop in and ask them what can you do. Just to make people feel that they are not alone I think is a big important thing.
Tuesday October 3, 2017
So on Tuesday. Tuesday is always a strong action day because it is ruled by the planet Mars. So it is a real get up and go day with the Moon in Pisces. It might be particularly rainy or cloudy or foggy. Of course it is somewhere on the planet that is for sure. But it clouds our thinking and it also could distract our direction if you are trying to have a forward straight direction. You might actually find that you are dropping a project for something else. Kind of chasing your tail a little bit.
There is an aspect on Tuesday Venus trine Pluto 3:09 PM. That aspect has to do with perhaps finding that you have some money or an easy access to those that are holding the money. Maybe to the bank. You will get a positive answer for something that you might have been working on for some time. Pluto is now direct and it had been retrograde since April, though it turned direct on Thursday. That leads us to a more open relationship with those that holding the purse strings. Then Venus is opposite the Moon at 5:33 PM on Tuesday. So whatever you are spending be careful that you don’t get yourself into yet another debt.
Then the Moon is opposite Mars 7:36 PM. These are particularly important because of all the Venus Mars events going on. Another one, Moon and Venus at 9:47 PM. Then the Moon and Mars early the next morning.
There are those that are trying to come together and get the flow of energy, workers, money, everything moving in the right direction. There is a big halt and something stops it early in the morning, Moon square Saturn and that is the low point.
Wednesday October 4, 2017
After that it releases a bit and then we move on to Wednesday where the Pisces Moon is moving in the direction of Jupiter. That is to help those that are abroad or bringing those home that are far away. It may also have to do with education. Topics about education or things that are very important on campuses for instance.
The Aries Moon will host a Full Moon on Thursday. But for the Aries Moon that does begin at 4:40 PM on Wednesday it continues right until 7:56 PM on Friday. So during that Aries Moon there is Sun quincunx Neptune. Someone sweeps you off your feet and it is not particularly a healthy or good thing.
And if you are tempted to sign on, sign up, engage in some way it is at 11:09 PM on Wednesday night. It is kind of about a cloud or a mysterious type of behavior, sneaky behavior, something behind the scenes. It could also have to do with foreign places like North Korea, China, Asia. Anywhere that would be the Far East or even the Middle East might point to events that suddenly emerge. Two ships passing in the night having an encounter in some way.
Thursday October 5, 2017
Then on Thursday, October 5th the Aries Moon is still with us. There is a little message there from the Moon opposite Mercury sitting at a very prominent degree at 9 degrees of Libra, 10 degrees of Libra. This is where Mars had turned direct back in 2014 in the month of May. On the very day that happened there was one of the topics was campus sexual assault. That was in an official capacity on that day. Another thing was china stole secret specs from Westinghouse the most high tech nuclear power plant in the world. Plus other very high tech companies. So we are going to see how messages from that might be back in the news in regard to those two things. But Research what else may have gone even in your own life, May of 2014. And how those things how those messages coming through might be relevant.
Then 12:53 PM Venus and Mars are joined finally at 19 degrees of Virgo. This is as I had said a flow of energy and work. It is a work sign. So it is putting you to work. If you have been waiting for something to benefit your work projects or your business this may be your day. Thursday could be your day with that Full Moon. The Full Moon takes place at 2:40 PM. You want to look back to October 2014 and April of 2015. Once again those. That polarity of October 2014 is back up and April of 2015. See what was going on in your life then and how that relates to this coming week.
Then there is a whole list of parallels and contra parallels that the Moon is making to Mercury, Venus, Mars. And also the Sun is making to Mars and Venus. And then Mars and Venus are also making a parallel.
These things are very powerful. They refer to things that are pulled together. First there are matters or helpers or those that come together for a particular project. Very important project. It may be a onetime thing. Like if people are running down to Puerto Rico to help or down to the Virgin Islands to help. It is not a permanent relocation. Or people are bringing others back home to help them to relocate.
Venus and Mars joining together helps to get that flow going. I know there are crew ships and others that are trying to help as well.
Friday October 6, 2017
The parallel between Venus and Mars does align again with the Sun and the Moon on Friday. All day Friday. And then later on in the day for bringing things of importance like supplies and money. And in our daily lives this might be about you finding money that you need to do what you need to do. These things are particular for the sign of Virgo, which has to do with the working and maintenance of matters. Also health, good health results. if you are having health appointments this week. It may lead to a very positive treatments as well.
Later on, on Friday Mercury and Neptune are once again stirring up the waterways and the fog, and clouding judgements. That is at 1:44 PM.
Then the Moon is making an aspect to both Uranus and Jupiter. Sort of signing off that opposition there at 2:58 PM between Uranus and Jupiter, which is about sweeping changes particularly having to do with foreign people, higher education, campuses, and anything having to do with travel. That may be there are decisions in the Supreme Court about various travel bans and things like that.
At 6:37 PM is the last aspect of the Moon in the sign of Aries. That is an opposition to Jupiter. This may also be about a marketing plan if you are trying to advance your goals through various things. Like you want to launch a website, something like that might be interesting to do while all those parallels are going on during the Aries Moon. But there is a chance that things get dropped and reorganized later.
For Friday night the Moon is in Taurus. A great sign for going out to eat good food, when the Moon is in Taurus. It is 7:56 PM and it is there until Sunday night. that is the 8th at 9:44 PM. There will be a series of things on Friday night that have to do with tradition and family and hosting.
My birthday comes up next Saturday, October 7th. So that is it for the week.
You can find my website at You can call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. I have a class on Tuesday morning at 11:00 in the morning. It is a great class. If you would like to study astrology. It is a 2 hour class in Watertown. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Sept 23 - 29, 2017
Listen to the WZBC FM 90.3 radio report:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 23, 2017 – Saturday, September 30, 2017
Good morning. We have an extremely exciting week. I don’t know if we can handle so much excitement. There is a huge thing that will take place at the end of the week on the 28th.
There are two huge things that are going on. Jupiter and Uranus are in opposition to one another and that is really like a mammoth amount of sweeping change. The other thing that is governing large, large changes is the fact that Pluto is turning direct after being retrograde since April. That will be on Thursday as well.
There are several other aspects going on with Mars to Uranus and Neptune and Venus and Neptune. There is a very lucky Venus and Jupiter aspect. And there is another one that I will find in the report that is Venus and Uranus, which could be extremely lucky spots. But I would not count on them to carry you through, unless you win the lottery or something, to carry you through a well thought out business plan of some sort. It however could create a stunning change.
But these things that we are looking at during the Scorpio Moon today have a lot to do with going very deeply into subjects. And delving into things in such a way that you are researching. You are finding things because we are gaining more light of the Moon as we go towards a Quarter Moon, 1st Quarter Moon that will come up on Wednesday. So if you are trying to scope out a type of new platform or format for yourself this is an interesting couple of days with the Scorpio Moon. So it is a great time also just sit there and research and research. You will find what you are looking for most likely after this Mars Neptune opposition takes place on Sunday.
The rest of what I wanted to say about Saturday, today September 23rd. Well apparently the world hasn’t ended. There is all that hype about the world come to an end on September 23rd. We are still here. We still have hours left, but we will still be here.
What we can expect for this evening is to have deep discussions with people, deep experiences. So whoever you are joining company with you may find that you are able to experience things on a more intimate level.
The Moon is making an aspect later tonight at 10:00, 10:07 aspecting Pluto who rules the sign of Scorpio. So it might make for very interesting connections. Could be very, very sensual very seductive. There is also for the end result of the Scorpio Moon it could be sudden abrupt change because the Moon will finally make its aspect to Uranus. That jack in the box that I talk about that is sudden abrupt change kind of thing.
