Here is the current week's audio report:
The Green Light Periods this week are:
10:25:35 AM Wednesday after the Taurus Moon is 135º Pluto; begin a brief Green Light until 12:15 PM.
Thursday during the Gemini Moon at 8:43 AM begin a Green Light period until 10:35 PM.
Wednesday there is a Full Moon at 3º Gemini. It has a link to other times in the past and one in the future. These links are called the Lunar Gestation Cycle fully explained in my book Lunar Shadows III. The New Moon in this Moon family occurred 28/May/2014 at 07°Gemini 21. Nine months later the related First Quarter Moon in this Moon family occurred on 25/Feb/2015 06°Gemini 46. The Full Moon is on 25/Nov/2015 03°Gemini 20 which is completely related to the events in the past and those yet to come at the Last Quarter Moon in nine months on 25/Aug/2016 at 02°Gemini 22. You may have a story that fits into this Family of Moons. Each phase is separated by nine months and is a link to the next major development related to this story-line.
10:12:18 AM Moon enters Aries on Saturday through Monday at 11:25 AM.
11:47:17 AM the midpoint between the Sun and Moon moves into Aquarius until Wednesday morning, making this a nice weekend for activities with friends.
7:15 PM Saturday. No don't even try it. You could be chopped off in your track before you can get anything going. Love interest end with unkind words. Use this time to plow through a tough project. It's best not to use sharps or rushing.
9:44:45 PM Mercury 135º Uranus. Sudden developments may affect the way you work and play. Your auto may suddenly need special attention.
9:50:26 PM Moon 30º Neptune. Don't be surprised if the surrounding issues remain a mystery or the problem may be fixed with a little water. Of course water might be the problem. This is mildly melancholy.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The Moon is in Aries and headed for a square to Pluto at 9:00 AM and then the Moon chases the Sun but the Sun moves onto the Greener Pastures of Sagittarius at 10:25 AM. You are optimistic about a Green Light to move forward with your goals but wait until after 11:57 AM when the Moon opposes Venus. Moon opposite Venus could cause and expensive event with love or money or both. After that you may find that you will be spontaneously united with a plan that is simply brilliant. However it might be extremely challenging to sit and complete a task at your desk. Continue on as the payoff might be bigger than expected. The Green Light period continues on Sunday until 6:47 PM.
A detailed list of the transits on Sunday.
8:59:51 AM Moon square Pluto. Avoid the power struggles by turning the wheel over to the control freak. You can sit back and enjoy the ride.
10:25:16 AM Sun enters Sagittarius. This Sun has a major task of cleaning up an international matter when it joins Saturn and is square Neptune on the 29th of November. This next week will be filled with big news in regard to foreign matters and those of Universities and other educational outlets. To attain a higher understanding you may tap into the philosophies of others. You don't need to adopt them simply expand your awareness of foreign cultures. A green light period that is best after 11:57 AM through 6:47 PM.
11:56:42 AM Moon opposite Venus. Expensive for love and money. A green light period that is best after 11:57 AM through 6:47 PM.
2:15:56 PM Moon conjunct Uranus can be disruptive but it is headed to parallel Uranus as well at 6:47 PM which reinforces the surprise element of these Uranus aspects. The big square between Uranus and Pluto are also reignited. In your own life you may be moving very quickly in the right direction. Just be sure to look both ways and check your tires before heading on a long drive.
6:47:09 PM Moon parallel Uranus. People come together for a collective purpose. Spontaneous developments between people who want to help or be part of but you are best going it alone. They want to hang onto you because you are smarter and motivated but they don't help. Lots of unexpected developments of which only some are positive. With the Uranus influence as the last aspect there can be positive surprises in relationships or with negotiations or they could pull apart quickly and unexpectedly. Not all the reasons are about you. Expect miracles for one time events. This is an excellent time for any innovative project or idea but it is not ready for the public. After this aspect the Moon is void of course from 6:47 PM until 11:26 AM Monday.
Monday, November 23, 2015
The Moon is in Aries and void of course until 11:26 AM when the Moon enters Taurus. Use the void Moon time to catch up on lingering tasks and chores. Beware of the tendency to charge forward and mow others down along your way. Even if you don't intend to offend you may. Make your calls after the Moon enters Taurus. However the Taurus Moon is tricky all around. Keep your expectations low. You might accidentally rip through a friendship without intending harm. Use gentle persuasion as your method for advancement and by no means attempt anything important before 5:13 PM when Venus is opposite Uranus. I would wait a few hours after that as it can cut off any agreement and cause havoc in personal relationships and to your purse. You might lose your purse before or shortly after the 5:13 PM aspect. It appears that someone with more savvy than money may help you out of a tight spot. I will push for advancement after 11:00 AM Tuesday through until 8:25 PM Tuesday.
