Monday, July 29, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 27 - Aug 3, 2024 Saturday, July 27, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


So, the Aries Moon was in the sky when they arrested the Mexican drug kingpins. it is a very active aggressive Moon sign.

It is one of those get up and go, let's do it, let's do it quick kind of thing.

Not a whole lot of forethought goes on when the Moon is in Aries. It is impulsive. That is with us until 1:23 PM today. And that is when the Moon will go into the sign of Taurus.

So, what we have before that. My data has been all jumbled. I do not know if anybody else has been having problems with their applications. But with the Taurus Moon, we have a Quarter Moon coming in. That is a Last Quarter Moon. That will be at 10:51 tonight. So, if we are using our energies during this Aries Moon sign between now and then, you can find that you can succeed with the Aries Moon despite the objections of others. If you know exactly what you want to do and how you want to proceed, I do not think you could let others stop you.

So, if you feel you want to sign things, you could possibly go ahead with that. If you feel that things are going your way, you can be too aggressive during an Aries Moon sign. It can be inappropriate. So, you want to be careful if you are in social settings, not to offend others. That would have a lasting effect that you do not really want. You do not want a lasting effect of any insults that you may be throwing out there.

The Taurus Moon comes in today at 1:22 PM. That Taurus Moon is going to square Pluto which is that power hungry guy. Then it comes into its Last Quarter Moon at 10:51 PM in the sign of Taurus. It is a money Moon, Taurus. It is also a food and gathering Moon. This is a good Moon sign for social engagements that involve picnics and friendly family gatherings, and that sort of social type of things. Especially with the Moon coming into an aspect with Venus late night. That would be lovely for a date night.

But Last Quarter Moon is when you are actively involved in the process of letting go. This would be about cleaning up stuff from the past. If you have money matters, bills that need to be paid from the past, this is a good Moon sign to do this. Also, it is it is also good for collecting money that is owed you. So, if you have to contact people that owe you some money, be gentle. This would be good until the Moon goes into the sign of Gemini. That would be on the 29th at 5:27 PM 29th is on Monday.

So going back over Sunday. Sunday we still have a rather social energy with the Taurus Moon sign. The Moon will line up with the planet Uranus as it goes through Taurus. It reaches Uranus on Monday morning at 11:47 AM. So, if you are traveling in one direction, in mind or energy, or some other direction of your efforts or your projects, you may find that you are going to pivot. You are going to turn around and go in the opposite direction, with Moon conjunct Uranus. It can also be a lot of unique and unusual type of information and activities that you can become involved in. Usually has to do with technology In some way.

So, we have also for Monday, the Moon will go into the sign of Gemini. But before that the last aspect that the Moon makes, while it is in the sign of Taurus, is sextile to Neptune. So, it is really an excellent day on Monday, Sunday and Monday for signing anything, agreeing to anything, starting anything. If it is an old matter, like if you wanted to restart teaching, for instance. and you had been doing it all your life and took a long break. you may find that it is a good time to start that up.

Again, if it is brand new, you may want to wait until after the new Moon that we are going to have next week.

So, the Gemini Moon comes in 5:27 PM on Monday. It will be with us until…  Let's see. Until 11:18 PM on the 31st. So, the Gemini Moon is talkative. Things move very quickly. Information moves quickly. So, if you say something to someone, and then you think, Oh, I shouldn't have said that. It might be too late to take it back. That is how quickly information will fly around.

The last aspect of a Gemini Moon this time around, it is going to be square Neptune. So, there are blind spots all over the place. If you are traveling, just be really careful that your mirrors... If you are traveling by car, make sure you can see clearly about those that are coming up beside you, behind you. There are all sorts of things that are hidden with this Gemini Moon sign. Because the last aspects square, Neptune is a great big blind spot.

Then we have the Cancer Moon coming in. That is great for family. It starts at 11:18 PM on the 31st, which is Wednesday. The Cancer Moon is for family, for home. For projects and involving homemade projects or family projects, family businesses. We have that that Cancer Moon until it enters the sign of Leo on the 3rd at 7:09 AM.

