Saturday, September 23, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Sept 23 - 29, 2017

Listen to the WZBC FM 90.3 radio report:

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, September 23, 2017 – Saturday, September 30, 2017

Good morning. We have an extremely exciting week. I don’t know if we can handle so much excitement. There is a huge thing that will take place at the end of the week on the 28th.
There are two huge things that are going on. Jupiter and Uranus are in opposition to one another and that is really like a mammoth amount of sweeping change. The other thing that is governing large, large changes is the fact that Pluto is turning direct after being retrograde since April. That will be on Thursday as well.
There are several other aspects going on with Mars to Uranus and Neptune and Venus and Neptune. There is a very lucky Venus and Jupiter aspect. And there is another one that I will find in the report that is Venus and Uranus, which could be extremely lucky spots. But I would not count on them to carry you through, unless you win the lottery or something, to carry you through a well thought out business plan of some sort. It however could create a stunning change.
But these things that we are looking at during the Scorpio Moon today have a lot to do with going very deeply into subjects. And delving into things in such a way that you are researching. You are finding things because we are gaining more light of the Moon as we go towards a Quarter Moon, 1st Quarter Moon that will come up on Wednesday. So if you are trying to scope out a type of new platform or format for yourself this is an interesting couple of days with the Scorpio Moon. So it is a great time also just sit there and research and research. You will find what you are looking for most likely after this Mars Neptune opposition takes place on Sunday.

The rest of what I wanted to say about Saturday, today September 23rd. Well apparently the world hasn’t ended. There is all that hype about the world come to an end on September 23rd. We are still here. We still have hours left, but we will still be here.
What we can expect for this evening is to have deep discussions with people, deep experiences. So whoever you are joining company with you may find that you are able to experience things on a more intimate level.

The Moon is making an aspect later tonight at 10:00, 10:07 aspecting Pluto who rules the sign of Scorpio. So it might make for very interesting connections. Could be very, very sensual very seductive. There is also for the end result of the Scorpio Moon it could be sudden abrupt change because the Moon will finally make its aspect to Uranus. That jack in the box that I talk about that is sudden abrupt change kind of thing.

But going over Sunday’s Mars opposite Neptune. It is exact at 3:49 PM. It creates that inability to act with clear direction and clear focus. So you also might feel like you’ve lost all the energy, like right of your leg and you are in a fog and there could be lots of gaps in your decision making and your actions. But if you miss an opportunity don’t worry because you were meant to miss it for a good reason.

You also may learn that people that you’ve trusted or that you want to trust are acting in illegal projects or illicit activities that you don’t want to become involved in.

The other things that Mars and Neptune opposition might do is cause problems with any changes in your medication. Or it may influence you with mind altering substances also making your thinking very unclear. It could be a very good time to seek out a recovery program. Sometimes the wrong action motivated by a mission or a belief system could affect many. That may be also something we see. Look for secret actions that go awry.

There could be loss of energy weakness in your physical activity. Not a good day to start a physical program. Like exercise program. You need to wait on that. Any way you want to cut lose any deviant behavior, do it with this aspect 3:49 PM. I would say after that cut things loose that you don’t want.

Later on Sunday night 9:58 PM Mars and Uranus are making an aspect very accident prone especially in light of the fact that we have Jupiter involved In this later on in the week. So this is saying I’m setting this stage for you now. but you may have already noticed that the drivers are absolutely out of their minds. Taking incredible risks and these risks can be dangerous to us. So we have to be extremely cautious don’t be on the road any more than you have to during this week in general.
But there is an extreme need for freedom and for surprises. High blood pressure is also part of Mars and Uranus. Individuality, spontaneous scientific inventions, and anything that stirs up others… Getting other people activated and involved in your own rebellious notions. Angry politics are also part of this picture.

You can find the spikes and rhythm. So if you are noticing blood pressure spikes. If you are not noticing, you may need to check it out and have immediate resources for making changes to things like blood pressure run amuck.

And I would curb your opinion with this aspect because of the fact that you could lose more from stating your opinion than not.
And that Scorpio Moon is void of course on Sunday night from 7:02 PM until Monday morning right at midnight. That is at 12 AM Monday. The Moon enters Sagittarius. Now this Sagittarius Moon is filled with everything about your freedom and your space. It could influence you in very strong ways to cut things loose, quit job, make permanent changes to long standing relationships, and housing, and anything that you’ve been attach to for quite some time. Especially having things to do with partnership and pairing. So we will look at that more.

