Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Astrology Report thru Oct 5, 2024 Saturday, September 28, 2024 - Saturday, October 5, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead.

It is the 28th of September. We are going to look at the week that will include a Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 2nd, and throughout the week until the 5th of October. The Moon signs that we have for this week are Leo. We are under the influence of a Leo Moon sign today, right until 5:41 AM on Sunday. That is when the Virgo Moon comes in. The Virgo Moon is kind of busy. It likes to be busy. It likes to do things, organize things. It cannot sit still. It is with us until 6:19 PM on Tuesday. Wednesday is the Solar Eclipse day. So that is the headliner day. That is when the Moon is in Libra, starting at 6:19 PM on Tuesday, until that Libra Moon leaves Libra on Friday, at 6:40 AM. Actually, it will be the last aspect, 6:48 AM of the Libra Moon.

The Scorpio Moon comes in on October 4th, Friday at 7:22 AM. We will have that right through the weekend.

So, the major events going on. There is a bunch of Mercury stuff going on. But we start off with Mercury hanging out with the Lunar Node. The Lunar Node is where the Eclipse takes place. So, this is always a very hot spot. If there is a planet near the Lunar Node, it makes it bigger than life. It makes all of its symbolism stronger and more intense. So, if it is Mercury, it would be maybe about gossip. or thinking. hard Thinking. anything having to do with mental agility and mental overwork. So, Mercury is going to come back up throughout the week.

But today we have Venus in aspect to the Lunar Node. This one is not lined up with it. but it is making a kind of an arrow to it. It is 150° (degree) aspect. I call that Life's messy. Clean it up. It is a quincunx. That says there is something upset with money, with stuff, with relationships. That is under this Leo Moon that we have today.

The Leo Moon is also having a look at the Sun lined up with the Lunar Node. So, this is really putting the flag out there saying, this is an Eclipse time. So, this is Saturday, and the Eclipse is not until Wednesday. So, it is going to feel like Solar Eclipse time in a big way all through.

So, what does Solar Eclipse time feel like? What does it act like? It acts like something is big. Something is large. Events are larger than usual. In the sign of Libra, people might be coming together, partnering, pairing off.

Also, the Sun lined up with the node brings important people together for important events. So, if you are invited to something somewhere, it is probably an important event. Even if it is something like a concert or a regular party of some sort, it could end up being a major event in some way for you. Be mindful of the heightened energy during these kinds of times, when we have the Sun lined up with the Lunar Node and Mercury lined up with the node. And all sorts of different Mercury aspects where accidents are more likely to happen. So, you want to be very present. Be present with the people that you are with. It is a kind of a nervous time. So, you want to be able to settle in and enjoy and relax with the people that you are visiting with.

That Leo Moon is with us today, going into early on Sunday morning. The Virgo Moon will come in at 5:41 AM. But, not to leave off with but what the Moon and Leo is doing before it leaves the sign. It makes a quincunx to two heavy outer planets, Neptune and then Pluto. So that means that things have the quality of being off. Someone is trying to control everything. On the other end of it, someone trying to slip out of the noose. It is a getaway kind of thing.

Maybe, you want to get away. Maybe you want to go on a little trip and get away somehow. So that is what this aspect, where the Moon making aspect to Neptune and then to Pluto, while in Leo is looking in some big way to express. That is what the Leo Moon often does is it sets out its expression. Makes a statement. It has a largeness to it that is showy. This is what I've been doing. This is what I want you to see about who I am, what my work is about, what my art is about. That sort of thing.

So, then the Virgo Moon comes in. that is on Sunday, 5:41 AM. The Virgo Moon has Mercury lined up with the Lunar Node. So, this is where introductions are important. This is where also traveling about in your neighborhood. Maybe it is about getting a new car. Maybe it is about getting a new bicycle. Having something to do with anything that would help you get about. Buying tickets for some travel event.

Mars and Saturn join up for an aspect. It is a beautiful Trine 120° (degrees). This is where there is harnessed or controlled power. You can find where there is suppression of anger or hostility, also discipline, patience, endurance, resistance. That is all Mars and Saturn energy. lots of patience. That is good. We need more of that. You want to get things done. We need more of that. That is this Mars Saturn is going to help for accomplishment. There is progress in business and practical matters with this aspect. And there are also very fortunate delays. So, things have not been happening your way on your time schedule. That is a good thing. this allows for a better time for things to come about. So, things will stick when they when they do.

