Monday, October 14, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrecg Pessin 10 /12,2024 - 10/19/2024 Saturday, October 12, 2024 - Saturday, October 19, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Good morning Victor and everybody there in WZBC land. We do the astrology report every week, bringing you all those cosmic activities so that you can plan your week according to what's up and what's down. It should be a kind of a fun experience. Even for this week, we have. Well, today we have Mercury making contact with Neptune. That acts like a Mercury retrograde. So, it is kind of hard to nail things down, get it right. You have to do it, one, two or three times before you get it right, necessarily. That is because Mercury is getting blacked out or blinked out, by Neptune, who causes some trouble by throwing a cloud over things.

The Moon is in Aquarius. So, friendship is definitely on the table in regard to what we are interested in dealing with today and tomorrow.

That Aquarius Moon sign is particularly spunky. By the end of the day, it is nice and soft. It makes a nice trine, 120° (degrees) to the Sun. That is a real positive opening. If you have plans with a friend, this is a real good day to do that. We can expect that people get along. Then as the night turns over, things intensify and get a little bit more challenging when the Moon is late in the sign.

We have Mercury making another aspect to Pluto. This would be tomorrow morning. So, this could cause a lot of conflict with people that are in a seat of power. People who are running the show. They want you to do this, that, and the other thing. And You want to do that and the other thing. So, try to follow in the right lane. Stay in your lane. Try not to argue things out. Try to find a way, with this Aquarius Moon sign, to find harmony without being aggressive.

The last thing that the Aquarius Moon does is square Uranus. Well, Uranus is the ruler of the sign of Aquarius. So having a square like that can be very testy. Can cut things off, make things difficult. Drop things. You can also expect a lot of back talk with that Mercury Pluto right on the heels of that. So that is the beginning of a void of course Moon. That is the Moon square Uranus, 10:10 AM, tomorrow morning. The last thing that happens under the Aquarius Moon is Mercury leaves the sign of Libra and goes into the sign of Scorpio. So, it is less agreeable in the sign of Scorpio, but it is not disagreeable in an obvious way. It goes deep into its own thoughts. Makes a lot of decisions on its own. Judgment. So that is the part about Mercury and Scorpio, its judgment may not feel comfortable when dealing with others if it is spoken out loud.

The Moon will change signs. Goes into the sign of Pisces at 3:54 PM. That is tomorrow. It will be in the sign of Pisces and a Green Light on top of that. That is until Tuesday at 4:33 PM. So, the Green Light that we have, sees a lot of different things going on.

The Sun is trine Jupiter, which is great with this Moon in Pisces. The Sun is trine Jupiter. that is a very strong good luck charm.

Also, the Sun is opposite Chiron. Chiron is considered the wounded healer, and Chiron also has a lot to do with medicine and medical procedures and that sort of thing. If you have been thinking about or mulling over some type of medical procedure that you might benefit from, this would be a good time for you to be able to sort through that and maybe make a decision.

Decision making time is coming up because we do have a Full Moon this week. So that Pisces Moon is with us on Monday as well. Monday, we have so many birthdays. I'm having trouble remembering them all. Of course, everybody out there has a birthday, so Happy Birthday.

There is a Pisces Moon on Monday that has an aspect between the Sun and Mars and it is a square. So that can be angry, argumentative, difficult, battling. It strikes out. So, beware of the energies early in the day on Monday, being much more active and aggressive than maybe what you need it to be. If you have the option start later in the day, but you do not want to get called out for being late to work either. But there is a chance also driving around could be very haphazard as well.

Also, on Monday the 14th, we have Venus opposite Uranus. That aspect is pretty focused on friendship. It separates friendship. It separates love. There is lot of questions in regard to that aspect about how your relationships are functioning. Maybe around the topic of money or the topic of your participation or lack thereof in the relationship.

On Tuesday, October 15, Happy birthday, Deb Fox.

The 15th still has a nice Pisces Moon, and it will continue making a nice aspect. It will trine Mars. It will trine Venus. So, before it leaves the sign, the Moon will sextile at 60° degrees to Pluto. So that is a positive. It gives the Pisces Moon, which is normally soft, it gives it some strength and some force. But also, a Pisces Moon has a lot of things that go on behind the scenes. So, if you suspect that things are not on the up and up, you might be right about that. You want to check and see after the Moon goes into Aries, what is actually been going on.

That Aries Moon does not have a Green Light. Did I mention that the Pisces Moon is Green Light right through until 4:00 PM on the 15th? Then the Moon goes into Aries 4:33 PM. That Aries Moon is with us for a couple of days. That one does not benefit by a good aspect at the end of the sign. But it does put all the cards on the table and everything out in the open with the Full Moon that comes along during the Aries Moon.

But looking at Wednesday. Wednesday is pretty much easy going, not having any great aspect activity with other planets. So, Thursday would be the day. That is the day of the Full Moon. It is at 7:26 AM. The Full Moon takes place at 24° of Aries. So, this is interesting because Kamala Harris was born with this Full Moon. This is not her birthday, but it is close, a couple of days off. She also has a great big Full Moon in her chart. And so does Donald Trump. [He] has a Full Moon in his chart, but his is in in Sagittarius. He is a Gemini with a Sagittarius Full Moon, and she is a Libra with an Aries Full Moon. So, this one, the Aries, might bring more attention to her. What she's doing, advancements and that sort of thing.

So, the Full Moon takes place at 7:26 AM, on Thursday. It will continue in the sign of Aries and make a square to Pluto at 3:26 PM, marking the void of course Moon period.

Now there is a planet change. Venus will change signs. Leaving the sign of Scorpio going into Sagittarius, which is better. A happier spot for Venus. What you can possibly expect with the Venus and Sagittarius is joining with others for fun things. And sharing your particular educational information with others. Maybe you want to join a new educational group.

That Sagittarius Moon or Venus and Sagittarius is the last thing that happens during that Aries Moon. So that Aries Moon is void of course when that happens.

Then the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. That is at 3:59 PM October 17th, Thursday. it continues in the sign of Taurus through Friday and through most of next Saturday as well.

The Taurus Moon on Friday has a happier feel to it later in the afternoon. If you have a date night plan on Friday, that would be a good time to gather your energies, to meet up with others. Food first is what the Taurus Moon is all about. If you are visiting somebody, take some food with you, cookies or brownies or something. So that is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And it is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Kimberly. And also, you can reach me at 617-558-7233. You can ask me questions about astrology, make an appointment, and you can ask me questions about the radio report. And I want to thank again, WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for this wonderful opportunity to have an astrology spot on the radio. We thank our listeners every single week. If you want to make a donation to support WZBC, now is the time to do that. Okay, back to you, Victor.

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