But for the 31st that Cancer Moon sign. Let's see where am I here. I'm losing my information. The Cancer Moon will be hosting an aspect between Venus and Uranus. That is at 9:26 AM on Thursday, August 1st. It is a square. So, this is when friendship or associations disagree. The choices you make. Like if you bring someone home to meet your mother. Mother may not like them at all. It could also disrupt friendships in a way that could be permanent in some way, Because both Venus and Uranus are in fixed signs. And that means things get stuck.

The aspect that the Moon has while it is in Cancer, reflecting on the home and the family. That is where bringing someone home to the family might be disagreeable to the family.

Then August 2nd. We have that Cancer Moon is also changing signs.

Let's see. It will go all the way to trine Neptune. Making that a good Moon sign for gathering, passing on your information or your talents to others, when its trines Neptune. it is also really good for resting and sleeping.

Then we have on the 2nd of August, Friday. We have that Moon in the sign of Cancer. It will go into Leo. the Leo Moon sign will be with us right through next weekend. Leo is about showing things off. If you have any projects or talents that you want to put out there, that is when you want to do that with a Leo Moon. Which comes in not until next Saturday at 7:10 PM. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also listen to it again. And the Expanding Awareness show, Victor’s show on WZBC 90.3 FM [Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks. And you can call me at 617-558-7233. If you want to talk about your chart or class, give me a call. 617-558-7233. And back to you, Victor.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 20 -27, 2024 with Green Light Days Saturday, July 20, 2024 - Saturday, July 27, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Good morning, Victor. Look, we have a big fat Full Moon out there. It is going to happen tomorrow at 6:17 AM. That is Sunday on the 21st. It is lined up with Pluto. So, this is a rather intense, Full Moon. Everything is intense right now.

One of the things that is happening that I am thrilled about is that Mars is leaving the sign of Taurus, where it is been hanging out with the planet of sudden abrupt change, Uranus. Mars is action oriented. Mars is very aggressive while it was in the sign of Taurus. It was not happy in that sign, because it was as far away from Scorpio as it could get. That means that it was away from home. So, it was aggravated and defensive and oppositional.

But when we have this Full Moon, the Full Moon lines up with Pluto. Pluto is about deep and intense, and things that change from underneath. These are things that bubble up from underneath. So, any problems that have been hiding in your life, they could be buried deliberately or not deliberately. What happens when the Sun and the Moon line up for a Full Moon, and they are speaking to Pluto. They are digging up old graves. So, it is very interesting what is going to come out of this. Not only does this Full Moon contact Pluto, but it also contacts Neptune from a different angle. Neptune is the culprit for so much of what is going on in our lives until next March.

People been asking how long does this Neptune last at this late degree of Pisces? it would be in March. So, we have to put up with it until then.

But the Full Moon speaks to the Sun and Pluto opposition, which is exact on the 23rd. So, we definitely have to put up with this until that point.

We have for today, Saturday, a Capricorn Moon. As we mentioned, it is full. Mars is changing signs, as we mentioned. That is at 4:42 PM. Mars will go into the sign of Gemini. It will, when it is in the sign of Gemini, it will connect with Neptune by a square when it reaches the end of the sign and in several weeks, also while it is in there making connections with Venus. Well, it just sort of goes around making contact with others.

So, Mars in Gemini 4:42 PM. There is a Green Light after that. The Full Moon comes up at 6:16 AM tomorrow morning. The Green Light will continue beyond that until 7:16 or rather 7:26 AM when the Moon is sextile Neptune.

So that will bring a decision about business, about family business. About anything having to do with your perception of businesses. Anything that you would like to present in a sort of visionary way. So, if you are a visionary, this is a good Moon sign for you to develop an actual business plan for your vision.

So, for tomorrow, the Moon changes signs, goes into the sign of Aquarius. It has a period throughout the entire day tomorrow, not to take any action on anything. Just enjoy the Aquarius Moon, which is about joining with friends, meeting up with others. Because the Sun has to change signs on the 22nd, and before that happens there is not a way to connect that will stick to it, that will stay put.

