Sunday, November 8, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for November 7 - 14, 2015 with Green Light Days.

Correction from the onset of the Green Light period Thursday begins at 4:40 PM, not 3:35 PM and continues until Saturday November 14 at 6:17 PM and it is excellent for advancing your goals. It is the best Green Light period this coming week.

Dark Moon period begins Tuesday at 3:13 AM Dark Moon period begins Tuesday through 4:30 PM Thursday.

The New Moon occurs Wednesday at 12:47 PM at 19 degrees of Scorpio.Plant your intentions to shed the unwanted and regenerate with new rejuvenating buds in your life.

In addition the Green Light periods are as follows:
November 8 Sunday. There is a Green Light period on Sunday from 10:31 AM until Monday at 3:03 AM. That is partially good because of Venus enters her own sign of Libra. So I would say don’t engage in anything before then as your plans may get dropped due to extenuating circumstances. Such as the money vanishes or an important person leaves the situation. After 10:31 AM after Venus enters Libra then you have better luck and you actually have some pretty good luck of completing your goals and negotiating the most likely peaceful outcome.
Monday November 9 the Scorpio Moon this week begins 11:02:26 PM Monday does have positive flow that may give a Green Light with caution. The caution is because of the Dark of the Moon period beginning on Tuesday. The Moon enters Scorpio with a treat ahead when the Sun and Jupiter link for a positive 60º angle. This points to an opportunity where you may reach out for assistance from a helpful person who may not have all the money you need but does have good contacts. There are work opportunities that have opportunities for expansion later. Thursday 9:54 AM Scorpio Moon's final aspect is 60º to Mars.
November 12 the Sagittarius Moon shows a Green Light from 4:41 PM on Thursday right through until 6:16 PM Saturday night November 14. It is brilliant so advance your dreams and goals to expand and explore new avenues in life.
Good morning. Well we have a couple of nice things coming up this week. There is a New Moon. It is a little bit filled with chaos because of the Uranus and Jupiter angle that we experienced first on Thursday and it sweeps through the following week because the New Moon will pick it up on Wednesday and sort of deliver it all over again. And Jupiter and Uranus is like this great big broom, this cosmic broom and it is sweeping things out of the way and it is creating avenues where there were none and shutting down things causing great change in its wake. It is both exciting and it can also be very, very upsetting. Like I said it was exact on Thursday evening around 5:00 and it does show up and continue to express itself throughout this week.
For today Saturday November 7th we have a Virgo Moon until 10:14 AM which is an excellent Virgo Moon with the last aspect was conjunct Venus at 7:47 AM. This made a beautiful Moon sign for conducting any business or other endeavors over the Virgo Moon period that were best if began Thursday November 5 after 10:00 PM and ran through till this morning. So if you did engage your plans yesterday or early this morning you have the best of luck ahead of you.
Saturday November 7, 2015
The Moon changes signs from Virgo and enters Libra at 10:14 AM and continues in Libra until 11:02 PM on Monday.
Sunday November 8, 2015
There is a Green Light period on Sunday from 10:31 AM until Monday at 3:03 AM. That is partially good because of Venus enters her own sign of Libra. So I would say don’t engage in anything before then as your plans may get dropped due to extenuating circumstances. Such as the money vanishes or an important person leaves the situation. After 10:31 AM after Venus enters Libra then you have better luck and you actually have some pretty good luck of completing your goals and negotiating the most likely peaceful outcome.
