Sunday, October 6, 2024

Astrology report by Dietrech Pessin Oct 5 - 11, 2024. Saturday, October 5, 2024 - Saturday, October 12, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


This week Jupiter retrograde station will make things happen if not for those things that have “pie in the sky” plans. So actually these things don’t happen. Also, the Moon goes through the signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn and Aquarius this week. The best Moon sign for taking any action about your business plans would be 10/5/2024, for one. Today and tomorrow under the Scorpio Moon, there is a very positive energy as the Moon will make a nice aspect to Pluto at the end of its sign, which would be at 6:52 PM on Sunday night. So, tonight and all through tomorrow, there is some good business energy.

There is a squabble that goes on with Mercury square Mars today. Well, it can have an influence on today, but it is actually exact tomorrow. That aspect has to do with travel and moving about, not getting your plans straight, running into difficulties. It could also be haphazard. So, it takes place at 2:36 in the morning. So that influences tonight, if you are out driving late night or doing things in the house late night or whatever you are doing. It is a Scorpio Moon sign, So that also can be about some physical activity, maybe sexual activity. You could also have plans for any type of monetary or inheritances. You could also find that your Scorpio activities may be underhanded or underground. They are not the best. It is not the best time for things that are truthful and honorable. So, if you are doing something that you should not be doing and trying to accomplish something in secrecy, you could be in trouble with that and may need assistance to get out of a mess that you could get yourself into. So, having it be the weekend, those are more creative ways to get yourself into trouble, right?

Then someone very important to the proceedings that you are trying to conduct may be missing. So, the Scorpio Moon is a tough Moon. But it has some good opportunity with a Green Light at the end of it because of its aspect to Pluto.

The Moon changes signs. So, there is a void, of course Moon at 6:52 PM Sunday night, until 7:33 PM Sunday night. Then the Moon will enter the sign of Sagittarius. It will be there right through until Wednesday. It has its ups and downs. The Sagittarius Moon is usually playful, happy, adventurous, forward thinking. But there is a Jupiter retrograde station on Wednesday, early morning, under the under the sign of Sagittarius, its ruling sign. So, this one holds back. it may reverse things or cancel things that would have come up to the starting line to complete. Then with Jupiter going retrograde, it has that pie-in-the-sky quality to it. Where it is not making promises. Or It could be making promises that it cannot keep.

So, looking at the Sagittarius Moon that comes in on Sunday night and is with us on Monday, October 7th, that is my birthday. Happy Birthday, Dietrech. We have an aspect when the Moon is square Saturn during that Sagittarius Moon at 10:49 PM. Making Monday night a good time to go to bed early.

Then we have on Tuesday, Sagittarius Moon is still with us. Venus and Mars are in a beautiful trine. So, this supports some good behavior between those two planets. Venus in Scorpio. though, is definitely more about doing secretive money deals. Mars in Cancer is very often very, it can be concerned with family matters and concerned with doing things legally. But the two of them in water signs may actually help to conceal whatever is going on. This is on Tuesday.

Mercury and Jupiter are also in an aspect Tuesday. They are trine. That is 120 degrees apart and is very positive. That one is speaking loudly in a positive, open way.

There is also, the Wednesday energy coming in, we still have the Sagittarius Moon. It will square Neptune as its last aspect, which adds to confusion and illusion. And also tends to derail any Jupiter plans. So, Jupiter is standing perfectly still Wednesday morning at 3:04 AM. It will remain retrograde until February 4, 2025.

The Moon changes signs at 5:38 AM when it will go into Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon has some good and some bad. The last aspect the Capricorn Moon will make is conjunct Pluto. So, this has nothing positive about that Pluto energy. It is retrograde, but it will turn direct. Pluto will turn direct on Friday, the 11th. Yep, and that would be at 8:31 PM. So, we have two heavy hitters. Jupiter, the ruler of the sky and the heavens. And Pluto, the ruler of the underworld. Things like big oil, and big business that conducts its business behind the scenes. Those two planets are on stage through Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This is a very big deal.

So, the Capricorn Moon does have some positive energy. And that would be particularly maybe on Thursday, late in the afternoon.

There is also coming in on Friday, Venus is making an aspect to Uranus, so you want to watch out for your purse. Also have a type of alliance with your friendships that can help to support what it is you are doing with Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn. This is an indication that big business and government is the topic. Pluto will be in the sign of Capricorn briefly, before it goes back into the sign of Aquarius. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, at

There is a brilliant First Quarter Moon that I that I failed to mention. That is on October 10th, Thursday at 2:54 PM, with the Moon in Capricorn. This Capricorn Moon has a configuration with Uranus. They are all leading into Venus. Uranus and Chiron. Jupiter and Chiron making aspect to Venus. So, there is something to be said about that healing energy that Jupiter tends to bring. So, with the Capricorn Moon sign, it is about business. It is about controlling your finances and getting all your ducks in a row. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can give me a call at 617-558-7233. And you can make an appointment for a reading or for an astrology class, a one-on-one astrology class. So, give me a call. 617-558-7233.  Thank you.

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