The Sun and Neptune are making a Trine. That is 120° (degrees). That is very visionary. it is it can be very artistic. This could be something where you enjoy meeting with your friends.

Mercury and Uranus are square 6:20 PM on the 21st, Sunday. This is rather accident prone. So, Mercury and Uranus sort of misses the queue and to be able to make changes quickly enough.

Uranus comes in as sudden abrupt change causing difficult reactions. So, if you are, operating with machinery, you want to be very careful around 6:20 PM. Maybe you want to put that down and just enjoy the evening.

Mars and Pluto will be making a trine also tomorrow night, late tomorrow night when the Sun and Neptune are making a Trine. So there seems to be some agreement with those planets making changes with the big outer planets.

So, we have during that Aquarius Moon sign, the Sun makes a change going into Leo. Leo is a happy Sun sign. This is the planet of expression and fun and play. This has to do with showing your talents and being able to share with others their talents under the Aquarius Moon sign.

The last thing that the Moon will speak to will be Mercury, which cuts off. Has a bit of an oppositional quality to it.

Mercury will go retrograde by the way, August 5th, I believe. Let me… Yes, August 5th.  It will retrograde until August 28th. So, most of the month of August, we have a retrograde Mercury. So, we have to watch out for what Mercury is saying and doing during this time because it is going to come back around over this particular area to review and renew and redo.

So, we have the Moon changing sign on the 23rd. It goes into the sign of Pisces at 9:22 AM. It will be talking with the Sun by a quincunx, which is life's messy clean it up.

That Pisces Moon sign will see the Sun and Mars join up. This is for a long-term event. They join together for a plan. Maybe to build something or to join with others. It could be an aggressive quality that it is exploring. There is also a lot of work. So maybe there are jobs to be found with this as well.

There is a Green Light period during that Pisces Moon sign that goes all the way from 9:22 AM on the 23rd until the 25th at 10:31 AM. So, there is a Green Light period saying you can take action, you can do what you want, especially with the Pisces qualities. Using your intuition. Using your kind of secret connections with others. Also, your dreams. Write your dreams down. Victor interprets dreams by the way.

You can also find on the 24th where the Moon lines up with Saturn making things real. I do not know whether you are going to feel particularly hungry for dinner on the 24th with the Moon conjunct Saturn. So, you may want to eat light.

The Moon is conjunct Neptune for its last event that it conducts when it is in the sign of Pisces. That is on the 25th. So, the Moon will enter the sign of Aries for an uplifting period.

There is a Green Light that will come in after Mercury changes signs at 6:41 PM on the 25th. Before that do not take any action, because it will not stick until after Mercury enters the sign of Virgo.

Before that on the 25th. Mercury is quincunx Neptune. So, there is something about the information that is not right. Or comes out sideways. Or if you are going swimming, you want to be careful that you do not get too much water in your ear or down your throat. Take care when you are engaged with others with information. Gossip will definitely run rampant on the 25th, which is Thursday.

For Thursday, we have that Mercury at 6:41 PM in the sign of Virgo. It likes Virgo. That is where it can organize its stuff and get to work and plan with others and employees and employers.

So, Mercury in Virgo also collects its tools. It is seeing Chiron go retrograde. Chiron will turn retrograde. Chiron is the wounded healer. It will turn retrograde at 9:58 AM on the 26th. That is on Friday. So, the Chiron energy can also be about trying to find someone, talk to someone. Hire a counselor, get family counseling. You can also find with Chiron that there is the ability to be able to heal your own wounds by bringing things up. talking with other, helping someone else.

The Sun is parallel to Uranus where sudden abrupt change is the order of the day on the 26th. There will be during that Aries Moon the last thing that happens is the Moon will connect with Mercury. So, there is information that could be exchanged with a very strong power of insight. That Sun and Uranus very creative energy on the 26th. If you are an artist or you are creator of any sort, go for it.