But on Monday, Monday morning at 10:35 AM This will be influenced early… very, very early Monday. It creates a narrow mindedness and a very focused thinking. It could be a day for exclusions and omissions and restrictions and if there are very long delays know that things will pick up later on in the week. There is an exactness with details and computer problems that you may have as well with this aspect. But this could be when you are making that decision about a job. Should I quit this job? Should I move out of this department? Should I do whatever... Let this car go and get a new car? All those decisions you will be working out the details on Monday.

Then later on there are a couple of aspects. Mars to Neptune and then Venus to Uranus. Very difficult for conclusions. And you might have misguided directions with the Mars Neptune aspect. If there is a plan that you have and you want to go ahead with the people that you have just met. Move very slowly with new people because they may be inviting trouble because of their own agenda, their own hidden agenda.

Then Venus and Uranus make this aspect a parallel aspect. It is extremely lucky for love and money. So you may want to use that right at 1:04, 1:05 PM on Monday to test your luck in some way. Doesn’t add to long term stability for any type of business activity because of the fact that we have so many other things that are trying to sweep the floor, and sweep the space, and give you a clean slate. But this could help to form a long term friendship that allows you to invest your ideas with somebody else and connect with likeminded people. And expect the unexpected. There could be a silver lining in a recent heavy cloud.
Then for Tuesday there is another Venus aspect. Venus split parallel to Jupiter. This is in the evening at 7:13 PM. It does however have a long range impact longer than just an opposition. So I would say between the two: Venus parallel Uranus and then Venus counter parallel Jupiter. Looks as if there is a wide and open hearted break from monotony and there is also the possibility of a miracle that could come and save the day. So any gifts from an angel and you may want to try any one time shot at an opportunity to have a lucky break.
The Moon is never really void of course in Sagittarius but the last aspect is 7:08 AM on Wednesday. But that Sagittarius Moon which will run right until 12:23 PM on Wednesday. It is filled with all sorts of things that will help you to break loose and break free of other things that you are trying to untether yourself, so that you could become more independent.
The Capricorn Moon that begins 12:24 PM on Wednesday. It has a First Quarter Moon. That would be at 12:53 PM Wednesday. This is when you are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that started last December 29th. So there was a New Moon there near the same degree. So this is a very important business type of aspect. And it is the set up for this Jupiter opposite Uranus where this could be something as simple as a break in your routine or a breakdown in a relationship or a career or a way of life.
So on one hand you might feel a strong urge to change your scenery, but on the other hand you may feel very rattled by the thought of breaking into new territory. So you want to give yourself that ability to take a leap of faith with such an aspect.
In some cases you might feel that there are obstacles that you want to move away from. Other people for instance. They could be the obstacle you feel that are holding you back. Either way it is time to ponder your life about the use of your time and the restrictions that you have.
It is also a travel aspect. When I look at that day all by itself it looks as if, especially with Pluto turning direct that day, looks as if there is something huge where the whole planet is watching something. Could have to do with air travel. There could be a suspension of air travel for a period of time. It could be a short period or a longer period after to figure something out. Or maybe it is weather related. There are things that involve large numbers of people, huge numbers of people, because of the Pluto energy.
The other thing with the Pluto station it rules the things of our greatest fears. If you have a fear of mice maybe you will see a mouse in the house on that day. If you have a fear of anything. Of losing something or gaining too much of something, you might find that that day has an expression of what your fears are. So it can be extremely personal and you may be able to access these deeper energies to motivate greater change. That is a very exciting thing going on, on Thursday.
Then on Friday mostly there is a Venus opposite Neptune. This is romance and illusion attached to romantic notions with vague boundaries regarding realistic values. So you could lose things. All week long is losing your items as well. Anything that where you are charmed or these strong intoxicating mood camouflaging a seduction or deception. Try and use your skills for poking through those types of things and protect yourself from anyone trying to sweep you off your feet on Friday.
Mercury is changing signs and that would be at 8:42 PM. Mercury will go into the sign Libra. It will be there for 20 days or so.
Venus and Uranus make an aspect at 10:17 PM on Friday. That is another thing that has to do with friendship, breaking off friendship, meeting new friends, trying to seal the deal with new friends. It could be more of that romantic thing where finally you get a hold of your senses and you say “oh, no I am not going to do this.” Okay. So that is it for the week.
The Capricorn Moon will go right until the next morning through Friday night.
Classes for astrology are Tuesday mornings 11:00 until 1:00 in Watertown if you want to study astrology we have a really cool class right now. All levels are welcome, if you are a motivated studier. If you want to call me for a chart or consultation the number is 617-924-0929. Have a very good week. We will meet here again same time next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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