Sunday, November 29, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Sunda Nov 29 - Sunday Dec 6

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The Green Light Days this week occur on
"Sunday night November 29 at 7:46=7 PM through Wednesday at 2:04 AM. All’s well that ends well. During the Leo Moon sign there is a long stretch for a Green Light allowing you to advance your goals with a vision and allow your creative juices to flow.

Friday Dec 4 a Green Light could be used at the end of the Virgo Moon from 7:55 AM until 4:55 PM on Friday after the loud boasting of the Mercury square Jupiter and then the Moon is headed for a tiny 30º to Venus at the final degree of Libra. This aspect could help you to find some money or a good friend to help you through a difficult time.
On Sunday Dec 6 the best time to move forward during the Libra Moon is after the Mars square Pluto at 3:47 PM until the void of course Moon at 9:02 PM. Go for it!
The Planet changes this week is Venus changes to Scorpio on Friday Dec 4 at 11:15 PM and travels though Scorpio until Dec 30th.
Mercury is traveling out-of-bounds from Nov 27 - Dec 24. The quality of a planet out of bounds is to say it is "way out there". This may affect the information you gain and the people you meet as anything goes. People may have information you never expected and your meetings could share qualities that do not resemble your expectations. Some good. Some not so good. Some people you have not seen in years or there are those who may not be in your circle of friends. Introductions are unique and might come in different avenues. If you are a writer you get the chance to learn something new about your writing and your ability to compose new work. All of these things are likely to revert back to normal after Dec 24th when Mercury returns to the boundaries set up by the Master - the Sun. This is a great period to lean more about yourself through therapy or a consultation with your favorite astrologer to and record your changes. Your routine is also subject to change.

The Last Quarter Moon at 10º Virgo this week brings a clue to the eclipse events in nine months on Sep 1, 2016 at 9º Virgo.

