Sunday, November 15, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days November 14-21, 2015

Prayers and mediations for the precious souls lost in Paris are needed.

The horrific attacks in Paris are astrologically translated by the transiting Lunar Node equal Mars at zero Libra. Zero Libra is a point called the world axis or the global axis. This point is also present at zero Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. Some reports note the attacks began at 9:16 PM Paris, France CET. CNN reports the attacks began at 8:20 PM CET.

Dietrech shares classes online with the animated charts onscreen. If you would like to practice astrology and could use the support of a tutoring session to move forward consider a tutoring session. I can assist you with your chart preparations of a routine and methods that will bring you confidence to help you get your practice moving forward. A link to the recording of your session of both audio and video will be sent to you.

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Green Light periods are good period to elect times for your important intentions or goals. These times are likely to attract a positive outcome. The day/time however does not bring a good feeling or all good events. It is specifically for selecting the best time to advance your goals on a given day that attracts the best results.

Green Light Days this week are:

Saturday night begin a Green Light period at 7:21 PM until 3:53 PM on Monday during the Capricorn Moon. The final aspect, Moon sextile Sun, allows for cooperation with others to move forward with a serious plan for advancement of business or the business of family members. How you present your business is important. It might be best to keep your feelings out of the picture you are presenting.

Friday Green Light November 20th the Pisces Moon sign brings a Green Light period after Mercury enters Sagittarius at 2:44 PM and continues through 8:22 AM Saturday November 21st when the Moon is in a beautiful 120º trine with the Sun. Stay passionate about your goals and work from an inspired place.

Moon signs this week:
The Moon travels through Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces this coming week.
The Moon will travel through Capricorn on Saturday, Sunday and Monday then change to Aquarius on Tuesday. The Moon continues in Aquarius Wednesday and only in the morning on Thursday. Thursday the Moon enters Pisces and continues in Pisces through till Saturday morning November 21.

Planet changes this week include: Neptune turning direct on Wednesday at 11:32 AM.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday at 2:44 PM. It continues in Sagittarius until December 9.

The Moon phase this week:
First Quarter Moon on Thursday at 1:27 AM and at 26ºAquarius 36’. This powerful First Quarter is best used to develop those things you wish to carry into the future for the maximum exposure or conclusion to a long-waited matter.
At any First Quarter Moon phase this is a time when you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with events or activities you wish to accomplish. The Aquarius Moon sign connects your with like minded people. You are developing your ideas and interests that will be fully presented by a Full Moon near this same zodiacal degree in nine months. Your actions and those of world organizations are extremely important because this First Quarter Moon leads right to a powerful Lunar Eclipse on Aug 18, 2016 at 25º Aquarius. What you are involved with now will be fully developed for all to see in nine months.

Saturday November 14, 2015.

Exact Nov 14 2015, Exact Nov 14 2015
The Moon and Sun parallel brings about powerful alignments between people who support those that are like minded and are moved by a unifying principal or event. This is an aspect of long term support for any related endeavor. Plan meetings or parties with those whom you wish to bring into your future.

Nov 14 2015
For the past few years and another yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures.
With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015 and beyond to March 2016 The Cardinal signs are the high action signs which represent the corner stones of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.

Add to that the presence of the Sun or Mars in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over these next several months.

Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. .
Sunday November 15, 2015. The Moon is in Capricorn with no major aspects between the planets.
The Moon is in Capricorn with a square to Venus at 9:32 AM which could cost you too much.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto at 8:38 PM which may cause you to feel you are in too deep. On the other hand you may advance by aligning yourself with those who best qualified to advise you.
Monday November 16, 2015. The Moon is in Capricorn and void of course at 3:53 PM.

Exact Nov 16 2015
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisers are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.

Nov 16 2015 – 3:53 PM.
Tuesday November 17, 2015. The Moon is void of course while in Capricorn until the Moon enters Aquarius at 2:24 AM.

Nov 17 2015
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with an unpredictable expression. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Wednesday November 18, 2015. The Moon is in Aquarius. Neptune turns direct at 11:32 AM.

Exact Nov 18 2015 at 8:39 AM.
Brief description: Strictly the facts. Coming to terms with limits. Agreements made with authorities. Serious discussions. Mental focus. Quiet work. Judgmental thinking. Critiquing the faults of others. Concrete plans for projects. Pouring concrete to walkways and roads. Computer programming methods. Impasse with negotiations. Talks can be delayed. For personal use: Allow room for changes. For business use: Use this for a good time management plan.

