Saturday, September 16, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Sept 16 - 22, 2017

Listen to the radio report here:

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 16, 2017 – Saturday, September 23, 2017

Good morning. There is a lot going on this week with this New Moon coming up. We have a New Moon on Wednesday. Today before we get to the Virgo New Moon we are still in the sign of Leo for the Moon. The Sun is in the sign of Virgo.

What is interesting about today (9/16/17) is that Mercury and Mars join at 3:01 PM. They have been neck and neck one way or another for nearly t two weeks. Now they are finally meeting up to join then part ways. But not until after 10:37 PM tonight. So what is good about this is that you are able to make connections with people that you have been trying to reach for a while. That can bring about some possible connections for projects or for jobs.

There can also be a lot of impatience associated with Mercury and Mars as they align. I call it also foot in mouth. This is a time definitely when you want to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Any snap judgments and quick actions could lead to arguments. So you want to be very careful and especially when driving. There is a lot of aggressive travel. That is also attributed to Mercury and Uranus and Mars all clustered together by declination (the north and south positions of the planets) So that is making this a rather dangerous period right through tonight, maybe even Sunday, 9/17/2017,as it begins to let up.

The other things that are going on in particular with this week during the Leo Moon sign begins tomorrow 9/17/2017, as well. There is what is called an occultation with the Moon and Venus. That means that there is a little mini Eclipse where the two of them line up with the path of the Earth so that there is this little Eclipse of the Moon and Venus on Sunday at 8:34 PM. Then on Monday it happens with the Moon and Mars at 3:48 PM. Then the Moon and Mercury at 7:20 PM. So it is real high energy over this next couple of days. Add to this an additional occultation with the Royal Star Regulus and the link from Uranus by declination. The surprises may be great as people come together at a time when the support of universe embraces us all.

The Venus energy most often has to do with the joining of women. Women connecting, women healing through other women, all those sorts of things that bring about connections with the feminine. The Mars…lots of pregnancies probably with these Venus and Mars and Mercury occultations. I would think it would bring about…especially Moon Mars in particular is one of those aspects for pregnancy. If you have been trying to get pregnant this may be on the 17th and 18th a time for you that works better than others.
The other thing is that Venus being at the last degree of Leo, it may indicate that there is a woman or a feminine principle or project that drops out. Venus changing signs on Tuesday at 9:15 PM can set up changes for women. So then there is something very important on Tuesday with Mercury and Neptune in opposition on the heels of the New Moon that is coming up on early Wednesday morning.

Saturday September 16, 2017
So going back over a couple of things that we need to mention for instance about a Green Light day. Today is one right through tomorrow at 8:55 PM. The Moon will trine Uranus as its very last aspect making it an excellent day for sudden quick judgments and a positive link, an opening with friendship. So it is a very nice Leo Moon having to do with putting your best talents on show. Also directing how those things should go the way you want them to go.

Sunday September 17, 2017
We do have a void of course Moon Sunday night during the Leo Moon at 8:55 PM until 12:52 AM on Monday. Void of course Moon period often means that you don’t have best use of your judgment. Things pop up in an unusual way and things can change drastically for…like say something gets dropped. But it is really an interesting time for maybe running into people, going out with friends. Doing things like studying would be very good to do during a void of course period because of the information, the way the information comes into your brain.

Monday September 18, 2017
The Moon will enter Virgo at 12:52 AM on Monday and continue through the sign of Virgo until 6:06 AM on Wednesday. That Virgo Moon has all that activity with the little Eclipses with Mars and Mercury on Monday. And then the very important Mercury opposite Neptune. Why this is so important is because Mercury had turned retrograde at the same point where this pair of planets, Mercury and Neptune, line up. Mercury had turned retrograde at 11 and a half degrees of Virgo making this a very sensitive spot. So opposite Neptune is making a statement about the information that has been put out that was very confusing and filled with distractions, clouds and smoke screens. So Mercury opposite Neptune can expose the type of misinformation and make it a time when things have an opportunity to become more clear later. But it is also a time to get hoodwinked. If you are trying to connect with someone or engage in a project. that makes really Monday and Tuesday the days to watch out for in regard to misjudgment like that.

So what else is going on here… we see Vesta the investment asteroid is entering Libra at 3:47 AM Monday. This allows people to use using good sense in partnership and their desire to pair and partner to better invest in the future.

Wednesday September 20, 2017

There is a dark Moon period which begins Tuesday by midnight until sunrise on Thursday, surrounding the New Moon on Wednesday at 1:30 AM at 27 degrees of Virgo. That is a health sign. Virgo is about physical wellbeing. Maintenance of anything: mechanics, your house, your work, your office, your family. The planetary aspects during the New Moon is for one; a quincunx, 150 degrees to the planet Uranus coupled with the Mercury and Neptune opposition, which has to do with confusion. There may also be confusion about physical ailments. This very much is a health New Moon. So you don’t want to ignore anything about your health during this time period. Bringing in the seed that is planted in a very sudden and unusual way. The good thing about the connection with Uranus is that new technology can really assist in improvement for physical matters as well.

Wednesday at 6:05 AM the Moon enters Libra through Friday at 1:40 PM.

Also what we have after the New Moon in Virgo at 1:30 AM on Wednesday there is a void of course Moon at 1:52. That void of course Moon is on Wednesday 1:52 AM until 6:05 AM. The Moon enters Libra at that point. There is also an aspect between Mars and Jupiter where people come together for a brief period to try to sort out a military issue. This may also have to do if you are working on a project. You want to launch a web project, anything having to do with marketing. That is also a good aspect to get some advice from somebody who could help you with your project.

Thursday September 21, 2017
On the 21st we have that Libra Moon. We have on Friday the Libra Moon changes to Scorpio at 1:40 PM.
The things that are highlighted on Friday Mercury is trine. So there is something about the information coming from those that are sitting in the seat of power that could develop an opening, a broad opening, which possibly can allow some change for positive things. Maybe it is a good change about immigration, about the DACA kids. Something like that might be important and better. Possibly in a better standing.

The Sun enters the sign of Libra 4:02 PM. That is the autumn equinox which marks the season that will be with us for the next 3 months.

Pluto will turn direct on September 28 after being retrograde since March. The deeper energies that motivate great change are available to be dealt into a working process.

What is happening during that Libra Sun sign is that Jupiter is in the sign of Libra only until October 10th. So it is a good time to pair up with people and travel with someone, take a foreign trip and have a good time. So I would say do that before the 10th of October because once Jupiter goes into Scorpio the whole landscape changes and we are then expanding our knowledge of Scorpio notions, which are very deep and could be seeded with a lot of darker issues.

Then there is a little wacky time when the Moon when the Moon will be opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM on Friday morning. Before that it is really not so bad. It is almost…I would almost give it a Green Light on Thursday after you come out of the dark Moon at 2:04 AM. There are possibilities there for making agreements with others and moving forward. Getting past that rough spot of Moon opposite Uranus at 9:04 AM Friday. Coming to an agreement. Although it may be a temporary agreement at 12:44 PM in the afternoon.
The Moon is void of course at 1:28 PM on Friday until 1:40 PM on Friday when the Moon enters Scorpio. During that time is when the Sun enters Libra. That is it for the week.

If you want to listen to this again. You go to my website at for the podcast. And also you can find a copy of the audio file in WZCB archives. The written file will also be on my website.
Tuesday class at 11:00 until 1:00. Join us it really is a good class. All levels are welcome. If you want to call me for a consultation the number is 617-558-7233 or 617-924-0929. That is it for the week. Have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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