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There is a Green Light that began today at 12:40 AM, Saturday Sept 30 through Monday morning at 7:13 AM.
The Moon is in Aquarius and will make it's last aspect to Jupiter with an open heart trine.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 30, 2017 – Saturday, October 7, 2017
Good morning. We have an interesting week. We have a beautiful Green Light period all this weekend that started 10:40 AM this morning and it will run right through until 7:12 AM on Monday morning. So if you have anything that you want to do with this Aquarius Moon you may want to just clear your calendar and take advantage of the Green Light that you have, even if it is about business. Especially if it is about business.
If you can write your emails make connections with others do whatever you can to forward your goals. It is a very beautiful Moon trine Jupiter at the end of the sign, which is excellent for forwarding your goals all weekend long. It’s great for weekend for socializing and also for joining with others for likeminded activities and anything having to do with the environment helping the environment. Keeping in mind all of our friends in Puerto Rico and how can we help them.
So we can have a day with a little bit of extra luck. Let’s see…well there was a Venus Jupiter aspect at 9:24 just a couple of minutes ago. Then there is a little bit of a dreamy thing at 10:57 PM Venus and Neptune.
Sunday October 1, 2017
There will be also during Sunday’s Aquarius Moon a couple of things going on with the Moon, Venus and Mars. They are big players with the Full Moon that is coming up on Thursday. Venus and Mars are working towards a conjunction. That means they are lining up together. That line up will happen at 19 degrees of Virgo. If you are a Virgo this might be particularly good for you in regard to love and also the flow of money. Even if you are not a Virgo it really helps.
You know we all have some Virgo somewhere in our chart. For me for instance it is about my home that is the bottom of my chart. Maybe for you it is about your money house then it could definitely put some money into your pocket and into your savings account. You can have also friendship with this because of the Moon in Aquarius.
When the Moon is making a connection to Venus. It is a quincunx, which means something out of the blue pops up 3:40 AM Sunday morning. And then at 9:00 AM Sunday morning the Moon is quincunx Mars. So it doesn’t mean that you have to be up for those times to experience the energies of that. This will be running through all week long as the pair, Venus and Mars, join together on Thursday at the Full Moon clarifying something, bringing something to the surface.
It could have a lot to do with the condition and status of a relationship. People finalizing something. People that have been working on something may finally find that they can either call it a day, and split. Or they could potentially find that how they have been working on their relationships works out.
The other things for Sunday Mars and Pluto are trine. This maybe where there is a step up of energies or motivation towards large masses of people. Hopefully there is all sorts of help going to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. And all of the Virgin Islands, where there is so much devastation there. So that may help to clear roads and may help to bring together workers to be able to get things done.
The excellent aspect between the Moon and Jupiter during this Aquarius Moon sign is at 7:12 AM Monday morning. Then the Moon will be void of course until 10:26 AM. But do take advantage of that beautiful Green Light period.
Monday October 2, 2017
The Pisces Moon that starts at 10:26 AM. That one has a couple of things where the Moon for instance quincunx the Sun while in the sign of Pisces because of the fact that the Moon and the Sun will be opposite at the full Moon on Thursday. So there is that event or that clash or something that happens or people are put to work. People rush to a situation to work something out. Pisces would be about helping those that are isolated and destitute.
Jupiter and Uranus are making another aspect. They did an opposition on Thursday the 28th of September. They sort of finalize that on Monday morning at 3:00 in the afternoon. This is about coming together for a specific purpose to advance a goal and moving things along in a hopefully positive direction.
Then for the rest of Monday the likelihood of things working out long term for business plans are not great because of the fact that the Moon has to make an aspect to Jupiter pulling apart the players during that Pisces Moon. So it is not the best business day to but it is great for helping. It is all about helping those who are unable to help themselves. Also it is particularly good for breaking bad habits and trying to release yourself from addictions. So the Pisces Moon is excellent for freedom from those ties that are wrapping around your life in a negative way.
And in a positive way I would say look in on people that you know that are shut in and can’t manage things for themselves. A lot of elderly people need extra help. They don’t have the money to ask for help. They don’t have the resources that the rest of us do. So pop in and ask them what can you do. Just to make people feel that they are not alone I think is a big important thing.
Tuesday October 3, 2017
So on Tuesday. Tuesday is always a strong action day because it is ruled by the planet Mars. So it is a real get up and go day with the Moon in Pisces. It might be particularly rainy or cloudy or foggy. Of course it is somewhere on the planet that is for sure. But it clouds our thinking and it also could distract our direction if you are trying to have a forward straight direction. You might actually find that you are dropping a project for something else. Kind of chasing your tail a little bit.
There is an aspect on Tuesday Venus trine Pluto 3:09 PM. That aspect has to do with perhaps finding that you have some money or an easy access to those that are holding the money. Maybe to the bank. You will get a positive answer for something that you might have been working on for some time. Pluto is now direct and it had been retrograde since April, though it turned direct on Thursday. That leads us to a more open relationship with those that holding the purse strings. Then Venus is opposite the Moon at 5:33 PM on Tuesday. So whatever you are spending be careful that you don’t get yourself into yet another debt.