Mercury and Neptune on Monday are making an aspect 12:46 PM. This one is about aligning with things that are very ethereal. Maybe drinks, maybe conversations with people at a great distance. Or people that you are not that familiar with. So, you want to be careful during the Virgo Moon of making statements or saying too much to people that you do not know all that well. Because Neptune is a trickster. Put the two of these together, and you really get some tricks. You do not want to be tricked at all. That aspect is 12:46 PM on Monday.

Then Mercury and the Sun join up. that is going to be on September 30th, Monday, 5:09 PM. This is mental gymnastics, strength, intense thought is what we get. With this aspect, we can have a consciousness of your personal intent. Maybe there is a stimulus to communicate in speech or writing. There is an effectiveness in coordinating your various activities. So lining things up in a reasonable way, mobility, travel. And you are able to meet up to a situational demand. So, whatever comes up, you are able to get up and go, and join in, and get things done. Especially in cooperation with others, because it is Libra. So, this is good for that, joining with others getting things done.

If you have any legal matters, also Monday and Tuesday. These are days when you want to look into that. Look into hiring someone. Although I keep in mind that you want to wait until that New Moon is actually has happened. That will not be until Wednesday. So here we are looking at Tuesday with that Virgo Moon. It winds down. The last thing it is going to do is make a trine to Pluto. That is a fine aspect for putting things in row and in the row. And allowing for those that to control the property or control the business can have their say in how things are done. You would be happy just to take orders. That would be the best thing to do.

Then the Moon is conjunct Libra after a void of course Moon. So that would be on Tuesday void of course Moon at 5:38 PM until 6:19 PM. That means you do not want to do anything during a void of course Moon period, nothing of any consequence. You want to lay low and keep things still until the Moon changes signs. So, it is not that long, 6:19 PM.

Then the Moon enters Libra, which is going to be the headliner Moon sign this coming week. Because that is where the Eclipse is going to take place. It is on Wednesday at 2:49 PM, at 10 degrees of Libra.

Solar Eclipse. So, the Libra Solar Eclipse is definitely famous for joining people up. people proposals, weddings, parties, where you are bringing people together. Very social. People are planning social events. If you are invited, feel like you are an insider with that. That Eclipse will bring us then that energy in a very strong, positive way.

One of the things that I've noticed about the Eclipse is that Venus and Mercury and Uranus and Neptune are all playing in to similar points in the wheel in the chart of the Solar Eclipse. So that says there are some really interesting introductions. Venus and Mercury will create an introduction that is important. Having it be involved with Neptune and Uranus, I would think these would be very unusual people, an unusual group of friends. So, it should be interesting if you have some interesting stories about interesting friendships. Or interesting groups, interesting events as a result of this Solar Eclipse. Let me know.

Thursday, what we have is still the Libra Moon. That Libra Moon is seeing the Sun and Mercury in a parallel on Thursday at 7:37 PM. But parallels last all day long, so we are under the influence of that aspect all day on Thursday into Friday. That is more of that mental agility and things. Information and documents that are binding. documents that could be revealed that show things of great importance that need to be addressed.

Friday's Libra Moon, it will go run right up until 7:22 AM. During Friday's Libra Moon, we have Mercury and Saturn in a quincunx. Life's messy. Clean it up with Mercury and Saturn. Something is said. something is done. Something is amiss while you are traveling or carrying things from one room to the next. Things are sliding off and falling down. So, you want to be careful, taking care. It has an influence over Thursday night's events. So, if you are cleaning up after some type of an event, that may be what that is about.

Then we have at 6:40 AM on Friday, the Moon's last aspect square Pluto. So, the Libra Moon does not end well, it is cranky. Pluto is a power monger. It wants to control things. It wants to step on progress and possibly set you back and make you do things over and over. It is about abandonment issues and just being left out. So, if people think that people close to you feel like they would be happier if you included them in everything. Even though you do not want to do that, go through the motions whenever Pluto is making a big deal, because Pluto will feel soothed with that type of activity.

Then the Libra Moon leaves Libra and goes into Scorpio 7:22 AM on Friday, October 4th. That does see a nice aspect between Venus and Saturn. 1:03 PM. Venus and Saturn are trine, so that is positive. So, if you are trying to get your money in order, that would be the day, Friday. also, if you are trying to organize your relationships around the topics of finances. having positive conversations regarding these matters which are sometimes difficult to do with a heavy subject like money. Friday would be the best way and day to go about that. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, at Kimberly Chin does the transcription. And thank you, Kimberly. And also, I want to thank Victor and Julie for being there, and it is all yours.

Oh, you can call me at 617-558-7233. that is 617-558-7233. call me with your Eclipse stories or your questions about astrology or classes. I do teach one on one classes. Okay, that is it for the week. Back to you, Victor.

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