But going over Sunday’s Mars opposite Neptune. It is exact at 3:49 PM. It creates that inability to act with clear direction and clear focus. So you also might feel like you’ve lost all the energy, like right of your leg and you are in a fog and there could be lots of gaps in your decision making and your actions. But if you miss an opportunity don’t worry because you were meant to miss it for a good reason.
You also may learn that people that you’ve trusted or that you want to trust are acting in illegal projects or illicit activities that you don’t want to become involved in.
The other things that Mars and Neptune opposition might do is cause problems with any changes in your medication. Or it may influence you with mind altering substances also making your thinking very unclear. It could be a very good time to seek out a recovery program. Sometimes the wrong action motivated by a mission or a belief system could affect many. That may be also something we see. Look for secret actions that go awry.
There could be loss of energy weakness in your physical activity. Not a good day to start a physical program. Like exercise program. You need to wait on that. Any way you want to cut lose any deviant behavior, do it with this aspect 3:49 PM. I would say after that cut things loose that you don’t want.
Later on Sunday night 9:58 PM Mars and Uranus are making an aspect very accident prone especially in light of the fact that we have Jupiter involved In this later on in the week. So this is saying I’m setting this stage for you now. but you may have already noticed that the drivers are absolutely out of their minds. Taking incredible risks and these risks can be dangerous to us. So we have to be extremely cautious don’t be on the road any more than you have to during this week in general.
But there is an extreme need for freedom and for surprises. High blood pressure is also part of Mars and Uranus. Individuality, spontaneous scientific inventions, and anything that stirs up others… Getting other people activated and involved in your own rebellious notions. Angry politics are also part of this picture.
You can find the spikes and rhythm. So if you are noticing blood pressure spikes. If you are not noticing, you may need to check it out and have immediate resources for making changes to things like blood pressure run amuck.
And I would curb your opinion with this aspect because of the fact that you could lose more from stating your opinion than not.
And that Scorpio Moon is void of course on Sunday night from 7:02 PM until Monday morning right at midnight. That is at 12 AM Monday. The Moon enters Sagittarius. Now this Sagittarius Moon is filled with everything about your freedom and your space. It could influence you in very strong ways to cut things loose, quit job, make permanent changes to long standing relationships, and housing, and anything that you’ve been attach to for quite some time. Especially having things to do with partnership and pairing. So we will look at that more.
But on Monday, Monday morning at 10:35 AM This will be influenced early… very, very early Monday. It creates a narrow mindedness and a very focused thinking. It could be a day for exclusions and omissions and restrictions and if there are very long delays know that things will pick up later on in the week. There is an exactness with details and computer problems that you may have as well with this aspect. But this could be when you are making that decision about a job. Should I quit this job? Should I move out of this department? Should I do whatever... Let this car go and get a new car? All those decisions you will be working out the details on Monday.
Then later on there are a couple of aspects. Mars to Neptune and then Venus to Uranus. Very difficult for conclusions. And you might have misguided directions with the Mars Neptune aspect. If there is a plan that you have and you want to go ahead with the people that you have just met. Move very slowly with new people because they may be inviting trouble because of their own agenda, their own hidden agenda.
Then Venus and Uranus make this aspect a parallel aspect. It is extremely lucky for love and money. So you may want to use that right at 1:04, 1:05 PM on Monday to test your luck in some way. Doesn’t add to long term stability for any type of business activity because of the fact that we have so many other things that are trying to sweep the floor, and sweep the space, and give you a clean slate. But this could help to form a long term friendship that allows you to invest your ideas with somebody else and connect with likeminded people. And expect the unexpected. There could be a silver lining in a recent heavy cloud.
Then for Tuesday there is another Venus aspect. Venus split parallel to Jupiter. This is in the evening at 7:13 PM. It does however have a long range impact longer than just an opposition. So I would say between the two: Venus parallel Uranus and then Venus counter parallel Jupiter. Looks as if there is a wide and open hearted break from monotony and there is also the possibility of a miracle that could come and save the day. So any gifts from an angel and you may want to try any one time shot at an opportunity to have a lucky break.
The Moon is never really void of course in Sagittarius but the last aspect is 7:08 AM on Wednesday. But that Sagittarius Moon which will run right until 12:23 PM on Wednesday. It is filled with all sorts of things that will help you to break loose and break free of other things that you are trying to untether yourself, so that you could become more independent.
The Capricorn Moon that begins 12:24 PM on Wednesday. It has a First Quarter Moon. That would be at 12:53 PM Wednesday. This is when you are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that started last December 29th. So there was a New Moon there near the same degree. So this is a very important business type of aspect. And it is the set up for this Jupiter opposite Uranus where this could be something as simple as a break in your routine or a breakdown in a relationship or a career or a way of life.
So on one hand you might feel a strong urge to change your scenery, but on the other hand you may feel very rattled by the thought of breaking into new territory. So you want to give yourself that ability to take a leap of faith with such an aspect.
In some cases you might feel that there are obstacles that you want to move away from. Other people for instance. They could be the obstacle you feel that are holding you back. Either way it is time to ponder your life about the use of your time and the restrictions that you have.
It is also a travel aspect. When I look at that day all by itself it looks as if, especially with Pluto turning direct that day, looks as if there is something huge where the whole planet is watching something. Could have to do with air travel. There could be a suspension of air travel for a period of time. It could be a short period or a longer period after to figure something out. Or maybe it is weather related. There are things that involve large numbers of people, huge numbers of people, because of the Pluto energy.
The other thing with the Pluto station it rules the things of our greatest fears. If you have a fear of mice maybe you will see a mouse in the house on that day. If you have a fear of anything. Of losing something or gaining too much of something, you might find that that day has an expression of what your fears are. So it can be extremely personal and you may be able to access these deeper energies to motivate greater change. That is a very exciting thing going on, on Thursday.
Then on Friday mostly there is a Venus opposite Neptune. This is romance and illusion attached to romantic notions with vague boundaries regarding realistic values. So you could lose things. All week long is losing your items as well. Anything that where you are charmed or these strong intoxicating mood camouflaging a seduction or deception. Try and use your skills for poking through those types of things and protect yourself from anyone trying to sweep you off your feet on Friday.
Mercury is changing signs and that would be at 8:42 PM. Mercury will go into the sign Libra. It will be there for 20 days or so.
Venus and Uranus make an aspect at 10:17 PM on Friday. That is another thing that has to do with friendship, breaking off friendship, meeting new friends, trying to seal the deal with new friends. It could be more of that romantic thing where finally you get a hold of your senses and you say “oh, no I am not going to do this.” Okay. So that is it for the week.
The Capricorn Moon will go right until the next morning through Friday night.
Classes for astrology are Tuesday mornings 11:00 until 1:00 in Watertown if you want to study astrology we have a really cool class right now. All levels are welcome, if you are a motivated studier. If you want to call me for a chart or consultation the number is 617-924-0929. Have a very good week. We will meet here again same time next week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 23, 2017 – Saturday, September 30, 2017
Good morning. We have an extremely exciting week. I don’t know if we can handle so much excitement. There is a huge thing that will take place at the end of the week on the 28th.
There are two huge things that are going on. Jupiter and Uranus are in opposition to one another and that is really like a mammoth amount of sweeping change. The other thing that is governing large, large changes is the fact that Pluto is turning direct after being retrograde since April. That will be on Thursday as well.