For the most part of Monday through till late night it appears to be break-up and breakaway energies for relationships and stable situations that have stood the test of time for some time. The number of 150 quincunx aspects and the opposition of Venus to Uranus the Venus split parallel Jupiter are not bonding but separating. Be careful of overdrafts to your bank accounts during the Taurus Moon.
1:16:04 PM Moon quincunx the Sun. A mess. Or a job.
5:13:15 PM Venus Opposition Uranus
Friendship is at risk of a break. Take special care here. A little too much excitement around social events. Unpredictable expressions and emotions as if one cannot contain themselves. Feelings attach affection without logic. Unconventional social behavior. Artistic displays are dynamic and unconventional. Relationships experience abrupt interruptions. Sudden distancing from loved ones. Loss of money or purse. Unexplained need to change decor or wardrobe. Rebellious expressions between partners. A rare find of money, love or friendship. Sudden emotional excitement.
5:38:50 PM Venus split parallel Jupiter. This aspect may give a reason to celebrate something small. Gather your support team and show your stuff as it can be a lucky charm. A brief opportunity for the joys of life and its precious gifts and wide open hearts. Gifts from an angel. A one-shot opportunity to strike a lucky break. A return of lost objects and the loss of another. Have fun. Expect a miracle. Try the lottery. Gather a team to share a combined vision. Place talented women front and center, as they can be the winners today.
10:20:27 PM Moon 150º Mars. Life's messy with this one. You might have to stop and clean it up as Moon 150º to Saturn follows in 4 minutes.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Tuesday the Moon is in Taurus. The sweeping changes from a Mars and Neptune aspect at 10:58 AM make much of this day risky. There is too much confusion and distraction. Some can be about work where other s can be about breaks in the water lines. Bad weather could slow you down.
12:19 AM Mars sextile Saturn -A desire to control power or suppress anger or hostility. Discipline. Patience. Endurance. Resistance. Getting things done. Accomplishment. Progress in business and practical matters. Fortunate delays. This aspect has a positive effect on business deals as well as when forming new partnerships. But in this case Mars is in Libra and that is not a good way to start a partnership or merger. A slow and steady forward motion adds to stability and priceless good sense. Good time to form a structure of personal support. Investigate the best plan for retirement.
10:58 AM Mars 150º Neptune - Imaginative actions. If you are artistic you may find this time filled with musical and poetic composition. This aspect can also relate to self-doubt and a lack of firm commitment. Adjustments needed due to a loss of energy. This may apply to major sources of energy such as electrical plants and energy source refineries. The loss of energy may apply to workers as if they walked off the job, or soldiers walk off the battle field. Physical energy loss as well may increase fatigue yet interrupt sleep patterns. This can be a very creative aspect that is often associated with romantic notions and plans centered on ideal settings. This may work terrific for film productions or stage. Efforts may be perceived to be out of touch with reality or impractical. There is a weakening of the larger objective. Perceptions can be "out there" and often a misguided direction sends one off on a wild goose chase. For those that operate under the influence of substances or while in a state of extreme confusion, beware of accidents and unpleasant obstacles. On the other hand a lack of confidence may cause one to retreat. There is a likelihood of foggy or wet weather conditions. Keep fresh batteries in your flashlight and back up your files. For a creative jolt, feed emotional reactions into your creative projects. Expect a spiritual response. Look for inspiration. In business, avoid becoming swept off your feet with a business proposal which is likely to wash out. Don't sign anything before this aspect. By all means keep moving. Don't waste time or energy on commiserating losses. You may soon find a better way.
4:50:56 PM Moon 150º to Venus. Here is another opportunity to lose your money. Spend it on debt not charms. After this aspect your options improve and your luck when signing improves too. Begin a Green Light period to advance with well thought out plans. Be methodical.
11:56:54 PM Mercury conjunct Saturn. Be methodical.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The Moon is in Taurus until 12:15 PM when the Moon enters Gemini. There's a Full Moon in Gemini at 3º20'. There may be a Green Light window later in the morning when you may want to try to advance your goals after 10:30 AM until 12:15 PM. It may be the ticket!
