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Saturday, March 19, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The headliner today is a Super Full Moon. The Moon is as close to earth as it will get in its 19 year cycle. Emotions and energy are high and even extreme. This is a time when it’s a challenge to hold onto your composure amidst any number of fronts. This might be the time that the lid blows off steam. It may include volcanic and other geological activity. Tides are higher inside and out. Please observe all cautions. On a positive side you are able to find your healer and move into a position of awareness that allows you to move forward fully informed. Take special time preparing your work as this important step will hold together the rest of your plan. The Full Moon is square to the nodes and adding to the extreme is the Sun near to the equinox. Uranus is waiting to bring the bizarre and strangeness of a cosmic circus into our earthly arena. This might be a good time for a space ship to make a landing in full view. Even that would not be a surprise beyond the nature of this weekend’s cosmic alignments. Whew! There may be an exciting ride. | 12:01:01 AM | Moon | Pll | Ura | | -00°29' | -00°29' |
12:09:02 AM | Moon | 0° | Jun | | 19°Vi48' | 19°Vi48' R | |
12:51:00 AM | Moon | Pll | Sun | | -00°42' | -00°41' | |
12:56:10 AM | Moon | 150° | Ven | | 20°Vi19' | 20°Aq19' | |
6:37:25 AM | Moon | 120° | Ves | | 23°Vi57' | 23°Cp57' | |
11:28:21 AM | Moon | Pll | Sat | | -03°25' | -03°25' | |
12:56:53 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jup | | -03°47' | +03°47' | |
2:10:03 PM | Moon | 180° | Sun | | 28°Vi47' | 28°Pi47' | |
2:41:00 PM | Sun | Pll | Ura | | -00°28' | -00°28' | |
2:56:37 PM | Moon | 150° | Cer | | 29°Vi17' | 29°Aq17' | |
3:16:08 PM | Moon | 150° | Nep | | 29°Vi29' | 29°Aq29' | |
The Moon enters Libra at 4:03 PM until Monday afternoon. | 4:03:07 PM | Moon | 0° | Lib | >> | 00°Li00' | 00°Li00' |
The Libra Moon allow people to come together for negotiations and peaceful talks. It is also a social Moon sign. Enjoy a fun night out but expect surprises. Look for old friends or new fast friends. | 4:44:52 PM | Moon | 180° | Ura | | 00°Li26' | 00°AR26' |
5:35:47 PM | Mar | Cpl | Jun | | -05°02' | +05°02' | |
5:50:32 PM | Moon | Pll | Mar | | -05°01' | -05°02' | |
5:51:42 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jun | | -05°01' | +05°02' | |
6:49:14 PM | Mar | 180° | Jun | | 19°Pi37' | 19°Vi37' R | |
6:53:07 PM | Moon | Pll | Chi | | -05°17' | -05°17' | |
8:08:25 PM | Moon | 150° | Chi | | 02°Li37' | 02°Pi37' | |
8:47:09 PM | Moon | 120° | Pal | | 03°Li02' | 03°Aq02' | |
Sunday, March 20, 2011. the Moon continues in Libra. | | | | | | | |
Neptune and Ceres join at 5:38 AM for serious compassion and a need to care and comfort others. This aspect has the design of an angel or cosmic saint which blankets a depressed area with unselfish service. You might make room in your schedule to volunteer your services for a needy cause. Be sure to check in on those that are shut in. | 2:19:45 AM | Moon | 135° | Ven | | 06°Li35' | 21°Aq35' |
3:36:31 AM | Moon | 90° | Plu | | 07°Li24' | 07°Cp24' | |
5:38:39 AM | Nep | 0° | Cer | | 29°Aq31' | 29°Aq31' | |
7:01:20 AM | Mer | 45° | Chi | | 17°AR38' | 02°Pi38' | |
7:46:49 AM | Sun | 30° | Nep | | 29°Pi31' | 29°Aq31' | |