There are several other aspects going on with Mars to Uranus and Neptune and Venus and Neptune. There is a very lucky Venus and Jupiter aspect. And there is another one that I will find in the report that is Venus and Uranus, which could be extremely lucky spots. But I would not count on them to carry you through, unless you win the lottery or something, to carry you through a well thought out business plan of some sort. It however could create a stunning change.
But these things that we are looking at during the Scorpio Moon today have a lot to do with going very deeply into subjects. And delving into things in such a way that you are researching. You are finding things because we are gaining more light of the Moon as we go towards a Quarter Moon, 1st Quarter Moon that will come up on Wednesday. So if you are trying to scope out a type of new platform or format for yourself this is an interesting couple of days with the Scorpio Moon. So it is a great time also just sit there and research and research. You will find what you are looking for most likely after this Mars Neptune opposition takes place on Sunday.
The rest of what I wanted to say about Saturday, today September 23rd. Well apparently the world hasn’t ended. There is all that hype about the world come to an end on September 23rd. We are still here. We still have hours left, but we will still be here.
What we can expect for this evening is to have deep discussions with people, deep experiences. So whoever you are joining company with you may find that you are able to experience things on a more intimate level.
The Moon is making an aspect later tonight at 10:00, 10:07 aspecting Pluto who rules the sign of Scorpio. So it might make for very interesting connections. Could be very, very sensual very seductive. There is also for the end result of the Scorpio Moon it could be sudden abrupt change because the Moon will finally make its aspect to Uranus. That jack in the box that I talk about that is sudden abrupt change kind of thing.
But going over Sunday’s Mars opposite Neptune. It is exact at 3:49 PM. It creates that inability to act with clear direction and clear focus. So you also might feel like you’ve lost all the energy, like right of your leg and you are in a fog and there could be lots of gaps in your decision making and your actions. But if you miss an opportunity don’t worry because you were meant to miss it for a good reason.
You also may learn that people that you’ve trusted or that you want to trust are acting in illegal projects or illicit activities that you don’t want to become involved in.
The other things that Mars and Neptune opposition might do is cause problems with any changes in your medication. Or it may influence you with mind altering substances also making your thinking very unclear. It could be a very good time to seek out a recovery program. Sometimes the wrong action motivated by a mission or a belief system could affect many. That may be also something we see. Look for secret actions that go awry.
There could be loss of energy weakness in your physical activity. Not a good day to start a physical program. Like exercise program. You need to wait on that. Any way you want to cut lose any deviant behavior, do it with this aspect 3:49 PM. I would say after that cut things loose that you don’t want.
Later on Sunday night 9:58 PM Mars and Uranus are making an aspect very accident prone especially in light of the fact that we have Jupiter involved In this later on in the week. So this is saying I’m setting this stage for you now. but you may have already noticed that the drivers are absolutely out of their minds. Taking incredible risks and these risks can be dangerous to us. So we have to be extremely cautious don’t be on the road any more than you have to during this week in general.
But there is an extreme need for freedom and for surprises. High blood pressure is also part of Mars and Uranus. Individuality, spontaneous scientific inventions, and anything that stirs up others… Getting other people activated and involved in your own rebellious notions. Angry politics are also part of this picture.
You can find the spikes and rhythm. So if you are noticing blood pressure spikes. If you are not noticing, you may need to check it out and have immediate resources for making changes to things like blood pressure run amuck.
And I would curb your opinion with this aspect because of the fact that you could lose more from stating your opinion than not.
And that Scorpio Moon is void of course on Sunday night from 7:02 PM until Monday morning right at midnight. That is at 12 AM Monday. The Moon enters Sagittarius. Now this Sagittarius Moon is filled with everything about your freedom and your space. It could influence you in very strong ways to cut things loose, quit job, make permanent changes to long standing relationships, and housing, and anything that you’ve been attach to for quite some time. Especially having things to do with partnership and pairing. So we will look at that more.
But on Monday, Monday morning at 10:35 AM This will be influenced early… very, very early Monday. It creates a narrow mindedness and a very focused thinking. It could be a day for exclusions and omissions and restrictions and if there are very long delays know that things will pick up later on in the week. There is an exactness with details and computer problems that you may have as well with this aspect. But this could be when you are making that decision about a job. Should I quit this job? Should I move out of this department? Should I do whatever... Let this car go and get a new car? All those decisions you will be working out the details on Monday.
Then later on there are a couple of aspects. Mars to Neptune and then Venus to Uranus. Very difficult for conclusions. And you might have misguided directions with the Mars Neptune aspect. If there is a plan that you have and you want to go ahead with the people that you have just met. Move very slowly with new people because they may be inviting trouble because of their own agenda, their own hidden agenda.
Then Venus and Uranus make this aspect a parallel aspect. It is extremely lucky for love and money. So you may want to use that right at 1:04, 1:05 PM on Monday to test your luck in some way. Doesn’t add to long term stability for any type of business activity because of the fact that we have so many other things that are trying to sweep the floor, and sweep the space, and give you a clean slate. But this could help to form a long term friendship that allows you to invest your ideas with somebody else and connect with likeminded people. And expect the unexpected. There could be a silver lining in a recent heavy cloud.
Then for Tuesday there is another Venus aspect. Venus split parallel to Jupiter. This is in the evening at 7:13 PM. It does however have a long range impact longer than just an opposition. So I would say between the two: Venus parallel Uranus and then Venus counter parallel Jupiter. Looks as if there is a wide and open hearted break from monotony and there is also the possibility of a miracle that could come and save the day. So any gifts from an angel and you may want to try any one time shot at an opportunity to have a lucky break.
The Moon is never really void of course in Sagittarius but the last aspect is 7:08 AM on Wednesday. But that Sagittarius Moon which will run right until 12:23 PM on Wednesday. It is filled with all sorts of things that will help you to break loose and break free of other things that you are trying to untether yourself, so that you could become more independent.
The Capricorn Moon that begins 12:24 PM on Wednesday. It has a First Quarter Moon. That would be at 12:53 PM Wednesday. This is when you are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that started last December 29th. So there was a New Moon there near the same degree. So this is a very important business type of aspect. And it is the set up for this Jupiter opposite Uranus where this could be something as simple as a break in your routine or a breakdown in a relationship or a career or a way of life.
So on one hand you might feel a strong urge to change your scenery, but on the other hand you may feel very rattled by the thought of breaking into new territory. So you want to give yourself that ability to take a leap of faith with such an aspect.
In some cases you might feel that there are obstacles that you want to move away from. Other people for instance. They could be the obstacle you feel that are holding you back. Either way it is time to ponder your life about the use of your time and the restrictions that you have.
It is also a travel aspect. When I look at that day all by itself it looks as if, especially with Pluto turning direct that day, looks as if there is something huge where the whole planet is watching something. Could have to do with air travel. There could be a suspension of air travel for a period of time. It could be a short period or a longer period after to figure something out. Or maybe it is weather related. There are things that involve large numbers of people, huge numbers of people, because of the Pluto energy.
The other thing with the Pluto station it rules the things of our greatest fears. If you have a fear of mice maybe you will see a mouse in the house on that day. If you have a fear of anything. Of losing something or gaining too much of something, you might find that that day has an expression of what your fears are. So it can be extremely personal and you may be able to access these deeper energies to motivate greater change. That is a very exciting thing going on, on Thursday.
Then on Friday mostly there is a Venus opposite Neptune. This is romance and illusion attached to romantic notions with vague boundaries regarding realistic values. So you could lose things. All week long is losing your items as well. Anything that where you are charmed or these strong intoxicating mood camouflaging a seduction or deception. Try and use your skills for poking through those types of things and protect yourself from anyone trying to sweep you off your feet on Friday.