The Moon in Aries kind of likes to work alone. So that would be the best thing that you could do. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can find that it is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you. And you can also call me if you want to talk about your chart, make an appointment at 617 – 558 – 7233. and Hi to Julie. And that is it Victor. Take it away.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 13-20, 2024 Saturday, July 6, 2024 - Saturday, July 13, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Good morning Victor. Dietrech here. This is a pretty important week. Today actually has something pretty important going on. We have the Moon going through the signs, this week, of Libra Scorpio Sagittarius. next Saturday, it will reach the sign of Capricorn. So, it is about partnering and pairing, in which there will be running mates that are chosen., people joining other people's projects.

So, there is a First Quarter Moon, that is going to come up today is important. This first Quarter Moon occurs at 22° (degrees) of Libra. 9 months ago, there was a Solar Eclipse at the same degree. 9 months ago, it would have been on October 14, 2023.

That would have been the start of something having to do with getting along with others; pairing with others; joining with others for the purpose of being on the same goal; and being actively involved in the process of moving forward. That is what the First Quarter Moon is really about. It is about moving forward with your goals. So, whatever brainstorm or event that you had 9 months ago in October, here it is time to get moving with it.

That Quarter Moon takes place at 6:48 PM at 22°of Libra. it will be influencing us all day.

The other aspects around this Libra Moon today would be there is something going on with Chiron, which is about addressing the pain of the past, addressing the need to heal. Maybe you need to find a counselor. With the Moon in Libra, maybe that is a relationship counselor of some type. That would be a good thing to research on a day, when we have the Moon in Libra, and there is a Chiron connection there.

There are a few things that the Moon will be doing. That is when Sunday comes in, tomorrow the Moon will quincunx Mars. Quincunx is 150° and it is life's messy, clean it up. It is also called an inconjunct. Like quincunx, because it really does sound like what it feels like what it does. It is something out of the blue comes and pops up and creates some kind of startling situation where you have to drop whatever you are doing and tend to it. It is kind of like the cat throws the cookie jar off the counter and crashes in the middle of the night. It is hard to sleep through. you got to get up and check that out.

Then the Moon will quincunx Uranus not long after that. Same thing Sunday morning. This one is at 3:24 AM. Then not until 10:39 AM does the Moon quincunx Neptune. So that could be water. That could be something, a secret that is revealed. Neptune reveals things that are hidden, anything tucked away. Maybe you are digging. what day is this? It is on Sunday. Maybe you are digging into your closet and you find something that you have not been able to find for a long time so that would be a good thing.

The other thing is about losing things. So, you want to be tidy about your belongings when you do leave the house. Also sharing with others. You might be tempted to share too much and then feel bad about that later.

The Moons last aspect with Neptune at 10:39 AM begins a void of course Moon period. That means the Moon is not doing anything until 10:52 AM. It is doing something. It is moving along in its path and then it reaches the sign of Scorpio. It will be in the sign of Scorpio for a couple of days. That is the Green Light that we are going to get this week, is the Scorpio Moon sign. That is because the Moon will make a trine to Neptune before it leaves the sign. You see, Neptune is calling the shots these days. As much as this week is really kind of a lot about Mars and Uranus, Neptune is at the last degree tippy toe degree of Pisces. So, every time the Moon has to make a change, it has to give Neptune a big kiss before it leaves the sign. So, the Scorpio Moon comes in at 10:52 AM on the 14th. It is there until it enters Sagittarius at 9:24 PM on the 16th. So, we have Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A lot of Tuesday With the Scorpio Moon sign. It gives you a lot of time to get some business done.

There is a really good aspect between the Sun and Jupiter. This is a parallel. They come together for a long-term good effect. This is the 15th. This is joining up and aligning in a way that is agreeable.

We also can see the Sun is square Chiron. That is more that talk about your wounds and how you are going to heal that. Maybe you want to find someone who is also in your budget, someone that you can afford to hire. It could be for banking, accounting. It could be for counseling. it could be for psychological reasons or surgical reasons.