8:34:36 AM | Moon | Cpl | Mer | | -08°39' | +08°40' | |
8:56:55 AM | Sun | 30° | Cer | | 29°Pi34' | 29°Aq34' | |
9:49:51 AM | Moon | Cpl | Pal | | -08°57' | +08°58' | |
11:22:26 AM | Moon | 180° | Jup | | 12°Li21' | 12°AR21' | |
2:46:32 PM | Moon | 135° | Nep | | 14°Li31' | 29°Aq31' | |
2:59:00 PM | Moon | 135° | Cer | | 14°Li39' | 29°Aq39' | |
3:27:19 PM | Moon | 0° | Sat | | 14°Li57' | 14°Li57' R | |
6:53:13 PM | Ven | 45° | Plu | | 22°Aq24' | 07°Cp24' | |
Spring arrives all decked out this year at 7:20 PM with Uranus’s surprises in full form on the heels of the Saturday’s Full Moon. Again the energies are extreme and may reignite the troubles areas of the world for added challenges. With Neptune and Ceres together we may bring our attention to the angels that whose efforts are to bring a peaceful heart to all. Some or part of your efforts may be dropped for a more demanding need or project. The star of the show may also be changing. Chose a time later in the evening for solid decisions. After 7:20 PM there is a green light to move forward right through until 2:36 PM on Monday. | 7:20:43 PM | Sun | 0° | Ari | >> | 00°AR00' | 00°AR00' |
7:43:45 PM | Moon | 135° | Chi | | 17°Li40' | 02°Pi40' | |
8:46:49 PM | Moon | 180° | Mer | | 18°Li20' | 18°AR20' | |
9:48:32 PM | Mer | Pll | Pal | | +09°01' | +09°01' | |
10:22:35 PM | Moon | 30° | Jun | | 19°Li21' | 19°Vi21' R | |
11:20:08 PM | Moon | Pll | Nep | | -12°04' | -12°05' | |
Monday, March 21, 2011- Libra Moon changing to Scorpio with a void period from 2:35 PM until the Moon enters Scorpio at 3:17 PM. | | | | | | | |
The Sun joins Uranus on Monday at 8:24 AM. Inventive. Sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. An indication of a leap in modern technology. Visionary technological creativity. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news-breaking events. Take it slow but be prepared for just about anything. There may be a keen interest in ideas which are progressive or innovative. The scientific mind prevails. Mental excitement. Taking action which changes things and brings improvement. Joining with others for a specific cause or purpose to revolutionize. To upset the status quo. | 12:19:34 AM | Moon | 150° | Mar | | 20°Li35' | 20°Pi35' |
3:54:22 AM | Moon | 120° | Ven | | 22°Li51' | 22°Aq51' | |
4:49:13 AM | Chi | Cpl | Jun | | -05°15' | +05°15' | |
7:04:10 AM | Moon | 90° | Ves | | 24°Li51' | 24°Cp51' | |
7:13:04 AM | Sat | 135° | Cer | | 14°Li54' R | 29°Aq54' | |
8:24:07 AM | Sun | 0° | Ura | | 00°AR32' | 00°AR32' | |
8:54:47 AM | Moon | Pll | Ven | | -14°07' | -14°08' | |
| 12:39:34 PM | Cer | 0° | Pis | >> | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' |
Ceres travels through Pisces until July 11, 2011. Ceres will retrograde at 0° Aries on July 26, 2011 and returns to Pisces on August 20, 2011 until January 2012. Ceres represents the vital crop cycles. Other life support such as medical care and childcare are under Ceres’ domain. While in Pisces she attends the infirmed and needy. Putting aside personal comfort as others come first. . | 2:34:48 PM | Moon | 120° | Nep | | 29°Li33' | 29°Aq33' |
2:34:55 PM | Mer | 150° | Jun | | 19°AR12' | 19°Vi12' R | |
The Moon enters Scorpio until Wednesday afternoon. | 3:16:36 PM | Moon | 0° | Sco | >> | 00°Sc00' | 00°Sc00' |