Then the Moon is opposite Mars 7:36 PM. These are particularly important because of all the Venus Mars events going on. Another one, Moon and Venus at 9:47 PM. Then the Moon and Mars early the next morning.
There are those that are trying to come together and get the flow of energy, workers, money, everything moving in the right direction. There is a big halt and something stops it early in the morning, Moon square Saturn and that is the low point.
Wednesday October 4, 2017
After that it releases a bit and then we move on to Wednesday where the Pisces Moon is moving in the direction of Jupiter. That is to help those that are abroad or bringing those home that are far away. It may also have to do with education. Topics about education or things that are very important on campuses for instance.
The Aries Moon will host a Full Moon on Thursday. But for the Aries Moon that does begin at 4:40 PM on Wednesday it continues right until 7:56 PM on Friday. So during that Aries Moon there is Sun quincunx Neptune. Someone sweeps you off your feet and it is not particularly a healthy or good thing.
And if you are tempted to sign on, sign up, engage in some way it is at 11:09 PM on Wednesday night. It is kind of about a cloud or a mysterious type of behavior, sneaky behavior, something behind the scenes. It could also have to do with foreign places like North Korea, China, Asia. Anywhere that would be the Far East or even the Middle East might point to events that suddenly emerge. Two ships passing in the night having an encounter in some way.
Thursday October 5, 2017
Then on Thursday, October 5th the Aries Moon is still with us. There is a little message there from the Moon opposite Mercury sitting at a very prominent degree at 9 degrees of Libra, 10 degrees of Libra. This is where Mars had turned direct back in 2014 in the month of May. On the very day that happened there was one of the topics was campus sexual assault. That was in an official capacity on that day. Another thing was china stole secret specs from Westinghouse the most high tech nuclear power plant in the world. Plus other very high tech companies. So we are going to see how messages from that might be back in the news in regard to those two things. But Research what else may have gone even in your own life, May of 2014. And how those things how those messages coming through might be relevant.
Then 12:53 PM Venus and Mars are joined finally at 19 degrees of Virgo. This is as I had said a flow of energy and work. It is a work sign. So it is putting you to work. If you have been waiting for something to benefit your work projects or your business this may be your day. Thursday could be your day with that Full Moon. The Full Moon takes place at 2:40 PM. You want to look back to October 2014 and April of 2015. Once again those. That polarity of October 2014 is back up and April of 2015. See what was going on in your life then and how that relates to this coming week.
Then there is a whole list of parallels and contra parallels that the Moon is making to Mercury, Venus, Mars. And also the Sun is making to Mars and Venus. And then Mars and Venus are also making a parallel.
These things are very powerful. They refer to things that are pulled together. First there are matters or helpers or those that come together for a particular project. Very important project. It may be a onetime thing. Like if people are running down to Puerto Rico to help or down to the Virgin Islands to help. It is not a permanent relocation. Or people are bringing others back home to help them to relocate.
Venus and Mars joining together helps to get that flow going. I know there are crew ships and others that are trying to help as well.
Friday October 6, 2017
The parallel between Venus and Mars does align again with the Sun and the Moon on Friday. All day Friday. And then later on in the day for bringing things of importance like supplies and money. And in our daily lives this might be about you finding money that you need to do what you need to do. These things are particular for the sign of Virgo, which has to do with the working and maintenance of matters. Also health, good health results. if you are having health appointments this week. It may lead to a very positive treatments as well.
Later on, on Friday Mercury and Neptune are once again stirring up the waterways and the fog, and clouding judgements. That is at 1:44 PM.
Then the Moon is making an aspect to both Uranus and Jupiter. Sort of signing off that opposition there at 2:58 PM between Uranus and Jupiter, which is about sweeping changes particularly having to do with foreign people, higher education, campuses, and anything having to do with travel. That may be there are decisions in the Supreme Court about various travel bans and things like that.
At 6:37 PM is the last aspect of the Moon in the sign of Aries. That is an opposition to Jupiter. This may also be about a marketing plan if you are trying to advance your goals through various things. Like you want to launch a website, something like that might be interesting to do while all those parallels are going on during the Aries Moon. But there is a chance that things get dropped and reorganized later.
For Friday night the Moon is in Taurus. A great sign for going out to eat good food, when the Moon is in Taurus. It is 7:56 PM and it is there until Sunday night. that is the 8th at 9:44 PM. There will be a series of things on Friday night that have to do with tradition and family and hosting.
My birthday comes up next Saturday, October 7th. So that is it for the week.
You can find my website at You can call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. I have a class on Tuesday morning at 11:00 in the morning. It is a great class. If you would like to study astrology. It is a 2 hour class in Watertown. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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