Saturday, May 14, 2022, to Saturday, May 21, 2022
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM
Lunar Eclipse Monday morning 12:13 AM EDT. This eclipse is related to a solar eclipse on November 13 2012.
There are a lot of things to talk about. The Lunar Eclipse is coming on Monday. We have Mercury retrograde and Saturn in Aquarius that is square to the eclipse point; creating a fixed T-square.
Mercury Retrograde refers to going back over things that maybe you want to do again. It could be anything. Rewrite something. Reapply for something. Restart something. It is a redo, renew, and review. Anything with ‘re’ in front of it is good for Mercury retrograde.
We started out early this (5/14) morning with a Libra Moon that ended with the Moon changing signs at 6:33 AM when it went into the sign of Scorpio; the sign of the Lunar Eclipse. The Moon is building and waxing, as it gets larger and larger. We probably will be able to see the Lunar Eclipse. It will be a very red Moon. So, it will be super interesting. It is called a Flower Moon, and it will be a nice red one. If you are on the West Coast, you get it right on the horizon. Here it would be almost at the top of the sky. So, it would be easy to spot if we have a clear sky.
Under the Scorpio Moon, there is an intensity between now and then and perhaps beyond the date of the eclipse itself. If you are doing things today, you might feel like it is a really hard way to go. That there is a lot of hard work. There are a lot of things that you have to comply with. You cannot just toss things out. Sometimes you need to recycle or take them to some other place. Or have someone come and remove things. You cannot do things in a straightforward way. You cannot burn leaves out in the backyard as in the “old days”. The rules and regulations are strong these days. That is the Sun square Saturn. it is going to be very much a big thing in the chart of the Lunar Eclipse. Beyond the heavy feeling that goes through tomorrow, there is a Green Light. By noting what the Scorpio Moon will do before it is finished, the Moon will be at a positive 60º to Pluto. That is the ruling planet of Scorpio making this a good thing for business conducted. But there is a lot to go through before that. A lot of hard decisions. A lot of difficult, heavy work. Real heavy work. Be careful of your back and your muscles. Too much weight on things beyond rules and regulations.
So, the onset of this first square that the Sun makes to this retrograde Saturn begins a couple of weeks here, where there could be cutbacks and layoffs and the flow of money slows down. And balancing Finances is a major issue. Certainly, the economy is top on the list of what everybody talks about. Also, self-worth. Father issues. Losses of jobs. Gains. Gaining jobs. New jobs. You taking on the big, big heavy tasks. And insecurity seems to be a big topic about taking on any project. You might feel like, I cannot do that. I need help. Well, ask for help. Try not to take on any new debt. This is a bad time to put things on the credit card.
A 60º sextile between the Sun and Neptune comes on Sunday at 3:14 PM. This offers a creative and spiritual outlet for this very heavy energy that we have right now for the greater issue. So, think about your situation in terms of redesigning the palate for a better way. Keep the practical notions very current. But with open windows surrounding your goals, know that there are regulations to be mindful of. So, you cannot just forge ahead without being mindful.
Then we are coming into that Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon is all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. People's emotions are high. People could be fighting and ending relationships because they feel like they are going to break. You want to be mindful of that. You do not want to lose those you love the most, because you pushed and pushed.
The Lunar Eclipse has that runaway inflation matter as its biggest issue during this period. It is inflicted restraint on everyone's buying power and ability to travel around. The price of gas is so high for heaven's sakes. Going into the market, you have to figure that in for the cost of the groceries. We seem to speak about the cost of living over other topics that can be more important in the long-range. I do not know how long this inflation period will last. I will have to look into that and study that.
But Saturn stands there in a square for the Lunar Eclipse. So that one there is saying, it is a great big stop sign. That says, no. You are not just going to go and buy that house without complications. There are other things that can be pushed aside, but some things just need to be honored. The outcome of most matters, you definitely have time. Saturn rules time and the limits and the rules that are set in place.
Also, Roe vs. Wade is a very heavy topic out there for everyone to review. What does it mean to them? And moving forward what does that mean to all of us? It affects absolutely everyone.
Retrograde Mercury returns to older material during this Lunar Eclipse. It makes a case for how the current situation has led us into this rigid set of circumstances. This rigid set is because of the Fixed sign energies: Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo. Those four signs are getting the strongest hit of this stubborn energy. But everyone; it doesn't matter if you are a Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo. That stubborn energy is really still here.
You may not want others to force you to do things their way. So, take a breath. step back. See how you can do things differently.
There is a Void of Course Moon on Monday. So, I want to say that the Lunar Eclipse is 12:14 AM. That is when it is exact. If you are up in and out in the middle of the night and you want to watch it, it should be pretty beautiful. There is a void of course Moon, early Monday morning from 5:28 AM until 7:50 AM. That Void of Course Moon is set by the example of Moon sextile Pluto. So, this one allows for those gatekeepers to be present. The landscape changes as we go through Monday night with this Void of Course Moon at 7:50 am on Monday (still on Monday).