The Scorpio Moon is riddled with complications and hidden problems. Problems are deeply embedded in the design. This is not a good sign to move forward. Inventive ideas assist forensic methods. There is a spontaneous exit of various sorts even death of projects or others. Do your homework without cutting corners. This is a terrific sign for research however your end goal is clouded by unforeseen issues. Your information mysteriously vanishes. (It’s the Scorpio Moon headed for a square to | 3:20:35 PM | Moon | 120° | Cer | | 00°Sc02' | 00°Pi02' |
4:10:16 PM | Moon | 150° | Ura | | 00°Sc33' | 00°AR33' | |
4:41:28 PM | Moon | 150° | Sun | | 00°Sc52' | 00°AR52' | |
7:40:38 PM | Moon | 120° | Chi | | 02°Sc44' | 02°Pi44' | |
8:55:27 PM | Sun | Cpl | Ura | | +00°25' | -00°25' | |
9:07:03 PM | Moon | 90° | Pal | | 03°Sc38' | 03°Aq38' | |
9:54:51 PM | Moon | 45° | Jun | | 04°Sc07' | 19°Vi07' R | |
Tuesday March 29, 2011. | | | | | | | |
Repeat of Monday’s interpretation with the Scorpio Moon is riddled with complications and hidden problems. Problems are deeply embedded in the design. This is not a good sign to move forward. Inventive ideas assist forensic methods. There is a spontaneous exit of various sorts even death of projects or others. Do your homework without cutting corners but realize you are missing important pieces to your project or you are blocked from moving ahead. This is a terrific sign for research however your end goal is clouded by unforeseen issues. Your information mysteriously vanishes. (It’s the Scorpio Moon headed for a square to Military efforts are increase with a Mars and Jupiter aspect | 1:36:43 AM | Moon | 135° | Mar | | 06°Sc25' | 21°Pi25' |
3:13:56 AM | Moon | 60° | Plu | | 07°Sc25' | 07°Cp25' | |
6:06:50 AM | Moon | Pll | Cer | | -18°04' | -18°06' | |
10:01:05 AM | Moon | Pll | Plu | | -18°42' | -18°44' | |
12:04:53 PM | Moon | 150° | Jup | | 12°Sc50' | 12°AR50' | |
3:15:57 PM | Moon | Pll | Ves | | -19°30' | -19°31' | |
3:18:45 PM | Moon | 30° | Sat | | 14°Sc48' | 14°Li48' R | |
4:37:54 PM | Moon | 135° | Ura | | 15°Sc37' | 00°AR37' | |
5:48:06 PM | Mar | Cpl | Jup | | -04°05' | +04°05' | |
6:51:32 PM | Moon | 135° | Sun | | 16°Sc57' | 01°AR57' | |
8:01:49 PM | Pal | 135° | Jun | | 03°Aq55' | 18°Vi55' R | |
10:04:09 PM | Moon | 60° | Jun | | 18°Sc54' | 18°Vi54' R | |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The interpretation is the same as for Tuesday for the most part of the day. The good news may be that there are more survivors unearthed as Uranus and Ceres form a 30° aspect today. Do not sign or advance in any way before the Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:45 PM ET. Sometime you just want to push things through. This is not one of those times. Wait. | 1:02:21 AM | Moon | 150° | Mer | | 20°Sc41' | 20°AR41' |
3:41:35 AM | Moon | 120° | Mar | | 22°Sc16' | 22°Pi16' | |
3:57:25 AM | Moon | 45° | Plu | | 22°Sc25' | 07°Cp25' | |
6:40:50 AM | Ura | 30° | Cer | | 00°AR39' | 00°Pi39' | |
9:08:28 AM | Moon | 90° | Ven | | 25°Sc30' | 25°Aq30' | |
9:34:53 AM | Moon | 60° | Ves | | 25°Sc46' | 25°Cp46' | |
1:31:27 PM | Moon | 135° | Jup | | 28°Sc06' | 13°AR06' | |
4:07:35 PM | Moon | 90° | Nep | | 29°Sc38' | 29°Aq38' | |
Allow the dust to settle during the void of course Moon period from 4:07 PM until 4:45 PM. Look for the wisdom within and share your experience with someone in need of understanding. | 4:18:19 PM | Moon | 45° | Sat | | 29°Sc44' | 14°Li44' R |