Mercury is changing signs and that would be at 8:42 PM. Mercury will go into the sign Libra. It will be there for 20 days or so.
Venus and Uranus make an aspect at 10:17 PM on Friday. That is another thing that has to do with friendship, breaking off friendship, meeting new friends, trying to seal the deal with new friends. It could be more of that romantic thing where finally you get a hold of your senses and you say “oh, no I am not going to do this.” Okay. So that is it for the week.
The Capricorn Moon will go right until the next morning through Friday night.
Classes for astrology are Tuesday mornings 11:00 until 1:00 in Watertown if you want to study astrology we have a really cool class right now. All levels are welcome, if you are a motivated studier. If you want to call me for a chart or consultation the number is 617-924-0929. Have a very good week. We will meet here again same time next week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Sept 16 - 22, 2017
Listen to the radio report here:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 16, 2017 – Saturday, September 23, 2017
Good morning. There is a lot going on this week with this New Moon coming up. We have a New Moon on Wednesday. Today before we get to the Virgo New Moon we are still in the sign of Leo for the Moon. The Sun is in the sign of Virgo.
What is interesting about today (9/16/17) is that Mercury and Mars join at 3:01 PM. They have been neck and neck one way or another for nearly t two weeks. Now they are finally meeting up to join then part ways. But not until after 10:37 PM tonight. So what is good about this is that you are able to make connections with people that you have been trying to reach for a while. That can bring about some possible connections for projects or for jobs.
There can also be a lot of impatience associated with Mercury and Mars as they align. I call it also foot in mouth. This is a time definitely when you want to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Any snap judgments and quick actions could lead to arguments. So you want to be very careful and especially when driving. There is a lot of aggressive travel. That is also attributed to Mercury and Uranus and Mars all clustered together by declination (the north and south positions of the planets) So that is making this a rather dangerous period right through tonight, maybe even Sunday, 9/17/2017,as it begins to let up.
The other things that are going on in particular with this week during the Leo Moon sign begins tomorrow 9/17/2017, as well. There is what is called an occultation with the Moon and Venus. That means that there is a little mini Eclipse where the two of them line up with the path of the Earth so that there is this little Eclipse of the Moon and Venus on Sunday at 8:34 PM. Then on Monday it happens with the Moon and Mars at 3:48 PM. Then the Moon and Mercury at 7:20 PM. So it is real high energy over this next couple of days. Add to this an additional occultation with the Royal Star Regulus and the link from Uranus by declination. The surprises may be great as people come together at a time when the support of universe embraces us all.
The Venus energy most often has to do with the joining of women. Women connecting, women healing through other women, all those sorts of things that bring about connections with the feminine. The Mars…lots of pregnancies probably with these Venus and Mars and Mercury occultations. I would think it would bring about…especially Moon Mars in particular is one of those aspects for pregnancy. If you have been trying to get pregnant this may be on the 17th and 18th a time for you that works better than others.
The other thing is that Venus being at the last degree of Leo, it may indicate that there is a woman or a feminine principle or project that drops out. Venus changing signs on Tuesday at 9:15 PM can set up changes for women. So then there is something very important on Tuesday with Mercury and Neptune in opposition on the heels of the New Moon that is coming up on early Wednesday morning.
Saturday September 16, 2017
So going back over a couple of things that we need to mention for instance about a Green Light day. Today is one right through tomorrow at 8:55 PM. The Moon will trine Uranus as its very last aspect making it an excellent day for sudden quick judgments and a positive link, an opening with friendship. So it is a very nice Leo Moon having to do with putting your best talents on show. Also directing how those things should go the way you want them to go.
Sunday September 17, 2017
We do have a void of course Moon Sunday night during the Leo Moon at 8:55 PM until 12:52 AM on Monday. Void of course Moon period often means that you don’t have best use of your judgment. Things pop up in an unusual way and things can change drastically for…like say something gets dropped. But it is really an interesting time for maybe running into people, going out with friends. Doing things like studying would be very good to do during a void of course period because of the information, the way the information comes into your brain.
Monday September 18, 2017
The Moon will enter Virgo at 12:52 AM on Monday and continue through the sign of Virgo until 6:06 AM on Wednesday. That Virgo Moon has all that activity with the little Eclipses with Mars and Mercury on Monday. And then the very important Mercury opposite Neptune. Why this is so important is because Mercury had turned retrograde at the same point where this pair of planets, Mercury and Neptune, line up. Mercury had turned retrograde at 11 and a half degrees of Virgo making this a very sensitive spot. So opposite Neptune is making a statement about the information that has been put out that was very confusing and filled with distractions, clouds and smoke screens. So Mercury opposite Neptune can expose the type of misinformation and make it a time when things have an opportunity to become more clear later. But it is also a time to get hoodwinked. If you are trying to connect with someone or engage in a project. that makes really Monday and Tuesday the days to watch out for in regard to misjudgment like that.
So what else is going on here… we see Vesta the investment asteroid is entering Libra at 3:47 AM Monday. This allows people to use using good sense in partnership and their desire to pair and partner to better invest in the future.
Wednesday September 20, 2017
There is a dark Moon period which begins Tuesday by midnight until sunrise on Thursday, surrounding the New Moon on Wednesday at 1:30 AM at 27 degrees of Virgo. That is a health sign. Virgo is about physical wellbeing. Maintenance of anything: mechanics, your house, your work, your office, your family. The planetary aspects during the New Moon is for one; a quincunx, 150 degrees to the planet Uranus coupled with the Mercury and Neptune opposition, which has to do with confusion. There may also be confusion about physical ailments. This very much is a health New Moon. So you don’t want to ignore anything about your health during this time period. Bringing in the seed that is planted in a very sudden and unusual way. The good thing about the connection with Uranus is that new technology can really assist in improvement for physical matters as well.
Wednesday at 6:05 AM the Moon enters Libra through Friday at 1:40 PM.
Also what we have after the New Moon in Virgo at 1:30 AM on Wednesday there is a void of course Moon at 1:52. That void of course Moon is on Wednesday 1:52 AM until 6:05 AM. The Moon enters Libra at that point. There is also an aspect between Mars and Jupiter where people come together for a brief period to try to sort out a military issue. This may also have to do if you are working on a project. You want to launch a web project, anything having to do with marketing. That is also a good aspect to get some advice from somebody who could help you with your project.
Thursday September 21, 2017
On the 21st we have that Libra Moon. We have on Friday the Libra Moon changes to Scorpio at 1:40 PM.
The things that are highlighted on Friday Mercury is trine. So there is something about the information coming from those that are sitting in the seat of power that could develop an opening, a broad opening, which possibly can allow some change for positive things. Maybe it is a good change about immigration, about the DACA kids. Something like that might be important and better. Possibly in a better standing.
The Sun enters the sign of Libra 4:02 PM. That is the autumn equinox which marks the season that will be with us for the next 3 months.
Pluto will turn direct on September 28 after being retrograde since March. The deeper energies that motivate great change are available to be dealt into a working process.
What is happening during that Libra Sun sign is that Jupiter is in the sign of Libra only until October 10th. So it is a good time to pair up with people and travel with someone, take a foreign trip and have a good time. So I would say do that before the 10th of October because once Jupiter goes into Scorpio the whole landscape changes and we are then expanding our knowledge of Scorpio notions, which are very deep and could be seeded with a lot of darker issues.
Then there is a little wacky time when the Moon when the Moon will be opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM on Friday morning. Before that it is really not so bad. It is almost…I would almost give it a Green Light on Thursday after you come out of the dark Moon at 2:04 AM. There are possibilities there for making agreements with others and moving forward. Getting past that rough spot of Moon opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM Friday. Coming to an agreement. Although it may be a temporary agreement at 12:44 PM in the afternoon.