Sunday, November 29, 2015
What the Sagittarius Sun encounters on Sunday with the Saturn - Neptune square, the Virgo Moon picks up on Wednesday night. The good news is the Green Light period in-between on Monday and Tuesday.
7:05:49 AM Sun and Moon midpoint enters Libra. People find a way to do it together.
7:45:32 AM The Cancer Moon is void of course after square Venus in Libra.
9:49:22 AM Sun square Neptune. You are blindsided by the events at the borders of your efforts. The structures are compromised by the Neptune square Saturn. Confusion, romance, illusions and misconceptions are typical with this aspect. This day can be troublesome when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Use caution as judgments are poor or blinded by emotional distractions. The weather can be overly wet. Beware of someone not with the best intentions attempting to sweep you off your feet. The likelihood that someone's feelings are at stake is high. People could be overly sensitive to the comments made by others. There is a lack of objectivity. Over indulgence with anything could lead to very bad judgment. In business matters you might relate positive temporary illusions not designed to cover the facts but to enhance an image. Take advantage of the idealistic nature of your target audience. Resist purchasing and selling as this is risky as well. If the problem is mysterious as with invisible "gremlins", they could disappear by tomorrow. However keep a reference and investigate later as something related might turn up later.
"1:35:03 PM Mercury 30º Pluto. Information can be gained from exclusive or underground sources. Intuitive talks with the dead or about the estates of those that have passed away. Finding hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power and those with the money. Signing papers for mortgages or loan documents. Trips for insurance purposes. Talks and settlements with insurance companies. Paperwork for accountants.
Contact family members who may have the information you are looking for. You might be able to help someone in a powerful position."
"7:15:45 PM Sun conjunct Saturn. This conjunction brings the renewal of the cycle between this pair and there is a tall order to fill as Saturn is square Neptune. This is a tough way to move forward for the next year. The week leading up to this aspect may feel overwhelming and hard. Eventually you will make progress when taking control and responsibility for your life, family, home and business. You may see some success with major endeavors that have long term goals. Assume a leadership role in business or your family structure. Solid judgments. This is a day to directly take on the challenges with obvious obstacles as the solutions become readily available.
In a personal way this is a confidence building aspect that supports a rational progressive move forward. Ask family heads for assistance after you have presented a well thought out plan. In business: a good day to make rational decisions that receive support from those in positions of authority. Work within structures with a new perspective. "
7:47:04 PM Sunday Moon enters Leo until 5:09 AM Wednesday. Green light during that time. The final aspect dictates the outcome and it is a good one that is split parallel Neptune. There is an excellent chance that things work out for everyone concerned. Choose these next couple of days to move forward with your goals. You work hard and so does everyone else to accomplish something inspired. The Green Light begins 7:47 PM Sunday and continues until 2:04 AM Wednesday December 2.
Monday, November 30, 2015
This is a Green Light Day all day through Wednesday at 5:09 AM. On Monday the Moon is in Leo and sees little resistance along the way. This brings an easy flow for your activities. Late night on Monday the Moon is 150º Pluto.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Moon is in Leo and fit for the best on a busy Tuesday. Go with the flow and use your creative energy to move you life forward in the right directions.
"8:59:36 AM Mercury trine Uranus. Innovative ideas prove to work out financial matters and this creative aspect instills genius resolve to ordinary problems. A suggestion: Keep a tape recorder handy for all the bright ideas you are likely to have today. In business: brainstorm with the best of them. Someone has a valuable ingenious idea.
10:09:13 PM Moon 60º Venus. Very nice . Make the best of the late night with your lover.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
2:04:12 AM Wednesday for the entire Leo Moon which began Sunday night at 7:47 PM until now at 2:04 AM Wednesday the Moon's split parallel to Neptune brings a bonus where everyone can benefit. All's well that ends well. The Moon is void of course from 2:04 AM until 5:09 AM.
5:09:05 AM Wednesday the Virgo Moon travels with the obstacle of the T-Square of Moon in Virgo Neptune in Pisces square to Saturn in Sagittarius. for the most part but there is no bonus in the end. The Moon walks right into the highly biased opinions of the square between Mercury and Jupiter. The lesson is to learn from your mistakes. Plans are not well thought out and your travel plans can be pulled off their track for reasons of carelessness or lateness. There can be a lot of talk about travel, education and foreign affairs. However there might be problems for anyone traveling. People want to quit their jobs for good reasons without regard of their future.
7:12:32 PM Virgo Moon opposite Neptune. This T-square configuration of the Virgo Moon opposite Neptune and both square Saturn are sure to bring a dissolving of some structure either in your life or a plan to break out of an outworn mold.
8:40:51 PM Virgo Moon square Saturn in Sagittarius. Any low feelings begin to dissipate after this aspect.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
"The Virgo Moon is at its Last Quarter at 10º 48' Virgo. This is a time to get paid for work done or pay up for past debt. The latter is most likely the most pressing. A New Moon two and a quarter years ago was the seed stage of this Moon 5/Sep/2013 13° Virgo 4; 5/Jun/2014 15° Virgo 6; 5/Mar/2015 14° Virgo 50; 3/Dec/2015 10° Virgo 48. This Moon phase will see us to more of the Saturn and Neptune square in nine months at the New Moon solar eclipse in September 2016.
2:40:19 AM Last Quarter Moon at 10º Virgo48'. The Virgo Moon is at its Last Quarter at 10º 48' Virgo. This is a time to get paid for work done or pay off a past debt. The latter is most likely the most pressing. A New Moon two and a quarter years ago was the seed stage of this Moon 5/Sep/2013 at 13° Virgo 4; On 5/Jun/2014 the First Quarter Moon appeared at 15° Virgo 6; On 5/Mar/2015 there was a Full Moon at 14° Virgo 50 that laid out all of the facts about the current scenario presented by the Last Quarter Moon at here on 3/Dec/2015 10° Virgo 48.
12:45:19 PM Vesta the investor enters Aries until March 7, 2016. Make way for an investment in your sacred space.
2:41:21 PM Virgo Moon is 150º Uranus. Watch out for a mild upset.
6:15:48 PM the midpoint of the Sun and Moon enters Scorpio.
10:52:24 PM Thursday night Moon square Mercury appears as a warning of the exact square of Mercury and Jupiter Friday morning. You may see your plans scramble and your connections meet with blocks or wrong information. You may also have big ideas that do not develop.
11:59:01 PM Moon is v/c after conjunct Jupiter in Virgo while this is no bonus as Jupiter is at a disadvantage and square the ruling planet Mercury.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Friday the Moon is in Virgo gears up for a big burst of "hot air" and media hype due to the Mercury and Jupiter square which is important because Mercury rules Virgo and Jupiter is his guest. They are at odds about the flow of information and travel routes. Mercury has the facts but Jupiter insists he know it all. This aspect might have influenced your activities Thursday night as well. Try to avoid making decisions until after that aspect is complete at 7:53 AM. Check your facts and listen to others opinions but don't give up your own good sense for the sake of someone else's louder presentation. This is a good work day. You can accomplish plenty and network and market your goals through 4:56 PM. There is a void of course Moon from 4:56 PM until 5:34 PM. Use that time to clean up then take a break. At 5:34 PM the Moon enters Libra until Monday morning at 6:26 AM. However there is a caution about any need to compromise from 5:34 PM until 11: 15 PM at the time when Venus leaves Libra. The caution is that you may not have the money to cover your purchases or commitments Friday night At 11:15 PM Venus changes signs and heads for Scorpio where her softer side is not useful as she must stay on her toes and let her financial savvy lead the way through Dec 30, 2015.
7:52:33 AM Friday Mercury square Jupiter leads to excessive flexibility and a lack of stability. The ability to expand and broaden your outlook through education and networking resources. Be aware that there could be a misrepresentation of information or the misinterpretation of the information you gain on Friday. Strong encouragement comes from neighbors, siblings, children and co-workers. There is an abundance of information pumped up such as with "media hype." Legal decisions are pressing. There is a possibility of statements made of independence and freedom in personal relationships "a need for space."
After this event there may be a little relief or a tiny stroke of luck as the Moon heads down the road all day to make a little 30º connection to Venus in Libra at 4:56 PM. A Green Light could be used from 7:55 AM until 4:55 PM on Friday.
4:55:49 PM Friday Moon is v/c after 30º to Venus in Libra.
5:33:30 PM Friday the Moon enters Libra and sees its favorite supporter, Venus in Libra, leave for Scorpio, late on Friday at 11:15 PM. Not until 3:55 PM through 9:02 PM Sunday does the Libra Moon improve its route for positive access. At that time there will be a Green Light to advance your goals.
"11:14:59 PM Venus enters Scorpio until December 30. Relationships are magnetically drawn together by an intense common interest. The interest may be for money or sex or both. Others may join for some type of research or psychotherapy needs making this an ideal time to find a support counselor. You inner most thoughts are best shared by a trusted confidant. For personal use: When planning gathering, bring people together that have deeper common interest such as with spiritual journey work or those who have shared a common experience. The eclectic group may not click as well. For business: Select your accounting advisor. Devise a plan for allocating funds that is fair and balanced.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Saturday the Moon is in Libra and must witness the Mars- Pluto square on Sunday making this day a poor choice to advance your goals. Even the finances are threatened with this aspect. Otherwise avoid a formal agreement or compromise and wait on entering into relationships as you might suffer a great loss which could be more that your dignity
8:01:47 AM Libra Moon 150º Neptune upset the routine with a brain fog event.
"3:26:19 PM Venus parallel Neptune. A dreamy impression which calms and sooths the nerves. This aspect can dissolve relationships or bring them into an understanding under idealist notions. Relationships could be going through a romantic fairytale phase such as during a wedding. Music and beautiful dance. Colors are soft and ethereal.
For personal use: Someone may be irresponsible in relationships. Unrealistic arrangements can lead to disappointment.
For business use: Visionary and creative schemes are best. Not a day for partnerships to form their objectives.
9:36:46 PM Libra Moon conjunct Mars in Libra. All of your actions could be in reaction to another's behavior. It may include courage and bravery. Decisiveness with good reactions, quick response. Instinctive leadership. Quick meal. Good work. All of which could be for the wrong reasons or those that don't answer your issues but someone else.
10:28:16 PM Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Difficulty in letting go. Breakthroughs under pressure. Secrecy. Weird feelings. A dominating partner.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
There is a Green Light Period on Sunday Dec 6 for the best time to move forward during the Libra Moon is after the Mars square Pluto at 3:52 PM until the void of course Moon at 9:02 PM.
5:13:38 AM A very positive aspect between the Sun and Mars allow you to move forward with momentum.
"11:12:21 AM Sun in Sagittarius is 30º behind Pluto in Capricorn. You may stumble upon secret activities involving illegal money, pornography or private arrangements with lenders or borrowers.
It is time to confront your inner demons. In business it's time to learn what is hidden and translate this information into a legal practice that adds security to your financial future. "
"3:47 PM Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: I call this ""the steamroller aspect"". Steamrollers when used for the purpose intended are powerfully effective for flattening the surface to create a flat hard top for a new road. On a symbolic level it may indicate that those in a position of power may mow others down with greed and a severe competitive drive at the root of the intention. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. Therefore for those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, may succeed in erasing all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning and allow one to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans that may cause failure. Speeders get speeding tickets. Over drawn bank account. Pornography.