2:14:32 AM Mercury Square Transiting Neptune
Brief description: Blind spots and lies. Confusion, illusions and disillusionment. Loose boundaries. Visionary impressions. Issues regarding children inability to focus. Important people and things disappearing. Theft. Hidden traffic traps. Medications could be misread. Creative streaks and stimulated imagination. Intuitive and psychic impressions. Seemingly telepathic information is available. Those under illusion project their rhetoric onto a mesmerized audience. Personally this is a very creative time but resist important announcements, invitations or agreements. In business: do not sign anything under this influence.
7:29 AM The Sun and Moon midpoint enters Pisces until 7:05 AM Sunday November 29.
10:26 AM Wednesday after the Moon 135º Pluto, begin a brief Green Light until 12:15 PM.
12:15:10 PM Moon enters Gemini until 2:26 PM Friday November 27. The Gemini Moon is busy with deadlines and meetings. You may find who or what you are looking for especially if you are trying to get the show on the road. There are blocks, complications and resistance when the Moon is opposite Saturn and square Neptune late night Wednesday and the Gemini Moon will host the big event of Saturn square Neptune Thursday morning. The Moon trine Venus is the Gemini Moon's final aspect which makes a promise that there is money on the way, but wait until after 8:43 AM Thanksgiving day until 10:35 PM.
5:44:13 PM Full Moon at 3º Gemini 20'. The New Moon in this Moon family occurred 28/May/2014 07° C 21. The First Quarter Moon in this Moon family occurred on 25/Feb/2015 06° C 46. The Full Moon is on 25/Nov/2015 03° C 20. The Last Quarter Moon will occur in nine months on 25/Aug/2016 at 02° C 22.
11:46:12 PM Moon opposite Saturn.
11:49:43 PM Moon square Neptune.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving!! The Moon is in Gemini which is great for keeping it light.
7:14:33 AM Saturn square Neptune is the first of three squares; 2nd on June 17, 2016 and the final event will be on September 10, 2016. Saturn in Sagittarius is secure foreign borders as the square to Neptune dissolves the efforts. The struggle will last for over nine months. For some this aspect can bring a sense of aimless and confusion. Then for more there is a battle with depression. The way out is the straight up call for help. Use meditation even when if you feel distracted. It will be productive. I chant; May I be safe; May I be peaceful; May I be healthy; May I be happy. It works like magic. Yoga, dance and gentle motion moves the fog a bit to approach your tasks at hand. This is a major event that will leave an impression when looking back. This current aspect has been applying for several weeks and began its strongest onset influence at least by Nov 21 does not begin to separate until Dec 5, 2015. However I do believe the recent ISIS attacks are under the canopy of the Saturn and Neptune square. The hardest part is missing someone now gone who has been there for you. The Sun reinforces this aspect for several more days as well when it walks into this square all day November 29.
Thursday during the Gemini Moon at 8:42:56 AM begin a Green Light period until 10:35 PM.
11:14:40 AM Moon quincunx Pluto. A little power struggle. It may be with yourself and your stomach.
2:51:13 PM Venus Split Parallel Uranus - This aspect is very up and down.
Relationships experience sudden developments. For some couples there might be an interruption for reasons outside. If there is a sudden distancing from loved ones it can be for good reason. Beware of the likelihood of lost money or purse which may be explained by shopping your money away. Unexplained need to change decor or wardrobe. Rebellious expressions between partners. A rare find of money, love or friendship. Sudden emotional excitement.
8:01:22 PM Venus 30º Jupiter. There is cause to celebrate.
10:35:10 PM The Moon is void of course after trine Venus. This allows for money and love to easily be communicated by family, friends and lovers.
Friday, November 27, 2015
For Friday the Moon is in Gemini until 2:27 PM and void of course. Then it travels through Cancer until 7:47 PM Sunday November 29. The remainder of the Gemini Moon is void of course and can be a good time to run routine errands and tie up loses ends or have lunch with a sibling or friend.
12:42 Sun parallel Pluto. AM This aspect may influence most of Thursday and part of Friday. You may gain the most support by advancing forward, totally prepared, appearing in total control. Have a solid game plan. Stick to your original point and allow only a positive response to allow you to move onto your next point. If you are engaged in a dispute create a priority page with only one topic on the top of your page. Continually come back to the same one line as the other individual might possess an air of intimidation by or threat of investigation. Present yourself as competent and independent even though you are best to have a mentor waiting in the wings. Avoid boasting or unnecessary displays of ego; it's okay to "act as if" but actually know your stuff.