The Mars and Uranus aspect. They have been applying and boy they have been running Havoc already, well into this past week; Thursday, Friday, Saturday, all the way to Monday, before it is actually lined up.

Mars conjunct Uranus at 26° of Taurus 10:04 AM on Monday. That is really extremely haphazard. It is angry, It is highly active in a spontaneous or abrupt sudden abrupt way. You want to be careful. Do not go driving around if you do not need to. Be really on the lookout when you do go out and about. Even walking the dog, you could trip on the on the on the sidewalk. I am kind of a hover Mother.

This Mars conjunct Uranus aspect. it is just very, very, very accident prone in general. It hangs on right from the 15th through to the 18th. So, if you are going away, midweek; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you have got this aspect all week long. I think there is a convention going on during that time.

There will be on Tuesday during the Scorpio Moon, we have we have a Venus making aspect to Vesta. Which is about investing in something that you see fit.

Then the Moon and the Sun are making a beautiful trine on Tuesday at 11:04 AM. This is positive. It leads into the end of the sign, the Scorpio Moon before it comes to make a trine to Neptune. At 4:05 PM it is going to oppose Mars. Also, earlier in the afternoon on the 16th on Tuesday it is going to oppose Uranus. So, the Scorpio energy which is deep and intense and tends to be dark. It is like a dark muddy murky river and it stirs something up, pop something up out of the river, with the Uranus energy; then the Mars energy; and then finally its trines Neptune. Which says, oh just cover that up. But if you were to contract with somebody, I would say wait until after the 4:05 PM opposition to Mars. Because you do not want to fight about it. So, you would want to have a more harmonious energy. So, make that 4:20 in the afternoon on Tuesday through the rest of the evening. Then at 9:10 PM that is when the Moon goes void of course. So, if you can make a late-night appointment or stroll into the bank, later in the afternoon after 4:15 or so, PM, you have better luck making the changes that you need to your accounts and those sorts of things.

Then the Moon goes into Sagittarius after a void of course Moon period. Void of course Moon is from 9:10 PM until 9:24 PM. The Moon goes into Sagittarius on the 16th. It will be there for a couple of days. It is not doing anything on Wednesday that is that notable. So, it is a happy sign. But this is where we are still hanging on to that Mars and Uranus energy. It is Mars Uranus come in on Thursday, with a parallel, and that is a long-term aspect. It pulls people together, like-minded people, with their potentially aggressive agenda, or violent agenda. Or it could be their high action agenda, highly motivated. we will pull them in together for a long time.

Then we have an aspect during the Sagittarius Moon which is about expanding our awareness. We have the Moon quincunx the Sun. that is a signal that there is a Full Moon coming. That is going to be next weekend. The quincunx would be at 26° of Sagittarius where that Moon is, that is the galactic center. So maybe we will hear about some aliens during that Sagittarius Moon sign coming from out of the blue.

Then the Moon will make its last aspect squared to Neptune. That is on the 19th Friday 3:58 AM. So that is not a good sign to be signing or contracting with anyone. Steer clear of others that are hot headed.

There are a couple of aspects. Venus parallels Mars; Mars parallels Uranus. It is also adding another aspect to the Lunar Node. So, Venus wants to join up partner and pair with this crazy pair. Mars and Uranus so maybe it is a female running mate or a marriage point. It is business. Corporate. It is Friday. It is a government focus for that Capricorn Moon sign.

Then before the Moon finishes up in the sign of Capricorn, it will be next weekend. It will have to address that Full Moon that is going to come up next weekend on July 21st. So, we will have to talk about that next week.

As far as all this Mars energy goes with Uranus, I would think that it does not let up for us until Mars leaves the sign of Taurus and goes into Gemini. That is not until next Saturday. In the meanwhile, watch out for Mars at the 29th degree of Taurus. That degree is called something to cry about. So, Mars will be kicking up the dirt like a bull in a China shop. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also read about it on my website. Thank you to Kimberly Chin and she does the transcription. And Julie Stoller is always there looking after us. And, Victor, it is time for you to take it away.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: