With Neptune at the final degree of Aquarius you might be experiencing more frustration and fatigue of late. With all of Neptune’s spiritual attributes you may do better by minimizing your activities. Lose you expectations as anything could happen, much of which you never imagined. An overdose of Neptune’s influence is also characteristic of dissatisfaction, psychological suffering, confusion, illusion and misunderstandings. Constantly losing things or a failure to see things in plain sight. The point is missed and the starting point has been recalibrated. The traffic patrols catch every infraction and the tickets are costly.
Neptune is causing a vanishing act with our stuff and memories as it hides everything in plain sight. Trust me, you are not going crazy unless we are all going with you. Continue to gain a different perspective and talk to the veil of illusion and pray, chant; meditate your way through everything as we must develop patience with these energies. Not until April 4th will Neptune leave this precarious position and then it will have its newbie shoes on in its own sign of Pisces for a while. Mercury will compound the complications when it turns retrograde on March 30th. It does seem it is retrograde now but this is an overdose of Neptune.
At 8:07 AM the Capricorn Last Quarter Moon sets the “get down to business” tone. Venus tries to make nice but there is no time for pleasantries with the Sun by the side of Uranus and the Moon clearly faced with Pluto’s judgmental pressure to perform. You have to work harder to gain the same ground. The planets are positioned for more ground breaking activity as this quarter Moon aligns with two powerful midpoints while conjunct Pluto; the Mars/Saturn midpoint (4°59 CP) and Saturn/Uranus (7°49 CP) midpoint equal the point where the Moon and Pluto sit in Capricorn. Where Mars and Saturn bring some events to a screeching halt, Saturn and Uranus shake resurface with a sandpaper effect. This day has been a few years in the making of which you can follow its progress since December 2008. You might recall George Bush’s last days signing off early as he pressured Obama to take responsibility for the financial crisis before Obama was sworn in.
A Moon Family carries your story along a predictable time table. Something that began at a New Moon started to shape up at the first quarter stage. All the cards were on the table showing the full nature of the issue at the full Moon stage. The reward, payoff or get paid stage is at the last quarter. The following dates are linked by the nine-month Lunar Gestation Cycle which form a Moon Family for the Last Quarter Moon on March 26 2011:
Moon Family
New Moon Dec 27, 2008 06° CP 08'
1st Qtr Moon Sep-26, 2009 03° CP 15'
Full Moon Jun-26, 2010 04° CP 46'
Last Qtr Moon Mar-26 2011 05° CP 29'
In nine months another Moon Family begins which continues you storyline into the future.
24-Dec-2011 02°CP 34’
22-Sep-2012 00°CPJ 12’
23-Jun-2013 02° CP10’
23-Mar-2014 03° CP20'
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Venus is a player all day and she is not playing nice. First she is overindulgent with Jupiter at 12:51 AM then moves into restrictive and or socially inappropriate situations with Venus at a 135° angle to Saturn in Libra. She is not sitting pretty and makes Saturn in Libra look bad. The money is not there and only the naysayer is heard with “I told you so”. Later in the evening Venus joins Neptune for more indulgence and fantasy. This is not wise during a time but you could channel you mind to the highest good, ask for peace for yourself then dress the world in peace. There is a peace angel available at 9:39 PM. See the next note about Venus as it too applies this evening. Love and money matters.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Venus makes choices she may regret in the last few hours of her stay in Aquarius. Any attempt to connect with old friends before leaving the sign can be a good thing. Venus states her need to maintain a bond then continues to move on. Don’t let that stop you from reaching out to your friends.
After 2:52 AM Venus higher goals in Pisces where she travels until April 20. Beauty, cosmetics, and costumes dress a package for a show. Dance, theater and film are enhanced with this placement. Venus continues to aspect Neptune with a parallel at 6:42 AM The moves into a contra parallel with Mercury a 8:18 AM. Later Venus is 30° behind Uranus. You may have a vision or romantic notion. Make your contacts and invite your friends to share in an experience for a worthy cause.
In the meanwhile the Sun and Mars are hot on the trail to find work or hire those with applicable skills. Look for money under a rock and invest in something that will grow in water. We could hear sirens with this one. Fires and hot situations fueled by anger are typical but there is the soothing quality as well. All an all it’s a good day to move forward. Just be aware of the Neptune catch-all at the end of the sign. You could loose things and while the Moon is in a money and business sign of Capricorn, it could be expensive. Make a pro and con list.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Capricorn Moon has a few good decision making hours if you live in Europe or doing business before the Sun rises on the east coast. The Moon makes its final aspect with a 30° contact to Neptune which is currently calling the shots until April 4, 2011.
Monday – At 6:39 AM the Moon enters Aquarius through Wednesday evening. Decision making during this period is not suitable for long term plans. Something vital to your success is dropped or lost.
At 8:12 AM the Sun is square Pluto. Power struggles deep within company structures. Adjustments that need to be made as a result of events involving insurance companies. Disputes over estates, money and the value of property. Ancient land rights. Attempts continue to overthrow governments. Don't go it alone; ask for assistance. Find the optimistic link.