4:26:57 PM | Sun | 30° | Chi | | 02°AR51' | 02°Pi51' | |
Wednesday, at 4:45 PM The Moon enters Sagittarius until Friday night. This is a very good period to move forward however look for the illusions and realize you have some level of denial or wishful thinking regarding your goals. | 4:45:06 PM | Moon | 0° | Sag | >> | 00°Sg00' | 00°Sg00' |
Seek another route for acquiring a loan with Venus and Vesta in aspect as you might get lucky today. Something goes your way but there remain complications due to Neptune at the final minutes of Aquarius and Saturn in a difficult position to | 5:06:10 PM | Ven | 30° | Ves | | 25°Aq54' | 25°Cp54' |
5:54:29 PM | Moon | 120° | Ura | | 00°Sg40' | 00°AR40' | |
6:09:56 PM | Moon | 90° | Cer | | 00°Sg49' | 00°Pi49' | |
9:40:06 PM | Moon | 90° | Chi | | 02°Sg52' | 02°Pi52' | |
10:02:34 PM | Moon | 120° | Sun | | 03°Sg05' | 03°AR05' | |
Thursday, March 24, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Review the Sag Moon interpretation for Wednesday afternoon for your Thursday guide. The price of oil is fluctuating. There may be problems again with spills and oil fields in general. As the surrounding structures are weakened. Your dreams are due for an overhaul. Expand your vision after trimming the fat of your current one. There is risk of working with a vanishing pallet or a thief. | 12:04:05 AM | Moon | 60° | Pal | | 04°Sg15' | 04°Aq15' |
4:15:44 AM | Moon | 135° | Mer | | 06°Sg41' | 21°AR41' | |
5:34:06 AM | Moon | 30° | Plu | | 07°Sg26' | 07°Cp26' | |
12:14:29 PM | Moon | 45° | Ves | | 11°Sg15' | 26°Cp15' | |
3:29:43 PM | Sat | 135° | Nep | | 14°Li39' R | 29°Aq39' | |
3:57:23 PM | Moon | 120° | Jup | | 13°Sg22' | 13°AR22' | |
6:14:05 PM | Moon | 60° | Sat | | 14°Sg39' | 14°Li39' R | |
Friday, March 25, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Again your goals are both magical and risky. Something about your intentions are channeled for an overly enthusiastic project that will change in April. Your vision excludes adequate structure. Think it through with but this time with a container even if the container is a boat. Use the ceiling and the basement as a guide. Work is available for those willing to work in areas that have been affected by disaster. There is sacrifice on your part with much labor however the work is rewarding. If you have counseling skills move out of your comfort zone and extend yourself even if you feel you are not quite ready. There is no time like the present. There is a void Moon period from 9:24 PM until 9:57 PM. | 12:56:50 AM | Moon | 90° | Jun | | 18°Sg25' | 18°Vi25' R |
3:02:01 AM | Moon | 45° | Pal | | 19°Sg35' | 04°Aq35' | |
8:22:57 AM | Moon | 120° | Mer | | 22°Sg33' | 22°AR33' | |
11:08:21 AM | Moon | 90° | Mar | | 24°Sg05' | 24°Pi05' | |
11:12:21 AM | Mar | Pll | Sat | | -03°14' | -03°14' | |
1:29:05 PM | Sun | 60° | Pal | | 04°AR43' | 04°Aq43' | |
4:00:42 PM | Moon | 30° | Ves | | 26°Sg45' | 26°Cp45' | |
7:01:36 PM | Moon | 60° | Ven | | 28°Sg24' | 28°Aq24' | |
9:24:47 PM | Moon | 60° | Nep | | 29°Sg42' | 29°Aq42' | |
Friday, at 9:57 PM the Moon enters Capricorn. There are disadvantages of moving forward on Saturday and part of Sunday. | 9:57:14 PM | Moon | 0° | Cap | >> | 00°Cp00' | 00°Cp00' |
| 11:26:12 PM | Moon | 90° | Ura | | 00°Cp48' | 00°AR48' |