2:27 PM The Moon enters Cancer and sees a few difficult encounters along the way. Chiron, the wounded healer turns direct on Saturday . Your emotions rule the next couple of days. You have a right to do things your way especially at home or with family but there are some problems to sort through. Many are financial. Don't advance during the Cancer Moon as the Leo Moon on Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday is very good for advancement of your goals.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
1:42:45 AM Chiron at 17º of Pisces turns direct. You may be able to turn some of that pain and sorrow into a blessing. Heal from the inside and help another who has been in a similar position.
2:59:33 AM Moon quincunx Saturn which allows you to rest.
3:04 AM Venus Sesqui Square Neptune - Subtle sensitivities with love. Soft calm and pleasing aesthetics. A desire to experience art, dance and music. Very romantic with a canvas for fantasy. Tendency toward dreamy-impressionability and weak judgment. Blind spots. Non-discriminating. Very creative day but impractical. Reclining and lazy qualities to the day. Could be indulgent and expensive. For personal use: Look for blind spots. Don't let this aspect influence your final decision unless used for artistic purposes. Allow an awareness of how your idealistic notions influence your choices. Create a wild and beautiful costume. Use music, light enhancements, meditation, poetry and romance on this day. Yoga.
For business use: Long lunches and social breaks used to enhance harmony. Use creative touches. Explode with color and design. Use illusion to your advantage. Good for clothing, art and jewelry sales are high.
6:33:08 AM Moon square Mars early on which leave you a little extra time to slow down this morning.
7:52:23 AM Venus Semi-Square Transiting Saturn
Difficulties in personal relationships involving insecurities regarding the status of the relationship. There can be a separation that is uncomfortable to tolerate or accept for now. There is an inability to get at the source of the problem at this time. When engaged in shopping your purchases and selections may reflect your current mood. The budget could be small. Not much money today. Uncomfortable feelings or settings during social activities. Boring, obligatory or stiff social gatherings.
For personal matters you could find something of value at a lower price that may be worth considering but it could be damaged or non-returnable. Otherwise everything is probably too expensive on this day.
In business: look for depressed area and make a plan to spruce it up.
11:03:01 AM Moon 150º Mercury. A mess to clean up. Walk the dog or pick up the kids. A call comes in and changes your direction.
2:48:44 PM Moon opposite Pluto is pulling apart because of a power struggle.
7:57:14 PM Moon square Uranus abruptly cuts off the flow. Plan visits after 8:00 PM.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
7:05:49 AM Sun and Moon midpoint enters Libra.
7:45:32 AM Cancer Moon square Venus in Libra.
9:49:22 AM Sun square Neptune. You are blindsided by the events at the borders of your efforts. The structures are compromised by the Neptune square Saturn. Confusion, romance, illusions and misconceptions are typical with this aspect. This day can be troublesome when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Use caution as judgments are poor or blinded by emotional distractions. The weather can be overly wet. Beware of someone not with the best intentions attempting to sweep you off your feet. The likelihood that someone's feelings are at stake is high. People could be overly sensitive to the comments made by others. There is a lack of objectivity. Over indulgence with anything could lead to very bad judgment. In business matters you might Create positive temporary illusions not designed to cover the facts but to enhance an image. Take advantage of the idealistic nature of your target audience. Resist purchasing and selling as this is risky as well. If the problem is mysterious as with invisible "gremlins", they could disappear by tomorrow. However keep a reference and investigate later as something related might turn up later.
1:35:03 PM Mercury 30º Pluto.
7:15:45 PM Sun conjunct Saturn. This conjunction brings the renewal of the cycle between this pair and there is a tall order to fill as Saturn is square Neptune. This is a tough way to move forward for the next year. The week leading up to this aspect may feel overwhelming and hard. Eventually you will make progress when taking control and responsibility for your life, family, home and business. You may see some success with major endeavors that have long term goals. Assume a leadership role in business or your family structure. Solid judgments. This is a day to directly take on the challenges with obvious obstacles as the solutions become readily available. In a personal way this is a confidence building aspect that supports a rational progressive move forward. Ask family heads for assistance after you have presented a well thought out plan. In business: on this day make rational decisions that might receive support from those in positions of authority. Work within structures with a new perspective.
7:47 PM Sunday November 29 the Moon enters Leo until 5:09 AM Wednesday. The final aspect dictates the outcome and it is a good one that is split parallel Neptune. There is an excellent chance that things work out for everyone concerned. Choose these next couple of days to move forward with your goals. You work hard and so does everyone else to accomplish something inspired. The Green Light begins 7:47 PM Sunday and continues until 2:04 AM Wednesday December 2.
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