Later Jupiter and Saturn oppose at 14°Aris/Libra at 5:54 PM. This focus is on matters requiring permission or a review of some something to be released. Such as the sale of property, change in jobs etc; placing parents in assisted living etc. In the current political climate, revolution is the primary choice for advancement. This pair was conjunct in 2000 and adjustments and obstacles became apparent in 2005-2006 when this pair reached 90°. These aspects often deal with responsibility and your role with managing your life within the confines of a new structure. This structure is greatly paired down from expectations set when Jupiter and Saturn were joined at 22° Taurus. It’s all about the money and what was then traditional is no longer valid. It’s interesting how the focus on the Middle East has shifted from outside powers forcing over throw and internal pressure revolting against their monarchies. The bad economy has caused a revolution against the very rich who have left their citizens in poverty.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Venus is conjunct Ceres at 2:17 PM then moves on to join with Chiron at 7:15 PM. The quality of this trio in aspect may be about generous service without regard to the sacrifice it involves. It may be considered the highest maternal expression. The feminine nurturing principal especially as with newborn babies. Nursing and breastfeeding. To enjoy nature as a method for healing one’s psyche. Treatment performed by female practitioners. The potential for growths in the breast. To be focused on birth control.
Beyond that our attention goes to Wednesday’s Mercury retrograde.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Anything you attempt might be derailed by Mercury antics. People back out of earlier commitments and more pressing matters emerge.
Chiron and Ceres occupy 3° of Pisces signaling the need to stop and care for the children. Rebellions around the world may sacrifice the safety of their children.
Wednesday at 4:47 PM Mercury turns retrograde until April 23, 2011. While this Mercury activity can foul up the simplest plan you can expect to pay mechanics, doctor and vet bills. I do expect this to be the worst Mercury retrograde period in a as many years as one can remember. I've been paying attention since 1974 and so far it is a big problem.
The Moon is void of course at 6:21 PM when conjunct Neptune. Expect a fluid outcome of your plans which might include being washed out.
Wednesday, the Moon enters Pisces at 6:38 PM. This allows for a positive window during an uncertain period for attempting anything that you would consider is the second time around. Neptune could work for or against you during this time.
Wednesday. After 6:38 PM You have a green light to move forward with revisions and repeat actions right though Friday at 11:12 PM.
For Wednesday Jupiter is 45° to Neptune boosting the likelihood of wet weather and changes regarding oil prices or oil fields. There is a need for a rescue offers a loop hole or a golden lasso. "The vision" is the best antidote for the current ills. Large animals are in the news. Expect to find a silver lining. This aspect has a lazy quality and lacks true direction. But the benefits of a mental vacation has it value. Expand your consciousness. Meet new friends. Join in spiritual activities. Above all go with the flow.
For business consider new options today. Imagine no boundaries or limits.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday is not hampered by planet activity other than Neptune at the final degree of Aquarius. Move forward with consideration for second attempts and revisions. Go ahead and move forward today with anything that qualifies as second time around.
With Venus and Pallas passing in the hallway it appears they have something in common if just for a day. Together they can design a plan to quiet the unrest through talks and counseling. Arrange an appointment with your favorite counselor.
You may be able to find the perfect outfit with the Pisces Moon and the aspects between Venus and Pallas. Pallas was a weaver of beautiful fabric.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Mars is on stage as it sits at the final degree of Pisces until Saturday after midnight. Military activity is stepped up and a renewed commitment to a cause is fueled.
The Moon is void of course after a contra parallel to Saturn at 11:12 PM. The void period ends Saturday.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
During the void Moon period Mars enters Aries until May 11. Conditions with the nuclear plants around the world may be a focus. Mars is headed straight for Uranus on the day of the New Moon, April 3rd.
Mars in its own sign is operating in the open. This can be an indication of more direct action by those in a position to challenge others. Open conflict and deliberate intentions are made known to all. Romance has a better chance for success now that Mars, ruler of the masculine character is functioning in an honest and more present fashion.
Use this to move forward in your personal life a direct way.
For your business make a plan to take on greater challenges and become current with the latest advancements in your field. Mars in Aries signals the entrepreneur to move forward. Choose a day with favorable aspects to begin.
7:15 AM Moon enters Aries (through Monday night on April 4) and waits for - Neptune to change signs on April 4.
The Aries Moon is hot with activity.
Vesta moves into Aquarius at 8:07 AM you may find you work best in an atmosphere of freedom and have a tendency to escape from routine. You might feel committed to humanitarian or political causes which do not offend your sense of individuality.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
The New Moon brings in 13° of Aries as the first New Moon of the spring season positioned for an opposition to retrograde Saturn in Libra. This lunation packs a blast with Mars and Uranus conjunct at 1°17’ Aries. Do not take any action to forward your goals today as something slips past you and becomes a problem later.
Monday, April 04, 2011
The Aries Moon will host Neptune’s coming home party at 9:50 AM. At that time Neptune enters Pisces and will hover over the zero degree until it return to Aquarius on August 4, 2011.
Monday, April 04, 2011
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