Venus in Libra is in her home field when she is in the sign of Libra more likely to take on the role of peace maker. Her job is complicated when Mars follows her into Libra on November 12th and then there is a little difficulty trying to jockey around the types of antics that Mars will throw into the peace making process. Mars can be bossy and disruptive and it likes to make war in order to conquer peace. So you have a couple of days there to try and get things on this nice even keel, but then expect that there will be need for adjustment later on the 12th when Mars changes signs at 4:41 PM.
Venus the love goddess is the ruling planet of the sign of Libra and ruling matters of marriage, divorce and all facets of partnership. She also maintains a rulership over money and all moveable possessions especially when in the sign of Taurus. Over these next few weeks she can focus her energy on peace, compromise and negotiations which are also her primary functions especially while in the sign of Libra. This will be a highly creative period.
Sunday that Green Light period does run right until 3:03 AM Monday and this is a great time to negotiate the peace that you need in your life. There are while the Moon is in Libra it does set off the Uranus Pluto thing again first it will square to Pluto at 1:40 PM on Sunday and then the Moon will oppose Uranus at 9:42 PM on Sunday night. This can be a disruptive time when something could be reversed or it is cut off or it didn’t work If there is something does not going well it may clear up after 9:42 PM.
So the best Green Light period Sunday would be after that aspect 9:42 PM on Sunday night. The last aspect for the Libra Moon will be a split parallel to Uranus at 3:03 AM. You may go back and try again to make right with a brilliant idea or possibly joining forces with those that are likeminded that may assist you best. It should be an interesting couple of days in that way.
And then we have the Dark Moon period that will come in that is on Tuesday morning.
Monday November 9, 2015
For the rest of Monday the biggest thing that is going on is the Sun quincunx Uranus. This will be huge because it sets off the quincunx that is going on with Jupiter and we get that bi broom sweeping the roads of life to make way for the newest advances. There are erratic shifts in your focus and also there are major sources of distraction and upset that can come about anytime on Monday. This is haphazard and it can accompany surprising and upsetting events. There is a lot of rebellious energy for liberation and exposure of the truth with sudden erratic changes involving administrative objectives and radical awareness that you can see through; changes with workers, medical procedures may be exciting though. There could be all sorts of things that are positive in regard to medical advances.
Monday 11:02 PM the Moon enters Scorpio with a treat ahead because there is a beautiful aspect between the Sun and Jupiter and it is a positive 60 degree angle. However it does once again keep a handle on that big cosmic sweeper going on right now with Uranus in aspect to it as well. But this points to an opportunity where you may reach out for assistance from a helpful person who may not have all the money that you need, but it does look very good for your next best step or your contacts. And there are work opportunities and there are opportunities for expansion later.
The Scorpio’s Moon final aspect will be a nice 60 degree aspect to Mars. That is a real good motor running during this Scorpio Moon that moves things in the right direction. Scorpio deals with bureaucracy as with human resources or anything having to do with government agencies. Any office that deals with benefits or insurance is also under the Scorpio canopy. So this is your best bet for trying to advance your goals in regard to those kinds of activities and those details. Scorpio Moon has a minor squabble to oversee between Mercury and Mars that is really no big problem at 8:27 AM on Tuesday morning. The dog or parrot may be misbehaving.
Tuesday November 10, 2015
The Scorpio Moon this week begins 11:02:26 PM Monday. The Moon enters Scorpio with a treat ahead when the Sun and Jupiter link for a positive 60º angle. This points to an opportunity where you may reach out for assistance from a helpful person who may not have all the money you need but does have good contacts. There are work opportunities that have opportunities for expansion later. Thursday 9:54 AM Scorpio Moon's final aspect is 60º to Mars.