The landscape changes with the Moon to go into Sagittarius. So, there is a breath of optimism. The arrival of the Sagittarius Moon definitely brings about an expanded topic we are now past, by that point past the Lunar Eclipse. That is the last Eclipse of this season. We do not get another one until November. Or it could be a Solar Eclipse on October 25, 2022. Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022.
But there is a good day. We have a good day on Tuesday with that Sagittarius Moon on May 17th and into part of Wednesday. But you want to check your wallet before you buy anything. There could be a lot of things to consider. You do not want to get into a fight over money. And also, over the way your plans work out and how they do not meet the interest and goals of others. So, if you are planning a trip, maybe one person wants to go to Ireland. And someone else wants to go to Israel and you cannot make the compromise. Just wait it out. You should be able to figure out how to make that work, with the last aspect of the Sagittarius Moon being a nice sextile to Saturn. So that gets a nice positive nod from the boss when that Sagittarius Moon is 60° to Saturn.
Then there is the Mars and Neptune conjunction. This aspect can be about a hole in the bucket. It could be about a hole in information. Somebody spreading stories. Lies. The topic of what lies? how lies have caused damage. But also, it is extremely creative energy. You might get it if you are working on a beautiful garden. This is like perfect for building a landscape that is stunning. Painting a picture in any form, whether it is on canvas or any canvas that is yours. Add music and poetry to your work and practice yoga and meditation.
The Moon is void after 150° aspect to the Sun. So, this one accounts for what the damage was after this Lunar Eclipse. What did the high winds and rains do? How do we get past that? The adjuster has to come and assess the damage if there was any. That is 3:48 AM on Wednesday.
Then you have a little sort of Green Light period in there until 8:01 AM.
Then the Moon changes signs and goes into Capricorn. This is actually an excellent time to advance with your business plans. That Capricorn Moon offers a lot of positive energy. A lot of political topics gain ground as the money behind the various movements gains as well. That is on Wednesday and Thursday.
The Sun is 120º trine to Pluto. Pluto is the gatekeeper. So, there is both an agreement and also a creative opening.
There is also an aspect that the Sun will make to Mercury. This aspect is the parallel where you can have some sort of agreement or introduction. documents could be found. It is difficult to sign things and keep things forever when Mercury Retrograde is part of the picture. Like if you are signing for a mortgage. Or if you are buying a new car. Although the late astrologer Frances McAvoy used to buy her cars always on a Mercury retrograde and would keep them for years. So that was one astrologer’s opinion of Mercury retrograde.
You have to weigh in on what it is you need and how you need it. We are talking about Thursday, May 18th. Brings to mind a friend Mary Butler. Her birthday is on May 18th. Happy Birthday, Mary!
Then that Capricorn Moon is a Green Light. You want to move forward with your goals. Mars is parallel Neptune. So that aspect started with a Mars Neptune conjunction on Wednesday at 232 AM. It continues all the way through until Thursday, and a little bit beyond when Mars is parallel Neptune. So, this seals the deal. This one says there is a promise. That there will be a way to devise and sort of charge through those things that have been etched in stone, so deeply stubborn and forced from the fixed energy with this mutable energy of Mars and Neptune in the mutable sign of Pisces.
But the Moon is still in Capricorn Friday. Green Light that we have with a beautiful ending to that Moon at 7:59 AM, when it is trine the Sun. So, this gives a great, excellent avenue for you to be able to conduct your business and also take care of your parents. For anyone who needs care in a home of any sort, this is a good time to make decisions about those living situations for others. It is also a day when the government might be making changes that helps all the people. So that is Friday on May 20th.
Still, on Friday, we have a new Moon sign. It comes in at 8:52 AM. It is the Aquarius Moon. It is a hard way to go for friendship and group associations because of the Saturn affiliation that we have. You may find that your commitments are binding, yet complicated by terms that you may not agree with for the long term. So, take a good hard, long look at anything you are getting into. Maybe you want to note the first exit out if there is an exit out. So, you want to be careful about what you sign up for.
Then the Sun enters the sign of Gemini. That is at 9:22 PM Friday night. It could make for a very chatty, friendly Friday night out on the town. If you go out you might find you enjoy yourself quite a bit. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can replay it also on WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] in their archives, and There will be a written report, as well as the audio file there. Thank you, Kimberly Chin, for transcribing. And that is it for the week. I have my phone number 617 – 558 – 7233. Give me a call or text me. You can text me on that number. We can talk about a reading or a class. So, that is it for now. Victor, take it away.
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