The Moon is void of course at 1:28 PM on Friday until 1:40 PM on Friday when the Moon enters Scorpio. During that time is when the Sun enters Libra. That is it for the week.
If you want to listen to this again. You go to my website at for the podcast. And also you can find a copy of the audio file in WZCB archives. The written file will also be on my website.
Tuesday class at 11:00 until 1:00. Join us it really is a good class. All levels are welcome. If you want to call me for a consultation the number is 617-558-7233 or 617-924-0929. That is it for the week. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 16, 2017 – Saturday, September 23, 2017
Good morning. There is a lot going on this week with this New Moon coming up. We have a New Moon on Wednesday. Today before we get to the Virgo New Moon we are still in the sign of Leo for the Moon. The Sun is in the sign of Virgo.
What is interesting about today (9/16/17) is that Mercury and Mars join at 3:01 PM. They have been neck and neck one way or another for nearly t two weeks. Now they are finally meeting up to join then part ways. But not until after 10:37 PM tonight. So what is good about this is that you are able to make connections with people that you have been trying to reach for a while. That can bring about some possible connections for projects or for jobs.
There can also be a lot of impatience associated with Mercury and Mars as they align. I call it also foot in mouth. This is a time definitely when you want to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Any snap judgments and quick actions could lead to arguments. So you want to be very careful and especially when driving. There is a lot of aggressive travel. That is also attributed to Mercury and Uranus and Mars all clustered together by declination (the north and south positions of the planets) So that is making this a rather dangerous period right through tonight, maybe even Sunday, 9/17/2017,as it begins to let up.
The other things that are going on in particular with this week during the Leo Moon sign begins tomorrow 9/17/2017, as well. There is what is called an occultation with the Moon and Venus. That means that there is a little mini Eclipse where the two of them line up with the path of the Earth so that there is this little Eclipse of the Moon and Venus on Sunday at 8:34 PM. Then on Monday it happens with the Moon and Mars at 3:48 PM. Then the Moon and Mercury at 7:20 PM. So it is real high energy over this next couple of days. Add to this an additional occultation with the Royal Star Regulus and the link from Uranus by declination. The surprises may be great as people come together at a time when the support of universe embraces us all.
The Venus energy most often has to do with the joining of women. Women connecting, women healing through other women, all those sorts of things that bring about connections with the feminine. The Mars…lots of pregnancies probably with these Venus and Mars and Mercury occultations. I would think it would bring about…especially Moon Mars in particular is one of those aspects for pregnancy. If you have been trying to get pregnant this may be on the 17th and 18th a time for you that works better than others.
The other thing is that Venus being at the last degree of Leo, it may indicate that there is a woman or a feminine principle or project that drops out. Venus changing signs on Tuesday at 9:15 PM can set up changes for women. So then there is something very important on Tuesday with Mercury and Neptune in opposition on the heels of the New Moon that is coming up on early Wednesday morning.
Saturday September 16, 2017
So going back over a couple of things that we need to mention for instance about a Green Light day. Today is one right through tomorrow at 8:55 PM. The Moon will trine Uranus as its very last aspect making it an excellent day for sudden quick judgments and a positive link, an opening with friendship. So it is a very nice Leo Moon having to do with putting your best talents on show. Also directing how those things should go the way you want them to go.
Sunday September 17, 2017
We do have a void of course Moon Sunday night during the Leo Moon at 8:55 PM until 12:52 AM on Monday. Void of course Moon period often means that you don’t have best use of your judgment. Things pop up in an unusual way and things can change drastically for…like say something gets dropped. But it is really an interesting time for maybe running into people, going out with friends. Doing things like studying would be very good to do during a void of course period because of the information, the way the information comes into your brain.
Monday September 18, 2017
The Moon will enter Virgo at 12:52 AM on Monday and continue through the sign of Virgo until 6:06 AM on Wednesday. That Virgo Moon has all that activity with the little Eclipses with Mars and Mercury on Monday. And then the very important Mercury opposite Neptune. Why this is so important is because Mercury had turned retrograde at the same point where this pair of planets, Mercury and Neptune, line up. Mercury had turned retrograde at 11 and a half degrees of Virgo making this a very sensitive spot. So opposite Neptune is making a statement about the information that has been put out that was very confusing and filled with distractions, clouds and smoke screens. So Mercury opposite Neptune can expose the type of misinformation and make it a time when things have an opportunity to become more clear later. But it is also a time to get hoodwinked. If you are trying to connect with someone or engage in a project. that makes really Monday and Tuesday the days to watch out for in regard to misjudgment like that.
So what else is going on here… we see Vesta the investment asteroid is entering Libra at 3:47 AM Monday. This allows people to use using good sense in partnership and their desire to pair and partner to better invest in the future.
Wednesday September 20, 2017
There is a dark Moon period which begins Tuesday by midnight until sunrise on Thursday, surrounding the New Moon on Wednesday at 1:30 AM at 27 degrees of Virgo. That is a health sign. Virgo is about physical wellbeing. Maintenance of anything: mechanics, your house, your work, your office, your family. The planetary aspects during the New Moon is for one; a quincunx, 150 degrees to the planet Uranus coupled with the Mercury and Neptune opposition, which has to do with confusion. There may also be confusion about physical ailments. This very much is a health New Moon. So you don’t want to ignore anything about your health during this time period. Bringing in the seed that is planted in a very sudden and unusual way. The good thing about the connection with Uranus is that new technology can really assist in improvement for physical matters as well.
Wednesday at 6:05 AM the Moon enters Libra through Friday at 1:40 PM.
Also what we have after the New Moon in Virgo at 1:30 AM on Wednesday there is a void of course Moon at 1:52. That void of course Moon is on Wednesday 1:52 AM until 6:05 AM. The Moon enters Libra at that point. There is also an aspect between Mars and Jupiter where people come together for a brief period to try to sort out a military issue. This may also have to do if you are working on a project. You want to launch a web project, anything having to do with marketing. That is also a good aspect to get some advice from somebody who could help you with your project.
Thursday September 21, 2017
On the 21st we have that Libra Moon. We have on Friday the Libra Moon changes to Scorpio at 1:40 PM.
The things that are highlighted on Friday Mercury is trine. So there is something about the information coming from those that are sitting in the seat of power that could develop an opening, a broad opening, which possibly can allow some change for positive things. Maybe it is a good change about immigration, about the DACA kids. Something like that might be important and better. Possibly in a better standing.
The Sun enters the sign of Libra 4:02 PM. That is the autumn equinox which marks the season that will be with us for the next 3 months.
Pluto will turn direct on September 28 after being retrograde since March. The deeper energies that motivate great change are available to be dealt into a working process.
What is happening during that Libra Sun sign is that Jupiter is in the sign of Libra only until October 10th. So it is a good time to pair up with people and travel with someone, take a foreign trip and have a good time. So I would say do that before the 10th of October because once Jupiter goes into Scorpio the whole landscape changes and we are then expanding our knowledge of Scorpio notions, which are very deep and could be seeded with a lot of darker issues.
Then there is a little wacky time when the Moon when the Moon will be opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM on Friday morning. Before that it is really not so bad. It is almost…I would almost give it a Green Light on Thursday after you come out of the dark Moon at 2:04 AM. There are possibilities there for making agreements with others and moving forward. Getting past that rough spot of Moon opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM Friday. Coming to an agreement. Although it may be a temporary agreement at 12:44 PM in the afternoon.
The Moon is void of course at 1:28 PM on Friday until 1:40 PM on Friday when the Moon enters Scorpio. During that time is when the Sun enters Libra. That is it for the week.