The physiological indications are for a necessary surgery; irritable bowel disorder. Psychological indications may include a fear of being ""raked over hot coals""; obsessive drives and behaviors; some may experience a bout of paranoia with difficulty discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. There are strong sexual urges with this combination. There is a strong drive for dramatic core changes to what matters to you. The structure of your life is ruled by Saturn and Saturn rules Capricorn. Pluto is traveling through Capricorn. Therefore what Saturn does is a good barometer of what Pluto's intentions are. Saturn is in Sagittarius until 2017.

Suggestion: Get serious about your future. Avoid allowing strong sexual urges to interfere with your primary objective. This is a time for personal transformation. Access your own power and reflect on help from those in positions of power but do not approach them unless you are the one in a powerful seat. Break out of the grip of the monkey on your back.
In business: things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of others finances. Proceed only if you are well prepared. Dig deep and plan to cut new fabric.
On Sunday Dec 6 the best time to move forward during the Libra Moon is after the Mars square Pluto at 3:47 PM until the void of course Moon at 9:02 PM. During this time the Moon is in sync with Mercury at a point where you can take in new thoughts and facts from faraway places and connect with people that have been out of your reach for some time. Make calls and have your meetings for things important to you.
4:52:19 PM
9:02:43 PM The Moon is void of course from 9:03 PM until 6:26 AM Monday.
Monday, December 7, 2015
1:57:58 AM Monday Mars split parallel Jupiter. Take action on the accelerated momentum. Join forces with someone with the same agenda but greater knowledge. The is the ability to reach out and gather information for a greater offensive in the future. Socialize. It is time to hop on the band wagon. Use your spiritual practice to advance your goals. In business layout a marketing theme for your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects after 6:26 AM. Monday.
6:25:36 AM The Moon in Scorpio and in fairly good shape to advance your goals with government offices or with matters of estates and financial concerns until 1:39 AM Wednesday Dec 9.

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