Nov 18 2015 The added cloud from this Neptune energy can block your view of the obvious and cause faulty decision making.
Thursday November 19, 2015. The Aquarius Moon lasts until 7:21 AM. The Moon is void of course from 3:51 AM until 7:21 AM. Then the Moon moves into Pisces for the next couple of days.
The Moon is void of course after parallel Neptune at 3:51 AM. You are sure to feel everyone can win however you must navigate your way through tough negotiations with others who may perceive you are weird or off base. Any amount of eccentric display will work against you.


After Neptune turns direct the following may apply;
You may intuitively respond to the best next step in your entire routine over the next couple of days. Your inner sense opens the doors you wish to pass through. If you have a specific project or plan that is propelled by your inspiration this day is your day to go beyond your expectations. You are more likely to gain the support of others when compassion is a key which links you to the greater soul.
There may be an enhanced intuitive relationship within your daily routine. Your spiritual practice enhances any situation. Your imagination has the capacity to reach reality. Dream on and the universe will show you the way. You might see more clearly those things that were once baffling. Avoid actions that are often filled with blind spots. When dealing with bureaucracies you may find people want to help and often let the small stuff slide in order to move things along. Use your spiritual advisers to add to your success. The magical influence of these couple of hours/days can bring the most positive results.

Nov 19 2015 7:21 AM.
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For those whom are too sensitive to bare the chaos of common surrounding may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by Neptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the perpetrator as with the wounded puppy syndrome. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self-pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.
Friday November 20, 2015. The Moon is in Pisces and chases Mercury for important information but Mercury leaves before the Moon can make contact. The Moon can be you trying to pull together the details of an important matter. But the office closes or the party you were trying to reach left for vacation. You have an excellent chance of accomplishing your goals after 2:43 PM Friday until Saturday 8:23 AM.

Exact Nov 20 2015 – 2:33 PM
Brief Description: Key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within family, business or government. Serious plans are executed.
For Personal use: Take charge and engage with wise counsel.
For Business: Very executive.

Nov 20 2015 – 2:43 PM
Brief description: Thinking is more philosophical. A quest for knowledge and travel to new places. Information is prepared for distribution such as mailings, publishing and for the media. Children are more open to change and enjoy activities outdoors. Communications with people abroad.
For personal use: An opportunity to make new friends or travel to new places.
For business use: Mailings or other outreach activities. You are now open to learn more. Recruit.

Saturday November 21, 2015.

Exact Nov 21 2015
Exact Oct 21 2004
Brief description: Licensing boards and other red tape bureaucracies may be on your agenda today. Interactions with insurance companies and their agents. Driving a vehicle through rough terrain, mud or rain. Talks with moneylenders, accountants and tax offices.
For personal use: This is a great time to connect with your therapist or begin some deep body work or other therapeutic practices.
For business use: Cut through large paperwork projects or take on the bureaucrats.

MOON ENTERING ARIES – SATURDAY Nov 21 2015 until Monday Nov 23 at 11:26 AM.

With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015 then again in the months of the fall of 2015 through the spring 2016. During which time the Moon will set off these cardinal energies.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awakened. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self-focused. There is a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either. Plant onions. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are a Aries, matters tend to go your way.

Nov 21 2015- 8:23 AM

Exact Nov 21 2015 2:44 PM
The next couple of days hold an abundance of motivation and drive. This time is task oriented with a specific end product in mind. Money matters, such as short term loans may have a quicker turnaround. Conflicts over money and other shared resources may arise.

From Mary Shea’s November Best Day

Monday, November 30th
Tuesday, December 1st
Moon in Leo - contra-parallel Neptune

“November 30th might even qualify as a great day as the Moon makes all good aspects. First, the Leo Moon trine Saturn and Sun in Sagittarius. The Moon makes a sextile to Mars in Libra. Then the Moon trines Mercury in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. The trine from Mercury to Uranus is close so the Moon perfects a fire Grand Trine with Mercury and Uranus. This is followed by a sextile to Venus in Libra. Venus is in the Via Combust, (15 Libra to 15 Scorpio), so there will be some limitations to deal with. All's well that ends well with a contra-parallel to Neptune in rulership Pisces.

The thing to keep in mind when dealing with a fire Grand Trine is that it is important to be passionate about your intention. You should feel inspired and driven. Idealistic and spiritual endeavors are best suited to this time. Be motivated and energetic. The Moon trine Mercury, but because Mercury is widely conjunct Saturn, planning is also important.”

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