If you want to listen to this again. You go to my website at for the podcast. And also you can find a copy of the audio file in WZCB archives. The written file will also be on my website.
Tuesday class at 11:00 until 1:00. Join us it really is a good class. All levels are welcome. If you want to call me for a consultation the number is 617-558-7233 or 617-924-0929. That is it for the week. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days September 9 - 16, 2017
Listen to this week's report:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 9, 2017 – Saturday, September 16, 2017
Good morning. Well, we are dry here. Thank God. I am praying for my friends in Florida that are still there. Hope they weather this storm without a scratch. There are so many Mercury and Mars events going on that are keeping this weather pattern. Stirring up more and more and more with Mars and Mercury in a holding pattern since the Eclipse. So the solar Eclipse occurred before hurricane Harvey. Mercury and Mars were very much involved in that Eclipse. We are still seeing that pair acting out all week long. Every day there is an event with Mercury, and Mars and Mercury to other planets.
But the greater story behind all of these large, large huge storms is the effects of Jupiter and Neptune. They are parallel. They have been parallel since the 22nd of August. They will continue through the month of September. Especially through this next weekend the 16th. So Jupiter will make anything larger than life itself. Neptune is the God of the Sea. He is out there stirring up the water. Jupiter is giving it more and pumping it up even greater and greater. Making the winds higher and the water higher. So this is not an easy thing for us to get through. For Florida and the states that are probably going to be effected by it, it is going to be something very dramatic.
Saturday September 9, 2017 – Green Light from 8:29 AM until 11:52 AM. Moon is void of course from 11:52 AM until 12:22 PM.
Venus and Pluto are involved in a 150º aspect for today’s aspects. That very often indicates something that involves an enormous amount of money. So that requires some type of adjustment. Like insurance adjustors that also need to mind tax matters as well.
But it invites all sorts of dramas in people’s lives. In their relationships maybe some people want to stay some want to go. Some people become involved in other people’s relationship issues whether they want to or not just by being in a relatively close area to what is going on. So be careful about being drawn into a drama.
The reason that the drama is higher is the fact that Venus is sitting on the Lunar Node. Now the node is a point, not a planet, which we have learned is what is involved with the Sun and Moon at an Eclipse. When the Sun and the Moon are lined up with the Lunar Node points there will be an Eclipse. Then there is a planet that passes over or aligns itself with that Lunar Node It also becomes bigger than life, making Venus the money planet and the relationship planet that will demand more attention. The type of star quality that it is asking for. It is asking for all the eyes and all the attention directed to something very loud and very extreme. In this case it’s personal relationships and money and personal property which are really stressful. There is all sorts of sexual demands indicating an issue where there is an undercurrent between partners or even workers.
There is also a need for behavioral adjustments especially those that are around money. So you want to ask for help around any unfamiliar matters. You can also notice whether there is a worker that suddenly erupts and creates a brand new issue with this kind of activity. That can be for today. It could also have an influence over the things that will come up later on in the week.
For the other big thing that is going on today (9/9) is Sun (120º ) trine Pluto. We have the Moon sign is in Aries. It will be in Aries until 12:23 PM. But there is a little Green Light period that we have right now. There are not that many Green Light periods this week. So we really have to take advantage of what we have. There is a Green Light period that started 8:49 AM this morning until 11:52 AM. Then there would be a small Green Light period later of which I will find that point later.
We have also with the Sun trine Pluto. These are very large massive events that have an open door. Easily open door. So that could be the vortex of the weather systems. The highs and the lows and the warm and the cold that allows the hurricane to just walk right in that door. That aspect would continue over this entire day.
Continuing on Saturday, the Moon changing signs 12:22 PM it goes into the sign of Taurus. Also Mercury changes signs going into the sign of Virgo. That is where it was when it went retrograde back on August 12th which was very involved at that point with the aspect between Uranus and Neptune which changed the tune or flipped a switch. It possessed an enormous amount of detail that needed to be tended. So Mercury goes back into Virgo to mind the details. It may not only be about Mercury cleaning things up, but about the loose ends during that time. When the Moon is in Taurus at 10:52 PM tonight that is when Mercury goes back into Virgo. So that is when you can retrieve some of the things that you seem to have misplaced or lost or tried to get a grip on, some of the matters that have been out of your reach as well. That might be helpful. I don’t know. It could be helpful.
Sunday September 10, 2017
Mercury and Mars form a parallel and that is tomorrow, September 10th. It will have an impact on the whole day. It starts early in the morning. Mercury and Mars stay that way in a holding pattern right through until September 16th. That is next Saturday. So it will influence this entire week. Mercury being the little finder that makes all these connections. It kicks up the wind really hard. And it also is fueled by the engine of Mars. The aspects for Sunday’s Taurus Moon that would dominate the energy. Mostly Venus things. This has to do with perhaps making the food be the focus of the day: the family, the tradition.
Monday September 11, 2017 Taurus Moon changing to Gemini at 3:29PM.
During the Taurus Moon the energy is expensive and wacky. The unpredictable quality of Uranus is touched off at 11:58 AM, before the Moon leaves the sign of Taurus. The major aspect of the day is Mercury parallel Mars; both of which are in a holding pattern through the week. This will continue to spin the winds of the storms all week as the last parallel occurs on Saturday September 16.
Here are some notes about Mercury parallel Mars;
To align with those who can cut through the "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions. Arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. High winds.
News of riots and military actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch. Try to slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard. In business, send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
The Gemini Moon begins on September 11th at 3:29 PM after having the Moon in the sign of Taurus.
Then on Monday we start out with the Moon making aspect to both Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra. The Moon’s point might mark a destiny point. Combinations of Jupiter and Saturn hold the quality of destiny or fatalistic principals. This has to do with the type of things that we are seeing at this time. Where things are well organized like the storm systems. Seeing these things have the motion from unexpected results. I know there is another storm right behind it as well. The other things it might have to do with is school session and any type of interruption of scheduling. Would be anywhere in the country because of various upsets that happen in the night, as the Sun is yet to rise on Monday.
The indicator for the advisor and the information and the major sources for proper and correct information is probably being withheld or standing still because of an event with the asteroid Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena has to do with a strategy. So this may cause some type of burp or something in the strategy that doesn’t quite go well with the advisors being hard to reach or they can’t all agree. That will welcome in a Gemini Moon that starts at 3:29 PM on Monday.
The Gemini Moon is with us until Wednesday at 6:12 PM then the Moon enters Cancer. The focal point for the Gemini Moon is the Quarter Moon that is coming up. It is a Last Quarter Moon. It happens on Wednesday at 2:25 AM.
Tuesday September 12, 2017 Moon in Gemini. Busy day, running around with errands, making connections
So that is making it very, very sharp and dangerous for Tuesday night where we have a couple of Mercury - Pluto events when things that get stirred up from deep and dark places.
Also with the Venus and Saturn aspect 8:49 PM on Tuesday. That could also be an indication where things are expensive. However that could help to calm down some of the relationship issues that are pending. Make things a little more stable. The aspect is a 120º trine at 8:49 PM which might support matters of education and family travel.
Wednesday September 13, 2017 - Green Light period for the Gemini Moon from 4:25AM until 2:35PM. Last Quarter Moon at 20º Gemini 40’ at 2:25 AM.
Moon is void of course on Wednesday from 2:35PM until 6:12PM.
Moon enters Cancer at 6:12 PM.
For Wednesday there is a Green Light period there at 4:25 AM until 2:35 PM. So that is the time to shoot for if you want to forward your goals. It seems as though that Gemini Moon is collecting just right amount of information and getting hold of the right number of people.