Saturdaym March 26, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Venus is the player all day and she is not playing nice. First she is overindulgent with Jupiter at 12:51 AM then moves into restrictive and or socially inappropriate situations with Venus at a 135° angle to Saturn in Libra. She is not sitting pretty and makes Saturn in Libra look bad. The money is not there and only the naysayers are heard. This is an “I told you so” kind of energy. Later in the evening Venus joins | 12:51:41 AM | Ven | 45° | Jup | | 28°Aq41' | 13°AR41' |
1:02:18 AM | Moon | 60° | Cer | | 01°Cp40' | 01°Pi40' | |
3:30:33 AM | Moon | 60° | Chi | | 03°Cp00' | 03°Pi00' | |
7:04:54 AM | Moon | 30° | Pal | | 04°Cp55' | 04°Aq55' | |
8:07:20 AM | Moon | 90° | Sun | | 05°Cp29' | 05°AR29' | |
11:48:23 AM | Moon | 0° | Plu | | 07°Cp27' | 07°Cp27' | |
5:03:15 PM | Ven | 135° | Sat | | 29°Aq30' | 14°Li30' R | |
9:39:17 PM | Ven | 0° | Nep | | 29°Aq44' | 29°Aq44' | |
Sunday, March 27, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Venus makes choices she will soon regret in the last few hours of her stay in Aquarius. Any attempt to connect with old friends before leaving the sign can be a good thing. Venus states her need to maintain a bond then continues to move on. Don’t let that stop you from reaching out to your friends. | 12:00:58 AM | Moon | 90° | Jup | | 13°Cp55' | 13°AR55' |
1:03:54 AM | Moon | 90° | Sat | | 14°Cp28' | 14°Li28' R | |
1:33:40 AM | Moon | 45° | Nep | | 14°Cp44' | 29°Aq44' | |
1:57:39 AM | Moon | 45° | Ven | | 14°Cp57' | 29°Aq57' | |
After 2:52 AM Venus higher goals in Pisces where she travels until April 20/21. Beauty, cosmetics, and costumes dress a package for a show. Dance, theater and film are enhanced with this placement. Venus continues to aspect | 2:52:37 AM | Ven | 0° | Pis | >> | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' |
6:05:08 AM | Moon | 45° | Cer | | 17°Cp07' | 02°Pi07' | |
6:42:52 AM | Ven | Pll | Nep | | -12°01' | -12°01' | |
7:39:09 AM | Moon | 120° | Jun | | 17°Cp56' | 17°Vi56' R | |
7:55:22 AM | Moon | 45° | Chi | | 18°Cp04' | 03°Pi04' | |
8:18:50 AM | Mer | Cpl | Ven | | +11°59' | -11°59' | |
In the meanwhile the Sun and Mars are hot on the trail to find work or hire those with applicable skills. Look for money under a rock and invest in something that will grow in water. We could hear sirens with this one. Fires and hot situations fueled by anger are typical but there is the soothing quality as well. All an all it’s a good day to move forward. Just be aware of the | 10:28:29 AM | Mer | Cpl | Nep | | +12°01' | -12°01' |
10:47:31 AM | Sun | Cpl | Mar | | +02°36' | -02°36' | |
5:54:11 PM | Moon | Pll | Ves | | -19°14' | -19°15' | |
6:59:47 PM | Moon | 90° | Mer | | 23°Cp49' | 23°AR49' | |
9:07:28 PM | Ven | 30° | Ura | | 00°Pi54' | 00°AR54' | |
9:59:01 PM | Moon | Pll | Plu | | -18°42' | -18°43' | |
11:17:22 PM | Moon | 60° | Mar | | 26°Cp02' | 26°Pi02' | |
Monday, March 28, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The Capricorn Moon is void of course at 6:34 AM until it enters Aquarius at 6:59 AM until Wednesday evening. . | 2:43:09 AM | Moon | 0° | Ves | | 27°Cp48' | 27°Cp48' |
6:34:09 AM | Moon | 30° | Nep | | 29°Cp46' | 29°Aq46' | |
Monday, the Moon enters Aquarius at 6:59 AM. | 6:59:39 AM | Moon | 0° | Aqu | >> | 00°Aq00' | 00°Aq00' |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Report for March 19- 27, 2011
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