But the Dark Moon period does begin at 3:13 AM Tuesday morning and runs until 4:30 PM on Thursday. That little squabble that Mercury makes with Mars is just something that needs to be ironed out. And it may be about money it may be about children it could be about the animals. Be careful with your animals on Tuesday. Letting them out, don’t let them out alone.
At 9:17 PM on Tuesday the Sun is sextile Jupiter. So that is a wonderful opportunity there for you to advance your goals with helpful people and it will have an impact on most of Tuesday’s activities.

Wednesday November 11, 2015 New Moon in Scorpio at 12:47 PM at 19º Scorpio.
For Wednesday November 11th Happy Veterans day to all the veterans. And we have a Scorpio Moon there and the Moon will conjunct Mercury at 4:49 AM. You might feel as though you woke up with some brain storm or someone called you or something that is a little bit awakening.
And then the Moon is quincunx Uranus at 9:30 AM. This one has a disruptive quality to it or surprise element. There is something that could be revealed as a positive later at 11:41 AM when the Moon and Jupiter form an aspect.
But here comes the New Moon. The Moon will disappear because it will line up with the Sun at 10:47 PM on Wednesday at 19 degrees of Scorpio. And this is in ancient astrology a very difficult aspect in the sign of Scorpio and it is right there at 19-0-0. So it is tied up again with Jupiter and Uranus. So there is a lot of sweeping changes. Things that could start could be huge and it could bring you some of the biggest changes in your life and hope for the positive.
Thursday November 12, 2015
Thursday November 12th, the Scorpio Moons final aspect happens at 9:54 AM when it is sextile to Mars. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:14 AM on Thursday. The Moon is in Sagittarius until Saturday November 14. And there is a Green Light period Thursday after 4:41 PM and that will run until 6:17 PM next Saturday. So that is a very positive Sagittarius Moon after the Mars enters Libra at 4:41 PM but avoid any firm decisions before then.
Mars enters Libra at 4:41 PM on Thursday. There is an aspect just before then at 3:35 PM when Mercury and Uranus. Mercury is the thinking planet, Uranus is the disruptive planet. Making a disruptive aspect right there at 3:35 PM on Thursday.
So when Mars enters Libra aggression mounds as Mars likes to make war to force peace. So check around and find those that are a little more agreeable, their tempers are calmed down, be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Mars is the ruler of the opposite sign Aries, consequently is not comfortable in the sign of Libra and is considered to be in its detriment. A planet in its detriment does not function at its full potential and is not very well received. This will have an effect on matters ruled by Mars. Mars represents the individual drive, short term goals, motivation and the power of assertion. When you pursue your desires you are utilizing the Mars energy. Mars is the ruler of the masculine essence in all things then more specifically the ruler of men between the ages of 15-35. Include topics as work, fast vehicles and trucks, battles, soldiers, guns and noise, just to name a few. Mars also rules cuts, blood and surgery. Consider how stress, heat and anger can wear you out and stress out your immune system. While in Libra there may be more surgeries that appeal to Venus which may include cosmetic surgery. Libra rules the kidneys and lower back which may act up over this period when Mars travels this sign. Workers are inclined to strikes while Mars is in Libra. More disputes at work and work related to negotiations, legal matters and the concentration may focus on areas of injustice or miscarriage of justice. When negotiations are necessary responses may not be as sharp when in direct opposition which may increase indecisiveness, confusion and frustration. There is likely to be a drive toward diplomacy and a need to engage in a negotiation agenda. Creativity functions at a higher level and love and romance becomes a mission. People born with Mars in Libra may tend to instigate a battle in order to expose issues out in the open with peace as the true motivator. This placement allows for physical grace and agility and well-toned muscles. Social events are likely to increase with dancing, theaters and other activities with the arts during the time Mars is in Libra. In personal matters more patience is needed with interpersonal relationships. Work with a physical trainer.
For business use: Listen, validate and communicate with workers. Organize a social event to soften internal matters. Fine tune your arguments for an eloquent presentation. Lead with balanced designs, color and clear intention for the best delivery.
The Sagittarius Moon will line up with Saturn for some good solid advice and good ideas 8:46 PM on Thursday night. Sagittarius Moon continues right through until Saturday at 7:21 PM next Saturday. And during the Sagittarius Moon there is a Green Light there is a nice aspect between Venus and Saturn finally they are in a nice aspect at 12:11 PM on Friday. This aspect bridges a gap between those with older ideas and newer ideas and those that have less money and those with more money and those who want to join and pair with those that are also of a different age range as well.
Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect at 1:18 PM and that aspect is 60 degrees, again very positive. Good avenues of information coming your way. Maybe receive important messages for which you have been waiting. This is a travel aspect with a benevolent benefactor. Bridging communication gaps between all necessary players is the mode of the day. Communication is key. Travel. Writing flows and communication is clear. In business: Network with confidence and travel in order to establish new connections
Friday November 13, 2015
The Moon is in Sagittarius and sees Venus and Mars making a split parallel aspect at 9:47 PM on Friday night. This may be good for meeting people in new settings meeting new people… and that Sagittarius Moon is beautiful because it ends well as its final aspect is a split parallel to the Sun at 6:17 PM next Saturday night. So that Sagittarius Moon is Green Light really pretty much from 4:41 PM on Thursday right through until 6:16 PM Saturday night November 14.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at put a hyphen in the middle of lunar shadows. The audio file is on my website the written report is there as well. I’m also on Facebook. You can call me for astrological information or to set up an appointment for an astrology reading. My number is 617 – 924 – 0929. You can also ask me about classes online and any other questions that you might have about astrology coming up.

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