So if you are out of touch with people I would suspect this might be when you have first contact. Perhaps on Wednesday. So keep on praying and holding people in the light and pray for peace around the world as well with all the other tensions that go on with North Korea.
The switch in the energy from the fast moving Gemini Moon to Cancer occurs 6:12 PM Wednesday and continues right through until Friday at 9:09 PM. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and a better story that is presented with the up and coming Leo Moon next weekend.
Rough Patch Sun square Saturn Wednesday at 10:58 PM.
The Moon enters Cancer at 6:12 PM and showcases the Sun moving into a square with Saturn. This is a very tough uphill energy. That is what we are experiencing astrologically in general this entire week as that force where everything seems hard; everything is pressured; everything is very difficult; even getting around. Tough energy. You would not want to plan too much but work hard or the hard work areas of your life. We’ll get through this one too!
Older people and people who are very ill have a particularly difficult time getting through these aspects of Sun square Saturn. Problems with arthritis, knees, bones and large issues with the skin are under the domain of this planet combination. They happen twice a year. In addition to the renewal aspect, the 0º conjunction there is the tough 180º opposition of this pair as well.
If you are saying yes or agreeing to things that have to do with entering with a new job or taking on something new. If you do that before this Sun square Saturn at 10:58 PM on Wednesday night that may define the rough period that you could have throughout the projects or the job or whatever it is you are trying to take on to make your life better. That is a very tough energy but it allows us to take on large tasks which have been pending for a while. It puts the notice up that your back is up against the wall and you must do it now. There will be time to rest and appreciate later (Friday 9/15).
Thursday September 14, 2017 – Moon in Cancer
Both Mercury and Mars link with the Cancer Moon for some much needed help. The generosity of people emerges as Venus aligns with the North Node of the Moon.
For Thursday’s Cancer Moon. That is when we have Venus lined up with the Lunar Node. That is making things more expensive more dramatic. Things come to the surface. It is also there is potential there for a new love life and things to stir up on the emotional or on the romantic side as well. And things that you possibly feel as though you could bring home or keep closer. Or people that you feel that are part of the inner circle. That may also bring women together. Women in a group. I find that there are all sorts of events around women joining when Venus is aligned with the node. It also brings the talents out regarding any of the Venus ruled type things such as decorating, clothing, costumes, jewelry and things like that and more.
Friday September 15, 2017 – Cancer Moon changing to Leo at 9:09 PM.
Venus and Jupiter form a lovely aspect 3:43 PM on Friday. This can bring an opportunity to expand your social circle and become involved in a project that leads to fulfillment with pleasant surroundings. Travel for pleasure is a possibility. Good food and lavish surroundings. Signs of appreciation and love. Surround yourself with caring people and enjoy the day. In business there could be financial opportunities with options bringing the familiar with comfortable settings.
This Venus 60º Jupiter could bring a little bit of energy to celebrate a calming down before a twisty wacky event between Mars and Uranus comes in exactly at 8:09 PM. But however it does going influence that whole day, Friday and also for Saturday morning. So there is a resurgence of wacky energy with that kind of thing where it could burn the tires right off your wheels. So you want to be careful when you set out on a trip that you have everything checked. Also having anything to do with people working. construction workers and their tools which could just fly out of their hands. Crazy stuff happens with Mars and Uranus.
The Moon does change signs at the end of the week on Friday at 9:09 PM the Moon will go into Leo. That Leo Moon may help to set the directions back in their right order. That is pretty much it for the week. There are some better energy next so you want to tune in to WZBC 90.3 FM at 9:30AM Saturday.
We have a copy of this on my website at Lunar Shadows. You can call me for consultation 617-924-0929. Also you can find my cellphone number on that line if you want to reach me and text me that is also okay. We have a class on Tuesdays at 11:00 until 1:00. So joins us. It is lots of fun.
Stay safe. I wish all my friends please be safe. There are people in Florida that just didn’t leave. So we are going to pray for them.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 9, 2017 – Saturday, September 16, 2017
Good morning. Well, we are dry here. Thank God. I am praying for my friends in Florida that are still there. Hope they weather this storm without a scratch. There are so many Mercury and Mars events going on that are keeping this weather pattern. Stirring up more and more and more with Mars and Mercury in a holding pattern since the Eclipse. So the solar Eclipse occurred before hurricane Harvey. Mercury and Mars were very much involved in that Eclipse. We are still seeing that pair acting out all week long. Every day there is an event with Mercury, and Mars and Mercury to other planets.
But the greater story behind all of these large, large huge storms is the effects of Jupiter and Neptune. They are parallel. They have been parallel since the 22nd of August. They will continue through the month of September. Especially through this next weekend the 16th. So Jupiter will make anything larger than life itself. Neptune is the God of the Sea. He is out there stirring up the water. Jupiter is giving it more and pumping it up even greater and greater. Making the winds higher and the water higher. So this is not an easy thing for us to get through. For Florida and the states that are probably going to be effected by it, it is going to be something very dramatic.
Saturday September 9, 2017 – Green Light from 8:29 AM until 11:52 AM. Moon is void of course from 11:52 AM until 12:22 PM.
Venus and Pluto are involved in a 150º aspect for today’s aspects. That very often indicates something that involves an enormous amount of money. So that requires some type of adjustment. Like insurance adjustors that also need to mind tax matters as well.
But it invites all sorts of dramas in people’s lives. In their relationships maybe some people want to stay some want to go. Some people become involved in other people’s relationship issues whether they want to or not just by being in a relatively close area to what is going on. So be careful about being drawn into a drama.
The reason that the drama is higher is the fact that Venus is sitting on the Lunar Node. Now the node is a point, not a planet, which we have learned is what is involved with the Sun and Moon at an Eclipse. When the Sun and the Moon are lined up with the Lunar Node points there will be an Eclipse. Then there is a planet that passes over or aligns itself with that Lunar Node It also becomes bigger than life, making Venus the money planet and the relationship planet that will demand more attention. The type of star quality that it is asking for. It is asking for all the eyes and all the attention directed to something very loud and very extreme. In this case it’s personal relationships and money and personal property which are really stressful. There is all sorts of sexual demands indicating an issue where there is an undercurrent between partners or even workers.
There is also a need for behavioral adjustments especially those that are around money. So you want to ask for help around any unfamiliar matters. You can also notice whether there is a worker that suddenly erupts and creates a brand new issue with this kind of activity. That can be for today. It could also have an influence over the things that will come up later on in the week.
For the other big thing that is going on today (9/9) is Sun (120º ) trine Pluto. We have the Moon sign is in Aries. It will be in Aries until 12:23 PM. But there is a little Green Light period that we have right now. There are not that many Green Light periods this week. So we really have to take advantage of what we have. There is a Green Light period that started 8:49 AM this morning until 11:52 AM. Then there would be a small Green Light period later of which I will find that point later.
We have also with the Sun trine Pluto. These are very large massive events that have an open door. Easily open door. So that could be the vortex of the weather systems. The highs and the lows and the warm and the cold that allows the hurricane to just walk right in that door. That aspect would continue over this entire day.
Continuing on Saturday, the Moon changing signs 12:22 PM it goes into the sign of Taurus. Also Mercury changes signs going into the sign of Virgo. That is where it was when it went retrograde back on August 12th which was very involved at that point with the aspect between Uranus and Neptune which changed the tune or flipped a switch. It possessed an enormous amount of detail that needed to be tended. So Mercury goes back into Virgo to mind the details. It may not only be about Mercury cleaning things up, but about the loose ends during that time. When the Moon is in Taurus at 10:52 PM tonight that is when Mercury goes back into Virgo. So that is when you can retrieve some of the things that you seem to have misplaced or lost or tried to get a grip on, some of the matters that have been out of your reach as well. That might be helpful. I don’t know. It could be helpful.
Sunday September 10, 2017
Mercury and Mars form a parallel and that is tomorrow, September 10th. It will have an impact on the whole day. It starts early in the morning. Mercury and Mars stay that way in a holding pattern right through until September 16th. That is next Saturday. So it will influence this entire week. Mercury being the little finder that makes all these connections. It kicks up the wind really hard. And it also is fueled by the engine of Mars. The aspects for Sunday’s Taurus Moon that would dominate the energy. Mostly Venus things. This has to do with perhaps making the food be the focus of the day: the family, the tradition.
Monday September 11, 2017 Taurus Moon changing to Gemini at 3:29PM.
During the Taurus Moon the energy is expensive and wacky. The unpredictable quality of Uranus is touched off at 11:58 AM, before the Moon leaves the sign of Taurus. The major aspect of the day is Mercury parallel Mars; both of which are in a holding pattern through the week. This will continue to spin the winds of the storms all week as the last parallel occurs on Saturday September 16.
Here are some notes about Mercury parallel Mars;
To align with those who can cut through the "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions. Arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. High winds.
News of riots and military actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch. Try to slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard. In business, send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
The Gemini Moon begins on September 11th at 3:29 PM after having the Moon in the sign of Taurus.
Then on Monday we start out with the Moon making aspect to both Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra. The Moon’s point might mark a destiny point. Combinations of Jupiter and Saturn hold the quality of destiny or fatalistic principals. This has to do with the type of things that we are seeing at this time. Where things are well organized like the storm systems. Seeing these things have the motion from unexpected results. I know there is another storm right behind it as well. The other things it might have to do with is school session and any type of interruption of scheduling. Would be anywhere in the country because of various upsets that happen in the night, as the Sun is yet to rise on Monday.
The indicator for the advisor and the information and the major sources for proper and correct information is probably being withheld or standing still because of an event with the asteroid Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena has to do with a strategy. So this may cause some type of burp or something in the strategy that doesn’t quite go well with the advisors being hard to reach or they can’t all agree. That will welcome in a Gemini Moon that starts at 3:29 PM on Monday.
The Gemini Moon is with us until Wednesday at 6:12 PM then the Moon enters Cancer. The focal point for the Gemini Moon is the Quarter Moon that is coming up. It is a Last Quarter Moon. It happens on Wednesday at 2:25 AM.
Tuesday September 12, 2017 Moon in Gemini. Busy day, running around with errands, making connections
So that is making it very, very sharp and dangerous for Tuesday night where we have a couple of Mercury - Pluto events when things that get stirred up from deep and dark places.
Also with the Venus and Saturn aspect 8:49 PM on Tuesday. That could also be an indication where things are expensive. However that could help to calm down some of the relationship issues that are pending. Make things a little more stable. The aspect is a 120º trine at 8:49 PM which might support matters of education and family travel.
Wednesday September 13, 2017 - Green Light period for the Gemini Moon from 4:25AM until 2:35PM. Last Quarter Moon at 20º Gemini 40’ at 2:25 AM.
Moon is void of course on Wednesday from 2:35PM until 6:12PM.
Moon enters Cancer at 6:12 PM.
For Wednesday there is a Green Light period there at 4:25 AM until 2:35 PM. So that is the time to shoot for if you want to forward your goals. It seems as though that Gemini Moon is collecting just right amount of information and getting hold of the right number of people.
So if you are out of touch with people I would suspect this might be when you have first contact. Perhaps on Wednesday. So keep on praying and holding people in the light and pray for peace around the world as well with all the other tensions that go on with North Korea.
The switch in the energy from the fast moving Gemini Moon to Cancer occurs 6:12 PM Wednesday and continues right through until Friday at 9:09 PM. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and a better story that is presented with the up and coming Leo Moon next weekend.
Rough Patch Sun square Saturn Wednesday at 10:58 PM.
The Moon enters Cancer at 6:12 PM and showcases the Sun moving into a square with Saturn. This is a very tough uphill energy. That is what we are experiencing astrologically in general this entire week as that force where everything seems hard; everything is pressured; everything is very difficult; even getting around. Tough energy. You would not want to plan too much but work hard or the hard work areas of your life. We’ll get through this one too!
Older people and people who are very ill have a particularly difficult time getting through these aspects of Sun square Saturn. Problems with arthritis, knees, bones and large issues with the skin are under the domain of this planet combination. They happen twice a year. In addition to the renewal aspect, the 0º conjunction there is the tough 180º opposition of this pair as well.
If you are saying yes or agreeing to things that have to do with entering with a new job or taking on something new. If you do that before this Sun square Saturn at 10:58 PM on Wednesday night that may define the rough period that you could have throughout the projects or the job or whatever it is you are trying to take on to make your life better. That is a very tough energy but it allows us to take on large tasks which have been pending for a while. It puts the notice up that your back is up against the wall and you must do it now. There will be time to rest and appreciate later (Friday 9/15).
Thursday September 14, 2017 – Moon in Cancer
Both Mercury and Mars link with the Cancer Moon for some much needed help. The generosity of people emerges as Venus aligns with the North Node of the Moon.
For Thursday’s Cancer Moon. That is when we have Venus lined up with the Lunar Node. That is making things more expensive more dramatic. Things come to the surface. It is also there is potential there for a new love life and things to stir up on the emotional or on the romantic side as well. And things that you possibly feel as though you could bring home or keep closer. Or people that you feel that are part of the inner circle. That may also bring women together. Women in a group. I find that there are all sorts of events around women joining when Venus is aligned with the node. It also brings the talents out regarding any of the Venus ruled type things such as decorating, clothing, costumes, jewelry and things like that and more.
Friday September 15, 2017 – Cancer Moon changing to Leo at 9:09 PM.
Venus and Jupiter form a lovely aspect 3:43 PM on Friday. This can bring an opportunity to expand your social circle and become involved in a project that leads to fulfillment with pleasant surroundings. Travel for pleasure is a possibility. Good food and lavish surroundings. Signs of appreciation and love. Surround yourself with caring people and enjoy the day. In business there could be financial opportunities with options bringing the familiar with comfortable settings.
This Venus 60º Jupiter could bring a little bit of energy to celebrate a calming down before a twisty wacky event between Mars and Uranus comes in exactly at 8:09 PM. But however it does going influence that whole day, Friday and also for Saturday morning. So there is a resurgence of wacky energy with that kind of thing where it could burn the tires right off your wheels. So you want to be careful when you set out on a trip that you have everything checked. Also having anything to do with people working. construction workers and their tools which could just fly out of their hands. Crazy stuff happens with Mars and Uranus.
The Moon does change signs at the end of the week on Friday at 9:09 PM the Moon will go into Leo. That Leo Moon may help to set the directions back in their right order. That is pretty much it for the week. There are some better energy next so you want to tune in to WZBC 90.3 FM at 9:30AM Saturday.
We have a copy of this on my website at Lunar Shadows. You can call me for consultation 617-924-0929. Also you can find my cellphone number on that line if you want to reach me and text me that is also okay. We have a class on Tuesdays at 11:00 until 1:00. So joins us. It is lots of fun.
Stay safe. I wish all my friends please be safe. There are people in Florida that just didn’t leave. So we are going to pray for them.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with a Green Light this week Sept 2 - 9, 2017
Listen here for this week's astrology report:
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